Page 3 - 15MAR2020E
P. 3
Editor’s Note
It’s up to us all to fight out
coronavirus and not panic!
When the Prime minister Narendra Modi down mode, could be minimal. Otherwise, it could add
during his address to the nation on March 24, in which up to Modi government’s economic troubles. The fact is
he announced a 21-day lockdown throughout the coun- that governments across the globe are in an unprece-
try, stressed on social distancing and work from home dented crisis at present. An extraordinary situation calls
to combat corona virus, it was clear that each and every for an extraordinary response.
citizen has to fight out this virus through the shelter in The most vulnerable are workers in the informal
place concept. Earlier, the PM had made a ‘Janta Cur- sector, the daily wage earners and start-ups. The gov-
few’ and creation of “Covid-19 Economic Response Task ernment has to look for providing succour to the rural
Force”, which were symbolic and a precursor for any and urban poor by at least fulfilling their basic needs.
challenge ahead. Residents living in 75 districts across The Reserve Bank of India has to step in to stop further
the country, including in major cities such as the capital slide in commodities and stock markets. The virus has
New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, galloped to most countries of the world affecting mil-
and Kolkata have been placed under travel, work and lions of people and led to large number of deaths.
movement restrictions until March 31. A sudden rise in The WHO chief has warned that the “window of op-
cases has led to growing concerns over India’s capac- portunity for containing the virus is narrowing”. India
ity to test for the virus and that a major outbreak on the has taken the threat seriously learning from what hap-
scale seen in Europe will spread in the country. pened in Italy, Iran and America where the cases rose
Tehelka cover story by Special Correspondent Rakesh manifold. China which resorted to forced social distanc-
Rocky this fortnight is about our resolve, our patience ing has shown a sharp drop.
and social distancing for a singular goal to minimize the India has caught the bull by the horn and is likely to
spread to check its outbreak for a positive impact. Many change the course of pandemic by its shelter in place
states have also banned larger gatherings to slow down concept and aggressive action to contain the viral
the corona virus juggernaut. Economic Response Task spread. It has also done well to immediately quarantine
Force is much needed because the virus has not only those returning from abroad. It is a fact that thermal
impacted travel, tourism, manufacturing sectors but screening can’t be fool proof to detect infected people.
stock market fall is unending. What we need is to cut the transmission chain effec-
The fight as such is to block the spread of virus and tively by self-imposed social distancing. Time is to be
also to keep economy in good health to ward off reces- aggressive but not to panic!
sion blues. If pandemic comes under control in a month
or so, the disruption of GDP which was already in slow chARAnjIt AhujA
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Volume 17, Issue no. 9, 1-15 aprIl 2020 RELEASEd on 1 aprIl 2020, numbER oF pAgES IncLudIng covER 68
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