Page 8 - 31JAN2020E4
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MAGZTER/TEHELKA               APP/TEHELKA                  /TEHELKA                     @TEHELKA


                                  PREPARATION ON FOR                                 ADVOCATE INDIRA JAISING
                                  GENOCIDE IN INDIA?                                 URGES NIRBHAYA’S MOTHER
                                  Persecution of the                                 TO FORGIVE CONVICTS
                                  community members                                  Senior advocate Indira
                                  in Assam and Kashmir                               Jaising has urged
                                  is the stage just before                           Nirbhaya’s mother Asha
                                  mass extermination,                                Devi to forgive the men
                                  MY Siddiqui quotes                                 convicted for the 2012
                                  Dr Greggory Stanton                                gang rape and murder
                                  of Genocide Watch as                               of her daughter, reports
                                  saying, writes                                     Tehelka WebDesk
                                  MY Siddiqui

      HURRIYAT BECOMES                                    INTOXICATING
      ALMOST INVISIBLE                                    CITY WITH DRUGS
      Major separatist leaders                            Come January and the
      in Kashmir have also                                drug syndicates — who
      been under detention                                flood the city with illicit
      since the scrapping of                              psychotropic drugs,
      Article 370 on August 5.                            have a field day. Almost
      They include top Hurriyat                           50% of the total year’s
      leaders like Syed Ali                               income is recovered in
      Geelani and Mirwaiz                                 a single month, report
      Umar Farooq,                                        Manmohan Singh
      reports Riyaz Wani                                  Naula & Arun Kaushik

                                   FASTAG RULES RELAXED                                DELHI POLLS: 24-HOUR
                                   FOR 65 TOLL PLAZAS                                  DRINKING WATER, FREE
                                   HAVING HIGH CASH                                    TRAVEL FOR STUDENTS
                                   TRANSACTIONS                                        AMONG AAP’S PROMISES
                                   The conditions                                      IN ‘GUARANTEE CARD’
                                   regarding declaration                               Ahead of Delhi assembly
                                   of FASTag Fee lanes                                 polls, Chief Minister
                                   hve been eased for 30                               Arvind Kejriwal on
                                   days from today at the                              Sunday released a
                                   identified 65 high cash                             ’10-point Guarantee
                                   transactions fee plazas                             Card’ that guarantees
                                   of NHAI, reports                                    10 things, reports
                                   Sunny Sharma                                        Tehelka WebDesk

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