Page 24 - English Tehelka Issue 3&4
P. 24

CoverStory                                                                                                                                                                                                 society

                 are significant factors today even when it comes to   states and right-wing groups across the country.                                  A Truly
                 ‘love marriage’.                                Every now and then there are cases of diktats is-
                   Dr Surendran further said that it might be pre-  sued against young men and women who dare to
                 mature to judge that choice-based marriages are   choose love over the shallow honour of their com-
                 easier in the urban areas. “While more instances of   munities. There have been multiple reported cases
                 choice based marriages are observed in urban areas,   of honour killings by families who believed that                 Secular Family
                 the general proscription against choice, especially if   their children brought them unacceptable shame by
                 it implies a marriage outside community or caste   marrying someone from another caste out of their
                 backgrounds, exists even in urban areas,” she said.   own personal choice. Across India, caste consid-
                                                                 erations in marriage and friendships have always
                                                                 been significant. Chhavi’s case is just one among a
                                                                 large number of relationships when castes of the        “Love  looks                                        truely secular Family
                                                                 man and the woman play a crucial role in their
                 Despite progress on                             marriage,  often  becoming  an  obstacle  in  the       not  with  the
                                                                 couple’s relationship.
                                                                   The Supreme Court had in January reprimanded
                 the fronts of education,                        khap or community panchayats for passing their          eyes, but with
                 technology and the                              own illegal communal orders against inter-caste         the mind, And
                                                                 marriages of adults. “What we are concerned about
                 economy, india as                               is that when an adult girl or boy gets into marriage,   therefore  is
                                                                 no khap, no individual or no society can question
                                                                 them. Whenever there is any kind of collective
                 a collective society                            attack on a boy or a girl, who are adults, it is abso-  winged Cupid
                                                                 lutely illegal,” the apex court had said.
                 continues to be                                 the love Jihad FiasCo

                 conservative when it                            The going gets tougher for couples when it comes        painted blind.”

                                                                                                                                           — Shakespeare,
                 comes to culture and                            to inter-faith marriages. There is ongoing propa-              A Midsummer Night’s Dream
                                                                 ganda against inter-religious marriages, especially
                                                                 when the woman is Hindu and the man a Muslim or
                 social norms.                                   a Christian. Cries of ‘love jihad’ have been doing the    n these daunting times when inter-
                                                                                                                           faith marriages are often blown out
                                                                 rounds in every case where a Muslim has married a
                                                                 Hindu. Let us assume, for the sake of being open to    Iof proportion for their distinctness
                                                                 dissenting opinion, that there could be the possibil-   from societal norms, TEHELKA came
                 Caste and Religion                              ity of a secret campaign to convert vulnerable Hindu    across a special family in which every   Surjit Singh (extreme left) and Aashma Singh (second from left) with their children and their
                                                                                                                         person is married to someone from
                                                                 women to Islam or Christianity. However, even then,
                 still MatteR                                    there are several instances of women, and men,          another faith — the father is Sikh,   spouses. The family has members from four faiths — Sikhism, Islam, Hinduism and Christianity
                                                                 being happily married to partners from other reli-      mother is Muslim, son is married to a
                 Recently, 23-year-old Ankit Saxena was stabbed to   gions without changing their faiths.                Hindu and daughter to a Christian.
                 death by the father of his girlfriend who was from   College sweethearts Kritika Mathur and Sha-          Surjit Singh and Aashma Saddulah   correspondent while showing sepia-  impart any specific religious teachings
                 another religious faith. The fact that this incident   rif Qamar got married in 2015 under the Special    (now Aashma Singh) first met in 1974   tinted black-and-white photographs of   to our children. We let them  believe in
                 took place in the national capital speaks volumes   Marriage Act, 1954, that allows inter-faith court    in Dibrugarh, Assam, at a badminton   the handsome couple in their youth.   whichever faith they wanted to. From
                 about the state of affairs in the rest of the country.   marriage without either spouse having to change   training camp organised by the Sports   It has been over four decades since   a young age, our son was influenced
                 Marriages in our country have always been ar -  his or her religion.                                    Authority of India (SAI). Surjit, who was   they tied the knot and continue to   by Hinduism and went to temples. Our
                 ranged keeping in mind strict caste considerations.  “My parents were not too happy about our rela-     30-years-old, was 16-year-old Aash-  be in a blissful marriage. In fact they   daughter chose to convert to Christi-
                   Dr Surendran points out that “falling in love is   tionship but they weren’t against it either because   ma’s badminton coach. They soon fell   have created a record of sorts as the   anity, though it wasn’t a compulsion,
                 often seen as a transgression of carefully guarded   they knew that my happiness depended on it. How-   in love and got married two years later   spouses of both their children follow   when she was getting married and we
                 caste and community lines. Contemporary instances   ever, Kritika’s mother was quite vocally against our   under the Special Marriage Act, 1954.   different faiths, neither of them being   let her go ahead,” Surjit Singh said.
                 of violent repercussions to choice based marriages   plan to get married,” Qamar, currently working with   “His parents were aware of our   Sikh or Muslim. Their son Tanvir Gill, a   Asked if they believe religion plays
                 are cases in point, as they are seen as challenges to   The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), told    courtship but I was too young and my   businessman, is married to a Hindu —   a significant role in a marriage, he
                 social order.”                                  TEHELKA. After the couple convinced both families       father too strict, so I kept our relation-  national-level badminton player Mo-  quipped, “What is the guarantee that
                   This is certainly evident from the hounding of   to accept their union, they decided to get married in   ship a secret from my family till we got   hita Sahdev, while daughter Karishma   in a same-religion marriage the couple
                 couples, who cross the limitations of caste and    court and then throw a reception, rather than per-   married in court. Even after they got   is married to Leon Quyn, a Christian   will be happy?”
                 religion, by khap panchayats in a few north Indian   form any religious wedding ceremonies.             to know, there was no opposition and   from Sri Lanka.                             —Ridhima malhotRa
                                                                                                                         no filmi drama,” Aashma Singh told this   “We never made any effort to 

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