Page 29 - 30NOV2019E
P. 29
a sigh of relief as the A fter a long wait, the Mahendru Enclave and Anant Ram al Floor Area Ratio (FAR) as an incen-
residents living in
tive, because the residents did not have
Dairy. The residents will be asked to
Delhi’s unauthorised
pay a nominal fee by the government
tee, headed by the Lieutenant Governor
after which the property rights will be
colonies (UCs) heave
conferred upon them. The charge on
of Delhi, was constituted, with approval
government decides to regularise their the colonies on Government land, for ownership rights. Thereafter, a commit-
of the Union Cabinet, to recommend
houses. The Union Cabinet on October example, will be 0.5 per cent (for less the process for conferment/recogni-
23 announced to give ownership rights than 100 sq m), one per cent (for 100 - tion of rights of ownership or transfer/
to 40 lakh people living in unauthorised 250 sq m) and 2.5 per cent (for greater mortgage of property and thereby cre-
colonies in Delhi. The colonies number than 250 sq m), of the circle rate of ate an opportunity for redevelopment
around 1800. The Bill to this effect will highest category of locality of the resi- of such areas in a planned manner.
be introduced in the next session of the dential area surrounding the UC. The recommendations by the above
parliament, the Modi-led government committee, besides extensive consulta-
announced. The background tions with the stakeholders have laid
The landmark decision will bring Under the nodal authority of Govern- the ground for the government to go
immense relief to the residents, who ment of National Capital Territory of ahead with the decision of handing
have been clamouring for permanent Delhi, (GNCTD), the process of regulari- regularisation of these colonies. “The
ownership of the properties for a very sation was to be coordinated and su- centre will now introduce the bill in the pain for residents in these colonies. too was endeavouring for many years. Delhi is around 50 lakh, which is the 30
long time. This initiative will address pervised as per the existing Regulations ensuing session of the Parliament for “I want to congratulate the Centre on per cent of state’s total population. The
major issues being faced by the resi- of 2008. To start the process, the bound- recognising General Power of Attorney Politics over decision behalf of the people of Delhi. As soon decision to regulate 40 lakh of them
The decision comes at an interesting as Parliament passes the bill, the Delhi may have brought cheer to the resi-
phase as Delhi is facing assembly elec- government will start registry work.… dents living in these colonies, however,
tions next year. The development may Before our government came to power there are causes of concern too. Such
Approval brings smile on faces of help the BJP to infiltrate the strong these colonies were kept away from decisions come with shoddy imple-
mentation and procrastination, even
development. But in the last five years,
voter base of AAP in the Capital state,
we have spent Rs 6,000 crore to build
the political analysts say. The Delhi
after the decision is made. Sometimes
4m living in unauthorised colonies BJP leaders voiced their support for lanes, drains, roads there for the first the implementation isn’t complete, and
time and made these colonies livable,”
the decision and termed the move as
a lot of house owners may not fulfil con-
being unprecedented. Delhi-based
Union Health Minister Harshvardhan he said in a statement. Kejriwal had ditions of regularisation. Also, the work
already announced the proposal in July is speeded up only during the elections.
Regularisation will allow building of civic infrastructure, including drainage and sewerage, tweeted in support of the decision say- this year to give ownership rights to All such concerns are there amongst
ing, “I thank PM Shri @narendramodi the citizens in these colonies. The AAP the residents. The unauthorised colo-
in 1,797 colonies and confer ownership rights on owners, reports tehelka bureau ji for the unprecedented decision to members had reportedly put posters in nies have come up on all types of land
grant Cabinet approval to regularisa- the East Delhi, claiming credit for the in Delhi, namely the government land,
tion of over 1700 unauthorised colonies historic decision for the people strug- the agricultural land and private land.
dents of UCs like lack ownership/trans- ary of a UC was to be delineated going (GPA), Will, Agreement to Sell, Purchase of Delhi. What a transformation it will gling for ownership rights. The unauthorised colony is one
fer rights, provision of basic infrastruc- by the regulations. For some unknown and possession documents, which will bring in the lives of lakhs of our people!” It is estimated that the population of which does not conform to the pro -
ture and civic amenities. The decision reasons, the GNCTD had been unable to be a one-time relaxation for this pur- Union Information and Broad - the people in unauthorised colonies in visions of the master plan of the city.
will also empower the property hold- initiate that delineation of the bounda- pose for the residents of UCs,” the state- casting Minister Prakash Javadekar Although the land is legally brought by
ers of these colonies to enter into valid ries of these colonies even after 11 years ment released by the government said. at a media briefing also called the an- the residents, if it comes under ‘agricul-
property transactions. Besides provid- of issuance of the regulations. The au- The central government in March nouncement as “a historic decision to The decision is only tural land’ then, obviously, a residential
ing a legitimate claim to the property, thorities had sought time until 2021 to this year had formed a 10-member give ownership rights to people in these applicable to colonies colony built there doesn’t conform to
the decision will encourage property complete this exercise. committee under Delhi’s Lieutenant colonies.” While the Urban Develop- the master plan of Delhi. The master-
holders to invest in safe structures, The residents in these unauthorised Governor Anil Baijal to fast track the ment Minister Hardeep Singh Puri also inhabited by plan lays the blueprint and the ‘plan’
thereby improving the living condi- colonies did not invest in safe struc- process of regularisation of these colo- called the announcement as the “most lower-income groups, of how a town should be shaped. It lays
tions in these colonies substantially. tures and the government too did not nies. The Housing Ministry had then far-sighted revolutionary decision.” down guidelines for the infrastructure
The decision which the government create any social infrastructure as the claimed that since no progress had Puri also targeted AAP for dragging its and not to the 69 which may come up in the city. Delhi’s
said is based on the recommendations said colonies were developed without been made towards this decision, the feet on the decision for years, saying the population has increased exponentially
of a committee is applicable to 1,797 approved Layout Plan (LOP). The lack authorities were forced to form the Delhi government even after 11 years affluent colonies that in the last few decades, which has also
identified UCs, which are inhabited by of these basic amenities was the rea- committee. The lack of ownership of could not take the decision and sought the DDA has identified. exacerbated the flourishing of such
lower income group society. The state- son for the abysmal living conditions properties in these colonies resulted a time till 2021 for the implementation colonies. The decision is being widely
ment released by the government, in these colonies. These colonies also in these areas not being covered under of the regulations issued in 2008. The rights will be welcomed as the one which will bring
however, said that the decision will could not benefit under the Master Plan the government’s redevelopment pro- Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal too an- conferred on payment prosperity to millions of people.
not apply to 69 affluent colonies iden- Delhi-2021 under which colonies are gramme, and hence the sub-standard nounced his happiness over the deci-
tified by DDA, including Sainik Farms, redeveloped with 50 per cent addition- infrastructure and amenities were a sion, on which he said his government of nominal charges
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