Page 10 - 15MAR2020E
P. 10

Governor vs. speaker                                             suits every party at one time or the
         Devolution of the political crisis into   It becomes discernible   other.
         a constitutional crisis in Madhya
         Pradesh has brought into sharp focus   from multiple media       Way ForWard
         the need for clear delineation of the   reports that Madhya      In their mad rush to grab power
         constitutional powers and propriety                              by hook or crook, political parties
         of the actions of the Governor and   Pradesh’s unit of BJP       of all hues have reduced democracy
         Speaker of the State Assembly. In the   is faction-ridden. One   and democratic institutions to a
         case of Madhya Pradesh, Speaker’s                                mockery.
         refusal to accede to the request of    faction is headed by       Frequent incidents of defection
         the BJP to conduct floor test on the                             of elected representatives through
         very inaugural day of the Budget    former CM Shivraj            the lure of money and power has
         Session and adjourning the Assem-  Singh Chouhan and             made anti-defection law virtually
         bly till March 26 and the subsequent                             redundant.
         action of the governor to conduct   another group is              For gaining hold on power, political
         floor test and Speaker’s refusal to do   headed by Narottam      parties are prepared o go to any extent
         so brought to the fore constitutional                            and by doing so these parties are doing
         crisis in the state.             Mishra. And with the            disservice not only to the nation but
         As per media reports, the Congress   joining of Jyotiraditya     to their cause as well because what A
         leaders in MP argued that invoking                               does to B today then B will repay A in
         Article 175 (2) of Constitution by the   Scindia along with      the same coin.
         state Governor calling for a floor test   his supporters,         And in the entire process ultimate
         rendered it a recommendation not a                               victim is the electorate whose faith
         direction and the final authority in this   the possibility of   and trust in parties gets eroded. Can
         regard was vested with the Speaker                               the parties ensure non-recurrence
         and not the governor.            another rival group             of MP or Karnataka style episodes?
           Viewed in a broad spectrum, the   headed either by             Perhaps not, because in this game of
         entire sequence of events occurring in                           throne, it is the throne that is accorded
         MP was on the same pattern that took   Vasundhraraje Scindia     priority and not the means to win the
         place in Karnataka last year where   or Jyotiraditya Scindia     game.
         the MLAs resigned, Speaker procrasti-
         nated on their resignation application,  cannot be ruled out           
         Governor’s direction to the
         Speaker to conduct floor test
         was ignored and finally the
         intervention of the Supreme
         Court settled the issue.
           Same sequence of events
         has been replicated in MP as
           It devolves on the apex
         court to set the record straight
         once and for all because recur-
         rence of such events
         will continue to rule the
         roost in the deteriorating
         democratic institutions and
         traditions under the given
           Allegiance of the governor
         or the speaker to the party in
         power or to the Constitution is
         a big question mark to which
         no political party is serious
         enough to resolve because it

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