Page 19 - 15MAR2019E
P. 19
pulwama attack
of Kashmir was experiencing Pakistani Apart from the official trade, the In- borders Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and
violations.The Indian forces engaged the dian markets are being inundated with Mongolia. Since 1949, it has been un-
intruders at the LOC, but the 19-minute sub-standard Chinese goods being smug- der the control of Communist China.
bombing with 12 Mirage supersonic jets, gled via Malaysia and Nepal through ille- The people of this region speak their
surprised the enemy. They already had gal channels. The Modi government has own language, which resembles to the
shifted the terrorists camps quite inside not taken any effective measures against language used by the people of Uzbeki-
in the Muzaffarbad sector, especially at these imports with a hope that Chinese stan. There is a demand of an independ-
Balakot, where the Jaishe-e-Mohammed may support the Indian side. ent country, because the people of this
terrorists had holed up with some ISIS For the past two decades, Chinese region call their land as East Turkestan.
fighters; but the Indian bombing sur- authorities had bargained peace for its In its effort to dilute their separate
prised the enemy. policies towards the Uyghur Muslims identity, Chinese have flooded the prov-
by supporting Pakistan’s Islamic Jehadis ince with a large number Han Chinese
Dragon is silent targeting India. Chinese government and imposed the Mandrin. In 2009, riots
It is yet to be seen how much the Sino- was apprehensive that its belligerent had broken out in Urumqi, the capital of
Indian trade will influence the Chinese Muslims may get support from the Cen- Xinjiang, which was crushed mercilessly.
policy towards this ongoing confronta- tral Asian countries and Pakistan, but During the past 10 years, the region has
tion. The Indian side has politely told Pakistan quietly handed over the Uyghur become a key area for increasing the
that since Narendra Modi government importance to China’s global aspirations.
has assumed power in India, the Chi- With the return of Musharraf, a trust-
nese have been allowed free entry into When India detonated ed ally of China, to Pakistan, Chinese are
the service sector. The Chinese goods are a nuclear device confident that the CPAC will be imple-
being dumped in India at the cost of mented without any political challenge,
its traditional cottage industries. The in 1974, a foreign and it will be able to use the Pakistani
present Sino-Indian trade, which has diplomat recalls, it was port Gwador to reach the West Asian
already peaked to 72 billion US dollars, countries, much against the wishes of
will be reduced considerably, if Chinese described a peaceful the western powers. The distance to Eu-
continue to backstab India on the issue implosion, now IAF rope will be reduced considerably, and its
of containing terrorism exported from exports will increase without en-routing
Pakistan. It may be noted that the Chi- jets bomb terrorists’ through long voyages. In this backdrop,
nese exports to India are ten times more hideouts in PoK; it is the peace initiative from Pakistan may
than it imports from India. have Chinese blessings too.
termed a non-military The off-the-record discussions with
• attacking terror Indian Air Force bombing was intervention Xi Jinping has not added any strategic or
aimed at destroying PoK centres of terrorists political mileage to the present govern-
ment. India has opened its economy to
Muslim activists , who were put to hard the Chinese, but at the cost of her own
prison terms. industries and banking systems.
China has already described that
Western condemnation of the repres- Musharraf may return
sion of Muslims in China as “politically Reham Khan, ex-wife of Pakistani Prime
motivated” at the UN Human Rights Minister Imran Khan, has written a book,
Council. It is estimated that China has which was published before the general
succeeded in pacifying the Muslims by elections, has revealed that former Paki-
arrested more than one million Mus- stani military dictator, Pervez Musharraf,
lims. They had to undergo psychologi- was a supporter of Imran Khan. There-
cal indoctrination programmes like fore, it is not surprising that MUshar-
studying Communist propaganda and raf decides to return to Pakistan amidst
giving thanks to the Chinese president mounting India-Pakistan tensions.
Xi Jinping. Therefore, it is not surprising Many believe that Imran Khan’s
that China has endorsed the UN Security olive branch for peace is a part of well-
Council resolution on terrorism. rehearsed drama having its key players
The Chinese province, Xinjiang, where in the ISI and Pakistani army. The Godfa-
more than 10 million Uyghurs of Turkish ther to this move is indeed, Pervez Mush-
descent live is stated to be an autono- arraf, the man who had toppled Nawaz
mous region in China’s northwest that Sharif Government, and had never cared
Tehelka / 15 march 2019 19