Page 9 - 31MAR2019E
P. 9

JAMMU & kAshMir

                   n March 10,         Kashmir media slams                        prevailing situation in the
                   the front                                                      state. This makes the order
                   pages of J&K’s                                                 to ban advertisements all
                   Kashmir-based   ‘negative’ govt intervention                   the more puzzling”.
         O newspapers                                                                Meanwhile KEG has
         were blank. The one-line                                                 sought the attention of the
         message in the middle of   Why has J&K Govt stopped advertisements to    Press Council of India and
         the page bounded by two                                                  the Editors Guild of India “to
         horizontal lines with image   two Kashmir dailies? wonders riyaz wani    exercise their legal, ethical
         of nib at the top read as: “In                                           and professional mandate
         protest against attempts at                                              to intervene in the issue and
         subverting the institution of                                            ensure that the media in one
         Kashmir media”                                                           of the most sensitive states
           The protest followed a                                                 is not strangulated”.
         fortnight after the state gov-                                              The government decision
         ernment stopped advertise-                                               has also attracted criticism
         ments to Greater Kashmir,                                                from the political parties in
         the Kashmir Valley’s largest                                             the state. National Confer-
         circulated newspaper and                                                 ence, the PDP and the Peo-
         Kashmir Reader without                                                   ple’s Conference, the two
         giving any reason as to why                                              major regional parties in the
         this was being done. The
         step followed immediately                                                 The government
         after the Pulwama attack
         which killed over 40 CRPF                                                 so far has shown
         personnel and led to a brief                                              little inclination
         military confrontation with
         Pakistan. However, there is                                               to explain the
         no formal order from the   mir Press Club against the   you really don’t know who   move, let alone
         government stating reasons   government move. A group   to approach. This govern-
         for the denial of advertise-  of the editors of the various   ment can act on a whim and   revoke the order.
         ments. The newspapers   dailies and the journalists   get away with it”.
         were informed by the Direc-  met at the club to display   Among the two papers,   No govt official
         torate of Information and   the blank first pages of the   Greater Kashmir is the largest   is ready to come
         Publicity in Srinagar that   newspapers.         circulated newspaper and
         they had orders to hold back   However, the govern-  has been publishing since   on record on this
         advertisements to them.  ment so far has shown   1988, a year before the onset
           Kashmir Editors Guild   little inclination to explain   of separatist struggle. And
         has termed the decision to   the move, let alone revoke   ever since it has acted as   state have sought restora-
         stop the advertisements to   the order. No government   a chronicler of Kashmir’s   tion of the advertisements
         two newspapers as a “nega-  official is ready to come on   troubled three decades.   to the two papers.
         tive” intervention on part   record on this. J&K being   Apparently, there is little in   “Greater Kashmir is one
         of the government “clearly   under the President’s rule   the coverage of the paper   of the most popular local
         aimed at slaying the institu-  has made things only more   that could have raised the   dailies of J&K. Centre’s deci-
         tions of media”.        complicated.             hackles of the government.   sion to stop ads to it should
           “Hitting the two institu-  “There is little public   “Kashmir being a   be viewed in context of their
         tions will impact the state   accountability for whatever   conflict-ridden place, we   attitude towards press &
         and status of both, the jour-  this government chooses   have to be extra-cautious to   electronic media in general.
         nalists and the journalism in   to do or not to do. It can   ensure our content meets   Kowtow to their warped
         Kashmir,” the KEG statement   afford to be arbitrary and   the strictest journalist   agenda & sing praises. Or
         said adding it will “fight the   willful and act on prejudice,   standards and is factually   else suffer,” former J&K chief
         deliberate strangulation and   sometimes with ideologi-  correct,” said a senior editor   minister Mehbooba Mufti
         subversion of the institution   cal motives ,” said a senior   working with the paper.   tweeted about the govern-
         of media in the state”.   editor with a local newspa-  “State Government and its   ment decision.
           On March 10 also, the   per who didn’t want to be   activities too get a substan-
         KEG held a protest at Kash-  identified. “In this situation,   tial coverage, so does the

                                        Tehelka / 31 march 2019  9
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