Page 26 - English Tehelka Issue 3&4
P. 26

CoverStory                                                                                                                                                                                                 society

                   “From the very beginning, no body in my hus-                                                                  identity into the man’s family, and hence the dilu-  and kinship, and it’s impossible to remove it all in
                 band’s family expected me to change my religion. In                                                             tion of purity or superiority of dominant identities   one, two or three generations. Society is changing
                 fact, they were as accepting of me as they would be                                                             or groups.”                                     and a lot of our old ideals are being questioned.
                 of a girl from their own religion,” said Mathur, who                                                              Even as more and more youngsters are hav-     An important point that I discovered for both
                 teaches Finance and Economics at Ambedkar Uni-                                                                  ing pre-marital sex today, norms pertaining to   revolutions  is  that  they  were  happening  at
                 versity in New Delhi. “We now have a little daughter                                                            women’s sexual choices and virginity continue to    different speeds in different ways across the
                 who we have named Ayesha, which is both a Hindu                                                                 be primitive.                                   country,” Trivedi writes.
                 and a Muslim name. Both of us follow our religions                                                                Recently, three men were thrashed by a caste    It is indeed true that family ties are intrinsic
                 as we desire — I have a small temple in our house                                                               panchayat in Pune for starting a campaign to stop   parts of the lives of Indians. A lot of youngsters are
                 and read the Gita daily; he tries to go for Friday                                                              an archaic practice of conducting ‘virginity tests’ on   either influenced by their parents or do not want
                 prayers whenever he can. My parents are more than                                                               brides on the first night after marriage. According   to be insensitive to them when it comes to taking
                 happy now,” she added.                                                                                          to news reports, as per the practice, a newly-wed   important life decisions. As a consequence of bet-
                   When asked if religion plays an important role                                                                couple is handed a white sheet on their wedding   ter education, technology and globalisation, a large
                 in marriage, NRI Dr Arfana Ahmed Kishan told                                                                    night to use during sexual intercourse. The next   part of today’s youth thinks differently from their
                 TEHElKA that religion is personal to every indi -                                                               day, the caste panchayat along with others from the   parents, which can be called a wide generation gap.
                 vidual and marriage is about accepting differences                                                              community ask the groom: “Was the bride ‘fine’?” To   But deep-rooted family ties and cultural values also
                 beautifully. She was born and raised a Muslim in                                                                indicate that the bride was a virgin, he is required
                 Hyderabad and had left home over 25 years ago, at                                                               to say thrice: “maal khara (good product).” If not,
                 the age of 23, to get married to a Hindu man of her                                                             then the bride is questioned about who she lost her
                 choice. “My parents were dead against our relation-                                                             virginity to and then the both are asked to pay a   there is a fundamental
                 ship. After we got married, even his parents didn’t                                                             ‘penalty’ — mostly monetary,  varying from woman
                 accept me as I wasn’t a Hindu. Our marriage dint                                                                to woman.
                 work and we ultimately got separated and divorced                                                                                                              change going on in india
                 after having two children but that dint really have   in india today, there is                                  SloW But ConStant
                 anything to do with the fact that our faiths were                                                                                                              with the breakdown of
                 different,” said Dr Ahmed Kishan, who is a medi-  a never-ending battle                                         Change
                 cal practitioner based in North Carolina, USA. She                                                                                                             the joint family, of caste
                 continues to use her husband’s name as surname    between deep-rooted                                           Author Ira Trivedi, in her book India in Love — Mar-
                 because it is mentioned in her Indian passport and                                                              riage and Sexuality in the 21st Century (Aleph) points   and community identity.
                 she doesn’t want to complicate things.                                                                          out that India is going through a ‘love revolution’.
                   The popular case of Hadiya, a young adult who   farcical traditions                                             “By spending so much time in different parts   this change is slow and
                 converted to Islam and then married a Muslim man,                                                               of India, with so many different kinds of people, I
                 is an interesting case study of the ongoing campaign   and contemporary                                         discovered a fundamental change that India was
                 alleging ‘love jihad’. The Kerala high court as well as                                                         going through,” she writes in the book that was first   uneven but there is a
                 the Supreme Court had both cast aspersions on the   pragmatism.                                                 published in 2014. “The love revolution will lead to
                 adult woman’s decision to convert and marry. There                                                              the breakdown of the traditional arranged mar-  change nonetheless.
                 was also a National Investigation Agency (NIA) probe                                                            riage. This is significant because it also means the
                 to find out if she was coaxed into converting to Islam                                                          breakdown of the joint family, of caste and com-
                 for marriage. Finally, the apex court recently real-  Agreeing  that  perceptions  in  India  against           munity identity, and as divorce rates skyrocket,
                 ised that Hadiya, being an adult, had the individual   falling in love are stricter for women than for          perhaps also of marriage itself. This switch from    make them think like their parents on many issues.
                 autonomy to take important life decisions herself.   men, Dr Surendran pointed out, “Historians and             arranged to love marriage will be a slow, gradual   There is a never-ending battle between deep-rooted
                                                                 anthropologists have explained the control of                   one, but it is happening nonetheless, particular in   farcical traditions and contemporary pragmatism,
                 Women Bear the Brunt                            female sexuality as the key element in the devel-               urban India. The India of ten years ago was substan-  which leads many youngsters into confusion about
                                                                 opment of prescribed norms on marriage. Female                  tially different from the India of today, and the India   significant decisions especially when it comes to
                 Another glaring fact about love and marriages   sexuality is seen as the locus of family honour, and            a decade from now will continue on the path that   falling in love and getting married.
                 in our country is that women are certainly more   providing the woman the agency to choose her part-            we have paved.”                                   However, many are courageous enough to let go
                 suppressed than men. Thanks to our patriarchal   ner is seen as destabilizing this carefully maintained           After travelling to dozens of towns and cities   off the preposterous rules of societies and choose
                 and feudal mindsets, women are considered to be   normative order, which is also pivotal in maintain-           across the country, she also writes that there is also   the path of rationality that believes only in follow-
                 the beholders of their families’ honour, like prop-  ing other hierarchies.”                                    a ‘sexual revolution’ going on simultaneously with   ing love and not societal distinctions. And for those
                 erty, rather than personal entities with their own    She added that violent “repercussion is much              the ‘love revolution’. “We are on our way — how-  who do not have the strength to break free from the
                 desires and rights. Today, in both urban and rural set   higher if love or marriage is between a woman who      ever slowly and treacherously — to greater sexual    shackles of conservatism and unreasonable tradi-
                 ups, women’s lives are scrutinised and their charac-  belongs to a ‘higher’ caste or ‘majority’ community       openness, tolerance and freedom… there is an    tions it is hoped that, as the years go by, better sense
                 ters questioned especially when it comes to being   and a man who belongs to a lower caste or minority          eternal war between social conservative prudes   shall prevail.
                 around members of the opposite sex and choosing   community. This in turn is because it is assumed that         and a new generation of Western-influenced young
                 their own life partners.                        marriage implies a subsumption of the woman’s                   people… India has a strongly set culture of family             

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