Page 28 - 15NOV2019E
P. 28

• Right attitude   Buying life insurance policies to save tax or investing in risky stocks to make quick money is not right approach to deal with finances
      culture in India. Pubs are jam-packed on  in the locker, and some would invest all   their budget.
      weekends where people would spend a   the money in the stock market. Very few   A fancy car, a fancy house, a fancy
      bomb on drinks. By the end of the month,  people understand the right way of di-  watch, a fancy vacation are bad invest-
      they are left with no money. A journal-  versifying the investments.  ments decided by whims. People want
      ist friend told that often he had to bor-  Gold worth lakhs is kept in lockers   fancy stuff and willing to pay a premium
      row money from his maid at the end of   only to be used once or twice a year. This  irrespective of the value it generates.
      money. That speaks volumes for financial  is resulting in the money getting blocked  Then there are people who lack patience
      mismanagement when it comes to per-  and hence not getting any returns on   and want investment to double in a few
      sonal finance.                   it. Traditionally, people have been risk-  months. Such people fall into the trap
                                       averse would just keep the cash at home.   laid by unscrupulous agents to lure them.
      No medical insurance             By investing in fixed deposits in a bank   The RBI has been warning people to nev-
      People are losing out the lifetime sav-  they would earn more and their funds   er invest in plans that offer huge returns.
      ings just because they did not take medi-  would be safe too.      Many people lose their lifetime of savings
      cal insurance. One accident can shatter                            because they don’t have the patience to
      all financial dreams. Better be insured.   Considering frugal as cheap  understand the investment option and
      Healthcare cost is rising and it is impos-  A lot of people confuse economic spend-  would blindly trust anyone with their
      sible to manage it without insurance.    ing by being cheap. An economic spend-  investment.
      Then there are people who are paying   er does not compromise with quality but
      the minimum amount due on credit   does his research well enough to buy   Not discussing the money matters in
      card payment? If yes, they are trapped   the product or service at the lowest rate.    the family
      in credit card mystery. On the other side,  Having a car is not an asset because it   Discussions related to money are con-
      very few people really enjoy benefits like  consumes fuel and has a maintenance   sidered as a taboo in Indian families.
      free lounge access, buy one get one mov-  cost. Its price will only depreciate in   Nobody really discusses money mat-
      ie ticket, etc.                  the future. Car is a necessity but people   ters. Unfortunately, a lot of people are
        Everyone has come across the formu-  spend a lot of money and even take the   dependent upon others with their hard-
      la of compounding but very few people   loan to buy a luxury car over and above   earned money. This is the reason we have
      really understand its power. This is the                           a lot of self-proclaimed experts giving
      reason people do not start saving early                            stock market tips.
      and hence lose out on the power of com-  An economic spender         People blindly invest their money in
      pounding. Albert Einstein said that pow-                           penny stocks, day trading, futures, and
      er of compounding is the eighth wonder   does not compromise       options. They eventually lose all their
      of the world.                    with quality but does his         hard-earned money. The root cause is
                                                                         greed. As a result, many people rather
      Becoming a victim of lifestyle inflation  research well enough     than learning new stuff and growing the
      Moving from 2bhk to 3bhk just because   to buy the product or      skillset, end up wasting time on social
      you have got a good hike, upgrading your                           media, YouTube and other social plat-
      car because you have got some bonus   service at the lowest        forms. People should remember that
      are some of the examples of lifestyle in-  rate.  People want fancy   best advice on matters including finan-
      flation destroying financial lives.  Some                          cial comes from the family than people
      people would invest all their money in   stuff irrespective of the   with vested interests.
      real estate, some would invest all the
      money in gold, some would just keep it   value they generate               

                                      tehelka / 15 november 2019  28
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