Page 24 - 30NOV2019E
P. 24

Bid to privatise Railways

                                                                                                                                               fails for obvious reasons

      on the Mobile Phone and is embedded   doctors on this Kaizala group can view   are brighter and can be conveniently
      with QR Code. This service has added to   medical history of an employee, pull out   used in 100 volts D.C.Energy saving of up           Private participation in rail services is being tried ever since globalisation
      passenger convenience.  About 4 lakh    case sheets and aid in taking timely deci-  to 40% is possible by using of LED lights.           of Indian economy was set in motion in 1991 but not many have come
      passengers per day are booking tickets   sions. Microsoft Kaizala is a mobile-only   NF Railway has already replaced con-
      on Mobile phones.                product that makes it simple for organi-  ventional lighting in all its stations with                   forward, writes my siddiqui
                                       zations to seamlessly communicate, col-  LED lights in all its stations. Besides at
      E-Procurement                    laborate and complete tasks, bringing   important stations like Guwahati, Dibru-      here  are  reports  that  the   has been tried ever since globalisation   other modes of transportation being
      Complete tendering activity of Indian   together desktop users and mobile-only   garh, New Cooch Behar, New Jalpaiguri,   Ministry of Railways is plan-  of Indian economy was set in motion in   beyond their affordability. Privatisation
      Railways for procurement of goods, ser-  users.                    Kathihar and Rangiya the Lux levels of              ning to privatise railways in   1991 right from the “Own Your Wagon   of train services will therefore be anti-
      vices & works and e-auction of scrap sale                          lights have been improved to airport                a big way to the detriment of   Scheme’, operation of luxury/super lux-  people. Besides, law and order problems
      is on Indian Railways E-Procurement   Improved lighting            standard lighting.                          T the larger public interests in   ury rail heritage tourism on the pattern   and operational logistics put spanners
      System (IREPS). The IREPS system is   Besides the IT initiatives, the Indian                                   anticipation of the Dedicated Freight   of Palace on Wheels tourism train being   for private players.
      largest such G to B portal in India. It has   Railways’ North East Frontier Railway   Tie up with Amazon       Corridors between Mumbai-Delhi and   operated in collaboration with the Rajas-  Railways often face public agitations
      helped in achieving objectives of trans-  (NFR) zone has taken steps to improve   In another initiative, the Indian Railways   Delhi-Kolkata being commissioned by   than government’s tourism corporation,   like squatting on tracks mostly for peo-
      parency, efficiency and improving of   the lighting in the interior of the railway   in a bid to increase its revenue from non-  December 2021 and 90 per cent ofthe    building rail infrastructure and logistics   ple ventilating their grievance with local
      ease of doing business. During 2017-18,   coaches. As a part of its up gradation   fare sources has decided to ship e-com-  existing high density routes on these cor-  on BOT (Build-0perate-Transfer) basis.   governments with railways in no way
      4,44,000 e-tenders valuing more than    process, NFR has initiated a drive for   merce consignments in non-peak hours.   ridors being freed from freight traffic and   All came as cropper as no private    being responsible for such problems,
      1,50,000 crore  were issued on IREPS.    replacement of existing incandescent   The Indian Railways has decided to start   released for additional passenger traffic   investor came forward having been wary  in the process delaying rail services
        Online scrap sale of  2800 crores   lamps and CFL lights inside coaches by   it on a pilot project on its Eastern Rail-  for starting high speed luxury trains to   of long gestation between investment   increasing service costs and making it
      was also done last year through e-auc-  LED lights. According to a statement, the   ways Zone. It carried out the trial runs   mop up more passenger traffic. Accord-  and return in the capital-intensive rail-  unprofitable for private investors. Other
      tion. 90,000 vendors have registered   step will help Indian Railways, to cut on   from Sealdah to Dankuni. According to   ingly, bid documents are being worked   ways and private investor’s sole motive   impediments are constraints of dual
      themselves on IREPS website. Central                               a statement the project will be carried     out for global tenders. Besides, some   being profit earning. Even partnership   security systems being Railway Protec-
      Vigilance Commission has recognized                                out for a period of three months initially.   other routes across the country will be   with state governments in building rail   tion Force (RPF) for securityand safety
      and awarded the system under “Vigi-  An online application         The pilot project is initially for a period of   opened to private train services                                  of railway assets and the Govern-
      lance Excellence Award — 2017” for    for CRS Sanction             three months where total 7 MT of con-       including sub-urban rail services                                      ment Railway Police (GRP) for law
      outstanding contribution in the category                           signment per day has been allowed to be     in Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and                                        and order including prevention of
      of “IT initiatives for transparency in the  Management has         carried in the trains. The consignment is   Secunderabad. The government has                                       sabotage and untoward incidents,
      organization”.                    been developed                   allowed to be carried in vendor compart-    also allocated about  1,300 crore for                                  wherein RPF assists GRP, which is
        In another first, India’s largest em-                            ment along with other vendors in non-       upgrading the existing Mumbai-                                         part of state government police.
      ployer, Indian Railways, will be using Mi-  in which all works     peak hours thus causing no disruption/      Delhi and Kolkata-Delhi tracks to                                        Other impediments will be elite
      crosoft Kaizala to connect its employees   pertaining to level     inconvenience to the existing system.       160 kilometre per hour speed.                                          character of private train services,
      across the country with quality health-                              The project is to benefit both Railways     According to sources in the Min-                                     besides lack of single security com-
      care facilities. Microsoft Kaizala app will   crossings and minor   and e-commerce company Amazon.             istry, simultaneously the govern-                                      mand and control on the railways
      enable serving and retired railway em-                               Indian Railways is expecting that it      ment is all out to corporatise all the                                 that was shot down by state govern-
      ployees to avail healthcare services of  bridges                   will be able to generate additional rev-    eight Production Units that manu-                                      ments as it would dent their author-
      125 railways and 133 private recognized                            enue without putting any extra stress or    facture rail coaches, locomotives,                                     itative control over law and order
      hospitals. The Kaizala group, managed by   its energy bill and also the inside of the   burden on an existing system whereas   both diesel and elec tric, and wheels                  turf. It also portends public uprising
      doctors from South Central Railways will   coaches will also get brightly illuminated.  Amazon will be benefitted through re-  and axles plants. An exercise is afoot                 in our system of democratic govern-
      be complemented with focused groups   A total of 1890 passengers’ coaches   duced transit time. Amazon preferred   in the government about the modal-                                 ance as it impinges people’s right to
      of doctors, paramedical staff and nurses.  have been retrofitted with LED lights so   the route from Sealdah to Dankuni for   ities of such corporatization wheth-                    cost effective bulk transportation.
        On registering for the healthcare ser-  far and entire stock of coaches will be   quick movement of their consignment   er there will be a holding company                          Nevertheless, it is construed as a trial
      vices, Indian Railway employees will be   done within the next one year.  to the existing facility at Dankuni.  for each group of locomotive units and   infrastructure has not taken off except   balloon as in the absence of no takers, the
      able to search on Microsoft Kaizala, near-  The initiative is part of the planning of   The  railways  will  be  benefitted   rail coaches including wheels and axles.   few states on the ground of resourceless-  government has tasked its own railway
      est hospitals and doctors, list of empan-  Indian Railways for improvement of the   through generation of revenue, without   Corporatisations of railways pro-  ness of most of the state governments.   arm the IRCTC (Indian Railways Cater-
      eled diagnostic centers and health units.   travelling experience of the passengers   putting any additional stress or burden   duction units will open it to private and   Even private container freight services   ing and Tourism Corporation) to run two
      Employees can book doctor appoint-  and is being done in tandem with other   on the existing system, whereas Ama-  corporate investments opening their   in competition with the CONCOR (Con-  superfast super luxury Tejas Express on
      ments, share diagnostic lab reports di-  initiatives for improving the coaches’ in-  zon will be benefitted through a reduced   routes to further automisation reducing    tainer Corporation of India), an arm of   Lucknow-New Delhi and Ahmedabad-
      rectly with their doctors and save digital   terior to ensure more comfort.  transit time. Upon success of the pilot   employment  therein,  while  existing   Indian Railways has performed dismally.  Mumbai route, which has been hyped as
      records in ‘Me Chat’ of Microsoft Kaizala.   According to the statement the exist-  project, other routes may also be taken   workforce may not be compulsorily re-  Privatisation of train services will not  private run trains. People hope the pro-
        Kaizala enables Indian Railways to   ing tube lights have limitation in bright-  up by Amazon and other e-commerce   tired. It will also increase the costs of rail  work in India as the country’s rule of law  posed privatization will not take off and
      enable direct communication with their   ness and there is uneven distribution of   companies to have the benefit of pen-  services to the nation for bulk of the peo-  based system of democratic governance   the railway trade unions thwart such
      employees including achievement bulle-  light. Besides there are problems of accu-  etration and quick transit time from Kol-  ple who are largely dependent on cost    where people are sovereign masters of   move with the larger public support!
      tins, educative bulletins and informative   mulation of dust particles, which results   kata suburban Railway to suburban area   effective rail transportation to long dis-  the government of the transient ma-
      bulletins to spread awareness around   in poor, lightening. In order to overcome   of Kolkata.                 tant places for jobs, pilgrimages, tourism   jority has no business to deprive bulk   The writer is a former bureaucrat.
      CPR, general first aid, immunization   this limitation, energy efficient LED                                   and so on.                        of the people, who are poor and largely    The opinions expressed are his own
      and vaccination, including others. The   based light has been introduced which         Private participation in rail services   dependent on railways for travel, and

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