Page 53 - 31DEC2019E-4
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as much access as may be possible for ter, the UK will be confronted with the
its goods and services to the EU, the UK prospect of leaving the EU without one
under the Conservatives is concurrently Defying pre-election by December-end 2020. Even in the
determined to leave the customs union surveys and eventuality of an agreement having
and single market along with terminat- been reached, as some critics point out,
ing the overall jurisdiction of the Euro- predictions, some of such an agreement requires ratification
pean Court of Justice (ECJ). which had even gone to before its coming into force and that is
However, this is seemingly a protract- a time-consuming process spanning
ed process and EU can take longer time the extent of predicting over several months. While disinclined
than the UK expects in agreeing to a for- his being tossed out of to subscribe to the argument of premier
mal negotiation because all 27 remaining Boris Johnson that alignment of the UK
EU member states and the European office, Boris Johnson to EU rules should make the negotiations
Parliament have to be in agreement. This has catapulted his straightforward, critics point out that the
leads to the surmise that no formal talks UK desire of having the freedom of de-
in this regard can be expected before party at the helm viating from EU rules to enter into deals
March 2020. with a thumping with other countries, entails the likeli-
Besides, these negotiations are subject hood of making negotiations with the EU
to reach a final agreement by the end majority. Electoral more complicated. Apart from sorting
of June 2020. According to experts, this out the mechanism of trade deal, the UK
is the crucial point at which the UK has drubbing faced by the is also required to work out its strategy of
to make up its mind whether or not to Labour Party that has cooperating with the EU on security, law
extend the transition period. enforcement and other deals in number
Given the fact that the British premier won 203 seats has of areas wherein cooperation is called
has ruled out any form of extension, and brought its leadership for. In other words, Brexit is going to be a
in that case if no trade deal is hammered tough test for Boris Johnson government
out by the end of June 2020; thereaf- under political eclipse in weeks to come.