Page 14 - 15MAR2020E
P. 14


                    here are different theories making the
                    round and the one most in circulation
                    is that the virus allegedly leaked from
                    a government laboratory in Wuhan,
                    China due to some negligence. It is
                    said that the Chinese scientists work
         T secretly on “warfare” programs. An
         exploratory report by Tyler Durden in the journal
         “Great Game India on Geopolitics and International
         Relations” claimed that China stole the Coronavirus
         virus from Canada to make a weapon? China has
         never openly denied the claim of this report.
           China has stated from the beginning that
         coronavirus came from humans in bats or some
         such species. Researchers have not been able to say
         authentically from which animal this virus has come
         in humans? Last week a Chinese team suggested that
         it may have come from a snake. But the question is,
         why did this incident happen in Wuhan city, where
         China’s lab is? Why China is not allowing experts from
         other countries to come to Wuhan for investigation. Is
         he afraid that if he allows this, then his secret program
         may be exposed?
           China and its supporting countries claim that
         Coronavirus is a conspiracy against China because
         some forces (America and others) are concerned
         about its economic power and wanted to take revenue
         in such a way that it would ruin Chinese economy and
         make tt counry a pauper. The reasoning behind his
         theory is that Coronavirus arrived in China, Pakistan
         etc. but not in neighboring Afghanistan, where the US
         soldiers are. So what is the future of war, can it ever
         open the way to a world war?
           The circumstances suggest that there is something
         that creates apprehension. Will the world community
         be able to put such pressure on China after Corona’s
         demon took such human lives around the world,
         that they can tell the truth of Corona? Probably not.
         China may have described the questions raised about     Italy has the largest
                                                                 number of total
         Coronavirus as “a lie, a defamation of the West and a   confirmed coronavirus
         conspiracy by the West to isolate Asia”, but it is natural   deaths
         to question why China does not want to let experts
         visit Wuhan. It is not that China alone is surrounded
         by allegations of making biological weapons. Such
         questions have arisen from America to Russia and      for any biological warfare?
         many other countries.                                   But the case of China is so serious that Coronavirus
           There is silence around the world in this emergency   Novel started from her, which took the whole world
         of Corona. The coronavirus virus has taken thousands   in its grip and ended the lives of thousands of people.
         of lives. It  can be gauged  by  how many lives       There are many fears about China. Among these is an
         Coronavirus took, that the burial place in Italian    investigative report by Tyler Durden in the journal
         cemeteries was reduced. It originated from Wuhan      “Great Game India on Geopolitics and International
         in China, after which dozens of questions have        Relations”, which asks whether China stole the
         arisen. One, is China hiding the truth of the origin of   Coronavirus virus from Canada to make a weapon?
         the coronavirus virus? One of them is whether the     Interestingly, China has never openly denied the
         coronavirus covid 19 virus is part of the preparations   claim of this report.

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