Page 7 - 31MAR2019E
P. 7
/tehelka @tehelka
individuals, sometimes in came to power in 2014. Lakhs of The BJP joining hands with the
collusion with institutions, to jobs have been lost, mostly in the AIADMK is another game of
defraud the system. It is neces- informal sector, and because of opportunism.
sary for parents and students to demonetisation. Thousands of N ViSVeSwaraN
be vigilant and not give room to youth from faraway parts of the
acts that bring disrepute to the north and Northeast are now There cannot be a more op-
country and the system. working in the south as there portunistic alliance than the
DBN Murthy are fewer opportunities in their one formed between the All
States. In the public sector, the India Anna Dravida Munnetra
Naresh Goyal will be the pronounced tilt towards priva- Kazhagam and the PMK. It was
only winner in Jet Air deal tisation is cutting off opportuni- only recently that some in the
With reference to the report “What ails Jet ties for educated youth. PMK complained about the AI-
Airways?” by Suman (January 31) GB SiVaNaNDaM ADMK’s alleged corruption. One
One can only see a clear winner wonders what happened now.
in the bank-led rescue attempt The employed category in sev- The PMK is too naive to take
of Jet Airways — Naresh Goyal, eral sectors, both government people for granted. One hopes
who will be laughing all the and private, is over-burdened, that people recognise and reject
way to the bank, with the banks evident in the banking and in- the opportunistic politics behind
becoming majority sharehold- formation technology sectors. such alliances.
ers while management control Mental health issues are also t aNaND raj
could remain with Goyal. on the rise. It is time the govern-
Conversion of bank debt into ment enacted suitable statutes Politics makes strange bed-
equity at a notional value of 1 to regulate the workload and fellows and the seat-sharing
is nothing but recognition that targets. It may be possible to find accord reached between the
the debt would not be paid. To more job opportunities for the AIADMK, the BJP and the PMK is
add insult to injury, banks have unemployed if available jobs are proof that parties with disparate
also committed themselves to evenly distributed. As welfare is ideologies that have been spew-
meet a “funding gap” of 8,500 not money alone, this is an area ing venom at each another can
crore, which is nothing but for focus. come together to fight elections
taking a quasi-equity exposure PG Mathew by swallowing the insults. What
at debt pricing. If banks began is really puzzling though is the
preferring equity exposure to Going by the growth trajecto- PMK hitching its wagon to the
debt, for whatever reasons, the ry in the past few decades, it is il- AIADMK star.
cost of financial intermediation lusory to expect any government There are numerous instanc-
would rise substantially, making to “vacate the stage” if it has es of the top leadership in the
Indian industry totally non- failed to generate employment. PMK highlighting the “misdeeds”
competitive. Overall, the deal There has been little difference of the Dravidian party and even
appears to be another case of in the economic policies of the accusing it of being indifferent
public resources being used for Congress and the BJP, which towards the people.
private gain. have remained pro-big business. CV araViND
SuShil PraSaD The alleged fudging of official
data may indicate that we have The alacrity shown by the BJP in
Regular employment not lagged behind in graduating stitching up electoral alliances,
opportunities go missing to a post-truth society. in Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra,
With reference to the report “Jobs not in sight, proves that politics is the art of
data missing too” by MY Siddiqui (February 15) MaNohar aleMBath
The data on employment, or the possible. By agreeing to be
their lack, are there for all to see. Opportunism prevails as a junior partner in Tamil Nadu
Regular employment oppor- Lok Sabha polls get closer and mollifying a sulking ally in
tunities appear to be a thing of With reference to the online report “BJP, AIADMK Maharashtra says much about
join hands for Lok Sabha polls” by Tehelka
the past, with employment on Bureau (February 19) its pragmatic politics aimed at
a contractual basis and daily The PMK allying with the AI- the larger picture — of winning
wages becoming common. ADMK is an unanticipated move the general election. The strat-
The now infamous promise of given that that party has been egy seems to be one of losing a
the government, of the creation critical of the AIADMK admin- few battles but gearing up to win
of two crore jobs every year, istration ever since Jayalalithaa the war.
was an important reason why it was in power in Tamil Nadu. CG kuriakoSe
Tehelka / 31 march 2019 7