Page 27 - 15NOV2019E
P. 27

money matters

 Money is a terrible master   looks at 8 such common financial habits
        This fortnight’s Tehelka Special Story
      that need to be changed for the better to
 but an excellent servant  keep our financial stability in the pink of
      Buying insurance policies for
      investment purpose
      CA Govind M Chandak pointed out that
 illiam Shakespeare, in   What are some mistakes   money is losing value with every pass-  the “big mistake is that out of 100 people,
 his masterpiece, dealt   ing day as inflation is eroding its pur-  95 have made this mistake because very
 with the struggle with   Indians make that are   chasing power.  Similar is the case with   few people understand the difference
 procrastination  that  destroying their financial lives?   spending too much on needless items,   between term plan, endowment plan,
 W brings the downfall of   tehelka bureau finds out  buying life insurance policies to save   etc.”. Many people lured by marketing
 the main character Hamlet.  It is a fact   tax or investing in risky stocks to make   and sales professionals invest their hard-
 that no brilliant intellect is worth its   quick money because there are ru-  earned money insurance plans they
 value if it withdraws from the action.   There are millions of people who   mours that a friend has made money by   don’t need. Most of them are lured by the
 Procrastination or delay or indecisive-  have six-figure balances lying idle in   investing in a particular stock. These are   hefty benefits of tax deduction at the time
 ness is the root cause of many bad fi-  savings bank accounts of banks and   some of the blunders that Indians make   of investment. Buying insurance poli-
 nancial decisions.  post offices without realizing that their   that is affecting their financial health.  cies to save on tax liability is a poor idea.
      These plans look promising but once you

        There are millions of          • only assurance  Traditional insurance plans   uncertain and there are fears of losing a
 • Losing strength  Rising inflation is fast    rarely offer sufficient cover or very good returns  job, helping a near and dear one in case
 eroding purchasing power of the people  individuals who have            of emergency. Little doubt that everyone
      six-figure balances lying        sApp, and TV. Unfortunately, a lot of peo-  should have an emergency or contin-
                                       ple fall in the trap of these people and
                                                                         gency budget for the rainy days. Very few
         idle in savings bank          invest money without any knowledge.   people keep track of their expenses. Most
       accounts of banks and           What is the end result? They lose eve-  of them just don’t know where the mon-
                                                                         ey is gone. People do not know why they
                                       rything! Often the sharp fall in the stock
        post offices without           markets shakes investors and so is the   need to save money because they don’t
         realising that their          sudden rise.                      know their financial goals. Thanks to our
                                          Even blue-chip companies and their
                                                                         Hippocratic society! People save their
        money is losing value          stocks and index stocks have not re-  entire life just to spend all the money on
                                                                         random relatives who only bother about
       with every passing day          mained unaffected. Choosing mutual   the food and arrangements.
                                       funds as an investment option will not
                                       cut the risk entirely, but risks are mini-
      dig deeper, you find that the returns are   mal. Ideally, investment in diversified    Buying things just because they
      no more than 5% or a little more or less.  equity funds focused on different seg-  are on discount
        Traditional insurance plans neither   ments gives the portfolio all the diversi-  From Amazon’s “Great Indian Sale” to
      offer sufficient insurance cover nor give   fication it needs and reduces the risk. The  Flipkart’s “The Big Billion Days”, every-
      very good returns. The real objective of   golden principle is never to keep all your  one is encashing on the weakness of
      the insurance plan is the insurance cover  eggs in one basket.     Indians buying things just because it is
      offered in case of death but the primary                           on discount. Funny thing is now you will
      focus of investors in the majority of cases  No emergency budget   find such sales every other month. Ins-
      is the tax deduction under Section 80C.   Not having any extra money in the case   tagram and Facebook are introduced as
      For a senior citizen, the ideal situation   of emergency results in embarrassing   Social Media Platform but they are actu-
      is to invest in the Senior Citizens’ Sav-  situations of borrowing money from   ally destroying the entire social fabric.
      ing Scheme to save tax and get a regular    friends and relatives. Some people even   Facebook and Instagram are more of a
      periodical income.               break their investments and make a big   marketing platform where people post
                                       mistake. One should save enough for the  stuff just to get some likes and companies
      Buying stocks based on tips without   basic necessities of life.   promote their products and services.
      any knowledge                       Keeping a contingency budget for any   Then spending a fortune on a party
      You will find every Tom, Dick, and Harry   future eventuality should always be kept  too is a bad idea because it could jeop-
      giving stock tips over Facebook, What-  in mind. Life in metros is becoming most  ardize your total budget. This is the new

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