Page 7 - 15MAR2020E
P. 7

/tehelka      @tehelka

                     the best banking experts to run   beings, all candidates satisfy that   the police personnel too deserve
                     banks and also ensure a strong   urge, for better or worse; unfor-  praise for having maintained
                     regulation regime to control the   tunately, NOTA does not.   order.
                     issue of growing NPAs.         Hence, even if NOTA is put in   While a few anti-CAA pro-
                                      RatnaRaj jain  the first position in the ballots,   testers in Lucknow were asked
                                                  perhaps, it may not guarantee a   to pay for damages to property,
                     The case raises questions on the   dramatic change in the politi-  it is heartening to know that the
                     efficacy of present regulatory   cal landscape. It is the time to   protesters in Chennai ventured
                     systems and procedures. It is to   look beyond NOTA to clean up   to clear the roads and streets
                     be noted that the bigwigs who   politics.                 after they finished their rallies.
                     commit these huge financial             a VenkatasubRamanian  The protest was mainly against
                     frauds are very aware of our                              the All India Anna Dravida
                     legal system, where a case can   BJP is trying to divide   Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK)
                     be dragged on for decades using   people on religious lines  without whose support in Par-
                     the maze of adjournments and   It is the contention of every   liament the CAA could not have
                     appeals at various levels. It is to   right-thinking person that   come into force.
                     be hoped that at least now the   the Citizenship (Amendment)              a jainulabdeen
                     banking regulator will thor-  Act (CAA) is anti-Muslim. The
                     oughly reform the regulatory   Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)   Trump’s visit was hyped
                     systems and procedures and   would have included Christians   up beyond all measures
                     that independent bank board   too, but it was perhaps wary of   With reference to the report “$3-billion defence
                                                                               deal, three MoUs mark Trump’s visit amid pomp
                     members will be appointed    the possible backlash from the   and show” by Dr Anil Singh (March 15)
                     based on their professional com-  US and Europe.          Bitterly stung by recent election
                     petence and integrity.         Since there is no ‘Islamic   reverses in States like Jharkhand
                               kosaRaju ChandRamouli  superpower’ and most of the   and Delhi, the Narendra
                                                  terrorist organisations have   Modi-led National Democratic
                     It’s time to look beyond     their roots in hard-line Islamist   Alliance government had a lot
                     NOTA to clean up politics    ideology, it has become conveni-  at stake as far as the visit of the
                     That the ‘None of the Above’   ent for the BJP to target Muslims,   US President Donald Trump is
                     (NOTA) option averaged just   since it can easily escape criti-  concerned. The Central govern-
                     one per cent in the last two Lok   cism citing terrorism. But the   ment is optimistic that a number
                     Sabha elections, despite growing   BJP is failing to understand that   of deals would be inked, though
                     aversion for certain politicians   its Hindutva agenda is cringed   Trump before his departure
                     and political parties among a   and frowned upon even by most   almost queered the pitch by
                     section of the public, proves that   of the Hindus, and the recent   criticising the high trade tariffs
                     it has not realised its intended   string of electoral defeats is   in India that have hurt US
                     objective.                   proof of this fact.          exports.
                       At the backdrop of ever-     The endeavour of any govern-  Plenty of store is also be-
                     increasing criminalisation of   ment heading a plural popula-  ing placed on the bonhomie
                     politics, one can conclusively say   tion like ours should be to unite   between the two leaders though
                     NOTA never forced any political   the masses. But the BJP is trying   in the final analysis it would
                     party to accept the will of the   to divide the people on religious   count for nothing if Mr. Modi
                     people and field candidates who   lines. It may taste initial success   fails to negotiate a good deal for
                     are known for their integrity.   but in the long run it would bite   his country. Mr. Modi also faces
                       Even factors such as money   the dust. History is replete with   the prospect of being queried
                     power, muscle power, caste,   many such examples.         on controversial topics like the
                     religion, etc. cannot fully explain            t anand Raj  Citizenship (Amendment) Act,
                     the paltry share of NOTA. It is a                         religious freedom and Kashmir,
                     toothless option for sure; but,   Chepauk turned out to be   which he may not relish. With
                     more importantly, it is a faceless   Chennai’s Shaheen Bagh during   Mr. Trump’s visit having been
                     option, it lacks a human element.   this week’s anti-CAA protests.   hyped up beyond all measure,
                     Indeed, NOTA is not psychologi-  Though there was every chance   there would be virtually no
                     cally appealing to us. This per-  provocation as the protest-  gains for the government unless
                     haps stems from our primitive   ers were emotionally charged,   there are some tangible results
                     urge to second guess the motives   the silver lining was that they   to show.
                     and intentions of fellow human   observed extreme self-restraint;            CV aRaVind

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