Page 8 - 31MAR2019E
P. 8

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                   top stories from the magazine

                                  Hate macHinery is out                              musHarraf prepares
                                  to crusH sane voices                               to return to pakistan;
                                  Though an average                                  ready to play key role in
                                  Indian is averse to war                            indo-pak talks
                                  and is aware of its long-                          Pakistani Prime Minister
                                  lasting drawbacks, yet he                          Imran Khan’s olive
                                  is being fed on war cries                          branch for peace, it is
                                  echoing and re-echoing                             alleged, is part of well-
                                  from television studios                            rehearsed drama planned
                                  and the election rallies,                          by Musharraf, who is
                                  writes Humra Quraishi                              likely to return home
                                                                                     writes Gopal Misra

      deadly plague called                                WHy airstrike on
      addiction HolloWs                                   pakistan is advantage
      nation                                              modi?
      One in every seven                                  How much the
      Indians is an alcohol                               airstrikes change the
      consumer, according to                              final outcome is difficult
      a national survey on the                            to assess at present but
      magnitude of substance                              the nature of political
      use in India conducted by                           discourse has definitely
      the AIIMS. Drugs too are                            been altered, writes
      gripping millions, writes                           Charanjit Ahuja
      Charanjit Ahuja

                                   amid conflicting                                    nation gets national
                                   reports, india takes                                War memorial
                                   bold initiative against                             India has got the
                                   terrorism                                           National War Memorial,
                                   In a non-military                                   which was conceived
                                   intervention, as the                                way back in the year
                                   country’s foreign                                   1960 when the Armed
                                   office calls it, the IAF                            forces proposed the
                                   carried out surprise                                same, writes Sarrah
                                   air strikes on militant
                                   camps in Pakistan-
                                   occupied Kashmir,
                                   writes Gopal Misra

                                        Tehelka / 31 march 2019  8
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