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                     passed by members of political   put food on our table reminds   incentives — like a discount to
                     parties. Members of Parliament   one of the terrible fate of the   those who choose to order small
                     are not apolitical.          ‘tiger widows’ of the Sunder-  portions more than once if they
                       The protests for the rescission   bans, who lose their fishermen   need it rather than one large
                     of CAA have to be complement-  husbands to tiger attacks.  portion that might be wasted
                     ed by a strong political push-  Yet, the amount of food   — are likely to be more effec-
                     back by a strong Opposition. The   wasted in certain developed   tive when it comes to curbing
                     refrain by some TV channels   countries, like the United King-  food wastage.  There is another
                     that ‘a people’s movement’ has   dom and the United States of   form of food wastage that needs
                     been hijacked by certain political   America, continues to be colos-  to be considered. In this age
                     parties and leaders is but a vain   sal. In India, too, large quantities   of Photoshop where surface
                     bid to de-legitimise the protests   of food go to waste in hotels and   beauty seems to matter more
                     led by students, civil society   restaurants, and at festivals and   than inner qualities, tonnes of
                     activists and women.         weddings. As such, it is hearten-  produce with even the slight-
                                      G DAVID MILTON  ing that the Food Safety and   est imperfections are rejected
                                                  Standards Authority of India has   by both large conglomerates
                     The unscrupulous decisions   recently begun work on a draft   that run retail chains as well as
                     taken by the Bharatiya Janata   policy on food wastage. But this   individual buyers.
                     Party-led government at the   is not enough. All restaurants   It must be established
                     Centre are chipping away at the   should introduce a token fine   through social media campaigns
                     democratic and secular edifices   for wasting food in order to   and other awareness pro-
                     of the country at an alarming   spread awareness about all the   grammes that such imperfec-
                     rate. Far from bringing about   people who go hungry every day.   tions occur in nature and do not
                     the promised “achchhe din” or a   The electronic and print media   affect the quality of produce in
                     digital revolution, it seems that   should also contribute to such a   any way. Perhaps a shop selling
                     all the new policies being an-  campaign.                 such refused, but nutritious, pro-
                     nounced are triggering unem-                    JAHAR SAHA  duce at a cheaper rate can curb
                     ployment and worsening the                                food wastage as well as help
                     economic crisis. The new surge   It is a pity that enormous   those who cannot afford to buy
                     in retail inflation cut a sorry   amounts of food go to waste eve-  such items like fruit otherwise.
                     figure of 7.35 per cent last month.   ry day. Along with raising aware-       RIMA ROY
                     It is even more disturbing to   ness about the implications of
                     know that this inflation rate is   this for the many unfortunates   Stay cautious while
                     running way beyond the toler-  who do not get even one square   making remarks
                     ance limit set by the Reserve   meal a day, it is important to   One is hardly surprised to hear
                     Bank of India’s monetary policy   come up with ways to redistrib-  regressive comments from
                     committee. This problem must   ute excess food. There are NGOs   political leaders anymore.
                     be addressed immediately.    that collect such food and give it   Yet it is disappointing when
                                       AM LUKHMAN  to the hungry. Both individuals   educated politicians do not
                                                  and restaurants should keep in   speak responsibly. The Congress
                     Restaurants shall introduce    touch with them to make sure   leader, Shashi Tharoor, recently
                     token fine for wasting food   that no food goes to waste.  criticized Arvind Kejriwal by
                     With reference to the report “Waste not,                  comparing him to a ‘eunuch’ and
                     by providing for the needy” by Neetole Mitra   SHREYA SARKAR
                     (August 1, 2015)                                          the young, Leftist leader, Kanhai-
                     There is a great lesson regarding   It is good that India is consider-  ya Kumar, said that people who
                     the importance of reducing the   ing a policy to curb food wastage.   were not yet agitating should
                     wastage of food. The measures   But given the authoritarian bent   wear bangles and sit at home.
                     undertaken by restaurants    of the current dispensation,   These comments are de-
                     across the world — some      this policy should not become   meaning and must be con-
                     eateries in Taiwan and Japan   an instrument to control what   demned. Political leaders are
                     impose penalties on customers   people eat. Awareness needs to   supposed to inspire the masses.
                     who waste food — to curb this   be spread about the food crisis   Such remarks from popular
                     menace are inspiring. In fact, the   in the country owing to climate   figures could have a significant
                     author’s reference to the hard   change and food price inflation.   adverse impact on the mindset
                     work put in by fishermen who   Pricing at restaurants and   of their supporters.
                     fight against harsh conditions to   portion control, along with          ANINDITA GANGULY

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