Page 26 - 30NOV2019E
P. 26

Farmers blamed but

             who is the real culprit?                                                                                                                                                                           ENVIRONMENT

                                                                                                                        45 per cent of crop area. An analysis of  the income potential of the bio-mass   undermined the profitability for some
                                                                                                                        the economic well being of this catego-  and probably it is out of sheer igno-  of the entities.
                                                                                                                        ry of  farmers reveals that it is difficult  rance that instead of earning an extra   The sources in Haryana govern-
                                                                                                                        to organise even two square meals for  buck by selling the stubble they end   ment apprised that the cost of biomass
                                                                                                                        a family of four with such a small land-  up paying price in terms of penalty for   for a farmer is about Rs 300 an acre.
                                                                                                                        holding size.                    burning the stubble.             There is no dedicated market for sale
                                                                                                                           The Government of India has ear-  Talking to Tehelka, Nambi Appa-  and purchase of bio-mass. So farmers
                                                                                                                        marked funds to the tune of Rs 1152   durai, Director, (Climate Resilence   find it difficult to dispose off. Out of
                                                                                                                        cr to provide agro-machine and farm   Practice) World Resources Institute   about 70 lakh tonne of bio mass, only 5
                                                                                                                        equipment to manage the stubble in   (WRI India) told that with the help of   lakh tonne is utilized, rest is the burden
                                                                                                                        an eco-friendly manner. But those   new innovative technologies, the rich   on farmers. The large farmers can af-
                                                                                                                        planning at the top ignore the fact that  biomass can be converted into many   ford the machines but those who have
                                                                                                                        existence of hierarchy in the villages   products like cardboard, animal feed,   limited means resort to burning. The
                                                                                                                        plays a roadblock in the implementa-  packing material and of course, fuel for  government for instance, provides ma-
                                                                                                                        tion. For any kind of government aid   power generation.          chine for wheat sowing ‘Happy Seed-
                                                                                                                        and support, the marginal and small   He added that National Policy on   ers’ at concession but that needs a trac-
                                                                                                                        small cultivators remain on the pe-  Crop Residue Management 2014-15   tor with higher horse power and this
                                                                                                                        riphery. They are the last one to avail   has not been effectively implemented.   makes the benefit useless for the small
                                                                                                                        such facility. The lack of information                            landholders. The lacunae in policy im-
                                                                                                                        makes them vulnerable to bad deci-                                plementation has made many targeted
                                                                                                                        sion making and instead of waiting for   The urban India looks    solutions a grain on exchequer.
                                                                                                                        the assistance from agriculture depart-                             Use of state-of-the-art technology is
                                                                                                                        ment, they clear the field in a hurry,   at the iisue of stubble   a must to make bio mass based power
                  The presence of visible pollutants triggers a national debate on measures needed to                   many times by burning the residue,   burning only at macro        generation viable, says S P S Bakshi,
                                                                                                                                                                                          plant head for Haryana at Sukhbir Agro
                                                                                                                        oblivious of the fact that this causes
                     conserve our environment but only for a few weeks, reports komal amit gera                         more damage to their own health than   level. By doing so,        Energy Limited. He told that they were
                                                                                                                        to the environment.                                               using Denmark patented technology
                     hen  smog  engulfs   human lives, during the past decade   and parts of Uttar Pradesh in the wake     Noted agriculture economist, Prof.  unfortunately, we look     which has higher fixed cost but is prof-
                     the  National  Capital   has unequivocally put the lifestyles in   of harvest of kharif crops and need to   M.S.Swaminathan has recommended   at only the tip of the   itable in the long run.  The company is
                     Region of New Delhi   a fast trajectory. Concurrently, the in-  clear the farms for rabi crops.    to add economic value to the stubble                              running an 18 Mw biomass based pow-
                     during the harvesting   trusion of science and technology in   There is a plethora of reports on   as this will not only curtail the envi-  iceberg. Even after 72   er generation plant in district Ferozpur
         W season of kharif crops,        personal and social lives of masses in   farmers being penalised for burning of   ronmental distress but also revive the   years of independence,   in Punjab, another of similar capacity
         we all wake up to save the environ -  the absence of senitization for impact   stubble to clear the crop residue in their   income of the poor farmers. Myanmar                  is under test-run in Punjab. Two pro-
         ment. The presence of visible pollut-  of material progress on natural endow-  farms. Though agriculture does play a   is taking advantage of the scientific col-  we have failed to fix   jects of 15 Mw each are underway in
         ants (though the invisible toxic pollut-  ments has pushed us in a precarious   role in aggravating the smoke in the air   laboration with MSSRF (M S Swamina-  our ailing agri sector  Haryana.
         ants remain in the air round the year)   situation.              but farmers are not educated, empow-          than Research Foundation) Chennai in                                Farmers earn about Rs 1.30 per kilo-
         triggers a national debate on measures   During the past few weeks, lot of   ered and resourceful enough to think of   fruitfully utilizing the agri waste. As a                 gram by selling the biomass, he added.
         needed to conserve our environment.   hue and cry has been made on the farm   alternatives for stubble management.  part of the Indo-Mynmar Friendship   We need to work in the direction of   It is high time we contemplate over
         Ironically, the issue of environmental   fires emanating from Punjab, Haryana   In an era of digitisation and prolif-  project, funded by the Ministry of Ex-  spreading awareness among farm-  the sustainability of giving cash re-
         degradation captures the attention                               eration of information technology, the        ternal Affairs, Government of India,   ers about the policies framed for their   wards to farmers for not nor burning
         only for a few weeks. Once the smog                              gap between large and small farmers           Mynmar has put up a Rice Bio Park in   benefits.                  stubble and subsidies on machinery
         is moderated, the entire discourse on   Taking cognizance of     has been widening. With the chang-            technical collaboration with MSSRF,   Though 4th generation technology   for crop residue management. When
         causes, consequences and remedies   the current scenario,        ing social milieu, agriculture, specially     Chennai.                         solutions are available but in case of bio  our warehouses are overflowing with
         to safeguard the environment takes a                             for the marginal and small farmers has           According to NASA Earth Obser-  mass the lack of uniformity in the dis-  grains procured for food distribution
         back seat.                           this is imperative          become a herculean task. The urban            vatory, India burns approximately 80   tribution of biomass and logistics play a  and we the mulling of direct benefit
           The term ‘Sustainable Development’                             India looks at the iisue of stubble burn-     lakh tonne of stubble every year. We   crucial role. A good monitoring system  transfer instead of food subsidy for
         has become a fashionable nomencla-   to bring forth the          ing, only at a macro level. By doing so,      really need to introspect the reason   is required for the success of applying   PDS (Public Distribution System), shall
         ture used by the experts and policy-  issue of sustainable       unfortunately, we are looking at only         for such mismanagement of resources.  technology in adding economic cost to  we not spend the funds on evolving
         makers generously. Taking cognizance                             the tip of the iceberg.  Even after 72        While we pay huge amounts in the   the crop residue.              market for grains other than wheat
         of the current scenario, this is impera-  development for the    years of independence, we have failed         name of concessions and waivers to   The states of Punjab and Haryana   and rice? This will not only save the
         tive to bring forth the issue of sustain-  survival of all living   to fix the reasons which are ailing our    bailout the farmers, why don’t we in-  have been making efforts to incorpo-  smoke but also the depleting under-
         able development for the survival of                             agriculture sector. The marginal and          vest in the available technologies to   rate private players to consume bio-  ground water table and deteriorating
         all living species, albeit much talk and  species. Much talks and   small farmers in India (who own less       safeguard the environment and im-  mass for power generation. But there   soil health, for which again, govern-
         minimal action has put the planet in a   minimal action have     than 2 hectare of land) account for ap-       prove the income of languishing farm-  has been a mixed outcome. The high   ment spends large amount of funds.
         peril.                                                           proximately 85 percent of all farmers         ing sector?                      cost of collection of biomass from the
           The technological interventions in  put the planet in a peril  in India, but at the same time own just          Most of the farmers are unaware of   farm-gate, transportation and storage

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