Page 6 - 31JAN2020E4
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Govt must take urgent home minister, Amit Shah, had
special report Is Jawaharlal Nehru uNIversIty turNINg INto a war zoNe? 20 steps to revive economy been enthusiastic about building
issue With reference to the Cover Story “Paradox called detention centres for those who
Volume 17 Indian economy” by Tehelka Bureau (January 31) would be identified as non-
31 Jan 2020
new Delhi The growth rate of India’s gross citizens. The entire plan would
domestic product has slid to a incur an enormous expense. Is
six-year low of 4.5 per cent. This it not the taxpayers’ money that
decline seems to be a matter of would be spent for this?
concern for all except the Cen- According to Abhijit Baner-
tral government. jee and Esther Duflo, the Nobel
People do not have jobs — Prize-winning economists,
unemployment is at a record illegal immigrants do not add
high — and the purchasing to the economic burden of any
power of the common citizen is country. On the contrary, they
shrinking every day. stimulate the economy.
The Centre must take im- Will our ministers pay more
mediate remedial steps to revive attention to these thinkers than
Where is the country heading for? Three reports. Entirely different perspectives 8 the economy before it is too late on ways to garner more votes by
to reverse the downward trend. dividing the nation?
THERE’S NO NEED Demonetization and the faulty This does not augur well for
implementation of the goods
the nation, which is currently
TO BAN EVMS and services tax are respon- facing an economic slowdown,
sible for India’s economic
which is conveniently attributed
slowdown to a great extent. The to global factors. Exporters are
government cannot control
With reference to the report “EVMs are absolutely safe in facing several hurdles on the
strongrooms: EC” by Tehelka WebDesk (May 21, 2019) the economy by brute force. domestic front, including uncer-
This is with reference to an bid Complex rules and theories — tainty over the Merchandise Ex-
by Onkar Singh Dhillion, who that the present dispensation, ports from India Scheme (MEIS)
unfortunately, seems incapable
and the holding up of exporters’
is on a nationwide padayatra, of grasping — are needed to GST and duty drawback claims.
to seek a blanket ban on EVMs manage the economy. One earnestly hopes the
Unemployment in the coun-
because he thinks that ruling try is higher than it has been in government would realise the
gravity of the situation and un-
parties are manipulating the 45 years. The sale of almost all dertake all remedial measures to
same to win polls. His effort is a commodities, from cars to bis- rein in the constantly declining
cuits, has fallen. The middle and
exports before it gets too late.
waste of time as it’s a Herculean lower classes of society, both in KUMAR GUPT
task to ban EVMs and bring back rural and urban areas, are fac-
ing severe economic problems
ballot-papers once again. in everyday life. The youth is Bid to de-legitimise CAA
Further, it is not easy for the naturally frustrated at the sight protests needs to stop
With reference to the report “Politics hots up
parties in power to tamper with of their bleak future. amidst CAA row in Assam” by Nava Thakuria
(January 31)
The economy is the founda-
EVMs. These are manufactured tion on which all our social and Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen has
called for unity among Opposi-
and tested by state-owned firms political operations are based. tion parties to support the ongo-
Fixing it could bring stability
and have been found to be to the entire country. Yet, the ing protests against the CAA and
reliable and tamper-proof. And, government is trying to divert force the government to roll
back the law. When the CAA,
people’s attention from this cru-
if any party is found indulging in cial issue towards other matters rushed through in Parliament,
manipulation, it runs the risk of such as the National Register is ‘political’ in its true sense,
the protest against it too has to
being penalised by the ECI. of Citizens and the Citizenship be ‘political’. The protest is as
(Amendment) Act in order to
HARMINDER SINGH GUMBHIR hide its economic failures. In ‘political’ as the enactment of the
fact, until a few days back, the Act was ‘political’. The law was