Page 6 - 15MAR2020E
P. 6
Govt, RBI must tell why did banks. The government is left
they let YES Bank slide? with no option but to save the
With reference to the online report “ED arrests private commercial banks ‘from
Yes Bank founder Rana Kapoor in money
laundering case” by Tehelka WebDesk (March 8) falling off the cliff’. It means that
Whether the State Bank of India the money deposited both in
should intervene and invest in the private sector banks and
the beleaguered YES Bank, a state-run banks go to fatten the
name with a positive connota- filthy rich.
tion, now placed under morato- ‘Incur losses to benefit the
rium, is debatable. Whatever is politically-connected big whales
done to help the hapless deposi- and then ‘’nationalize” them and
tors elicits a positive response put the burden on the nation’
from public. is what happens. Siphoning of
It was sad to see knots of ac- crores of rupees from banks has
counts holders, mainly deposi- become almost normal. Clearly,
tors queuing up in front of YES the losers are people of low
Bank branches in desperation. and moderate income groups.
You can imagine the difficulty of Meanwhile, jargon like ‘capital
the common depositors when infusion’, ‘non-performing as-
the deposit withdrawal is sets’, ‘balance sheet’ and ‘liquid-
capped at 50000. More, up to ity’ are beyond the grasp of
WAS SITUATION reAlly 5 lakh, is said to be allowed to ordinary people.
As is its won’t, the Modi gov-
UNDer CONTrOl? meet medical, educational and ernment tries to shift the blame
obligatory expenses. It is great
comfort for depositors that for the decline in YES Bank’s
With reference to the report “No end in sight as Delhi burns” there is insurance for deposits financial position bordering
by Dr Anil Singh (March 15) up to 5 lakh. on collapse as a result of going
When parts of Delhi were The employees of the ill-fated down the road of indiscriminate
burning and many people were YES Bank and those of compa- lending, but says not a word on
running away abandoning their nies with salary accounts in it the four-fold expansion of the
loan from 55000 in 2014 to
are anxious and unsure of what
homes and all their worldly happens next must be helped 241000 in 2019. The Finance
possessions, some bureaucrats and made to feel secure about Ministry and the RBI must
explain why they let YES Bank
the future.
and politicians were saying At the same time, it is legiti- slide.
that everything was under mate to ask why urgent action G.DaviD milton
control and there was nothing should not be taken to recover How many readjustments is the
the dues from the borrowers
to fear? The question is: under who dodge paying their loans. government of the day going to
whose control? Was it under The flip side is that there is a link make to save every bank that is
ready to collapse? What about
between YES Bank’s meltdown
the control of leaders who have and crony capitalism. Poor the State Bank of India’s own
been working for many years credit decisions and ‘shadow non-performing assets? The Yes
Bank case shows that lending
to create communal discord in banking’ carried out on fictitious heavily to corporates without
accounts are not unconnected
the country; or was it under the to political funding. It is also an due diligence of their loan his-
control of the law enforcement open secret that kickbacks are tory is one of the major issues
affecting the banking sector.
paid and received when loans
personnel? A flag march took are granted. Had similar loan amounts been
place, more than three days after It has become a practice extended to small- and medium-
scale industries it would have
the violence began. Was the for companies and dummy most certainly boosted growth
companies to borrow loans and
police’s delay in action because then plead ‘stress’ to explain and employment and might
of lack of personnel defaults on repayment and have even revived the sinking
growth of MSMEs. The govern-
force the government to step in
MATheW GAINNeOS ‘to rescue and reconstruct’ the ment of the day needs to invite