Page 6 - 31MAR2019E
P. 6
Kashmir is nothing without means of settlement of interna-
3/4/2019 15MAR2019E
its people, treat them well tional disputes such as media-
With reference to the Cover Story “On the brink” tion and seeking good offices.
by Riyaz Wani (March 15) shivam aggarwal
While expressing outrage at
the Pulwama attack, a distinc- Procedural complexities
tion ought to be made between in NRC must be eased
Kashmiri militants and innocent With reference to the report “Citizenship amend-
Kashmiris. The ostrich-like ment row divides people in northeast” by Nava
attitude of the Union Minister Thakuria (February 28)
concerned and a certain Gover- Although the Supreme Court
nor only give legitimacy to the of India is supervising the NRC
“oust-Kashmiri” line. I am afraid exercise, it does not appear that
that with such an attitude, we the issues of local identity and its
are playing right into the hands authentication process are being
of militants and Pakistan who addressed.
want Kashmiris to be disowned A closer look at the Citizen-
by India. ship (Amendment) Bill and the
The whole nation should NRC exercise reveals the po-
stand up to this divisive commu- tential to take away the political
nal onslaught and the militancy. rights of the Scheduled Tribes of
Assam, which is guaranteed in
AWARENESS HELPS The rest of India needs to assure the Sixth Schedule — in particu-
Kashmiris that they have been,
FIGHT CANCER are and will be very much a part lar, land rights.
Rather than implementing
and parcel of the Indian nation,
and not just a piece of land sans Clause 6 of the Assam Accord
With reference to the online report “‘Human mind can overcome its people. and the provisions of the Sixth
any disease’: Manohar Parrrikar tweets on World Cancer Day Schedule in letter and spirit, the
(February 4) abdul assis Pa ruling party, both at the State
One needs to express deep and Central levels, appears to be
appreciation to cancer survivors, It is a strange situation where we playing the card of identity and
have the country being united
religious politics only to garner
those who are bravely fighting in ending terror but spewing votes.
The Central government
the disease and also the medical venom against those from must rectify procedural com-
Kashmir. Targeting the people
fraternity. It is a combination of Kashmir will never yield any plexities through necessary
of medicine, the fighting spirit positive outcome. Rooting out institutional arrangements to
every terror organisation should
and the never-say-die attitude be the sole goal. enable a smooth NRC exercise
that does not exclude the citi-
which will aid them in recovery. JasPreet siNgh zenship rights of local people.
It was Norman Cousins who said, There is no doubt that what Nayakara veeresha
“Drugs are not always necessary. happened at Pulwama is hor-
Belief in recovery always is.” The rendous and that India needs to Fraud brings disrepute to
answer to cancer is: Never give take steps to make Pakistan see the country and system
reason. However, the move to
With reference to the online report “India takes
up, fight back. Greater awareness stop India’s share of the Indus proactive measures to deal with detained
students in US” (February 6)
and early interventions are going to Pakistan may be a bit It is unfortunate that some
extreme. It is against pacta sunt
much needed to tackle the servanda, an important princi- students and their agents are
spoiling the name of India by
disease. ple in international law. resorting to fraud and unethi-
Governments should abide
TS KARTHIK by the treaties they have signed. cal means in getting US student
visas. A student visa to the US
Denying anyone access to water, is much coveted as it opens the
the elixir of life, will be depriving door to quality education and,
innocent citizens a basic right. possibly, a well-paying job.
India should go for a pacific This has led unscrupulous
Tehelka / 31 march 2019 6