Page 18 - 15MAR2019E
P. 18


             Amid conflicting reports,

           India takes bold initiative

                         against terrorism

        In a non-military intervention, as the country’s foreign office calls it, the Indian Air Force carried out
             surprise air strikes on militant camps in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, writes gopal misra

                  ith the non-military in-  lomatic channels has already notified   ceeded persuading China to play a neu-
                  tervention by bombing   the friendly countries about the action   tral role in the ongoing efforts of India
                  terrorists’ hideouts in   taken against the Pakistan-based terror-  to contain Islamic terrorism. It is consid-
                  the Muzaffarbad region   ists. The Pakistani side has confirmed the   ered a correct approach to keep China in
      W of  the  Pakistan  occu-       violation of tis air space.Major General   good humour on this issue, because it is
      pied Kashmir (POK), India has triggered   Asif Ghafoor, Pakistan Army spokesper-  known all over the world that China has
      off diplomatic initiative across the world   son has alleged that the Indian Air Force   developed close ties with the Pakistani
      exposing the Pakistani military’s close   (IAF) “violated the Line of Control ” as the   army, both overtly and covertly, and its
      proximity with the terror outfits.  “aircrafts intruded into Pakistan.”  civilian face, Prime Minister Imran Khan.
        The sources close to the foreign of-  Among the high-profile diplomatic   There are many doubting Thomases
      fice, the Indian diplomats have been to    community in New Delhi, Indians are   that Indian bombing was not as success-
      explain the Indian stand against ter-  being appreciated as masters of coining   ful as being claimed. However, it is a fact
      rorism in the world capitals. According   words. India’s key-role in dismembering   that the bombing of the POK destina-
      to BBC news the Indian bombing has   Pakistan is being seen as the victory of the    tions has unnerved the Pakistani forces.
      not caused much damage to the terror-  democracy and sub-ntionalism of Ben-  For the past one week or so, the line of
      ists’ places in the POK, many interpret   galis in the East Pakistan.  control (LOC) which divides, Pakistani
      that the Pakistani authorities did not   It is being stated that India has suc-  occupied Kashmir with the Indian side
      allow the media team to visit the actual
      places where bombing has successfully
      destroyed their targets .
        The Indian Air Force bombing of the
      POK centres of the Jihadis, the Indian
      foreign office has asserted it as a non-
      military intervention. A foreign diplo-
      mat recalled that when India detonated
      a nuclear device in 1974, it was described
      a peaceful implosion, now Indian Air
      Force jets bomb terrorists’ hideouts in
      the Pakistani occupied Kashmir (POK);
      it is now being described a non-military
        India’s foreign secretary, Vijay Gokh-
      le told media on Tuesday, 26 February,
      almost within four hours of the bomb-
      ings that it was a non-military interven-
      tion, which was targeted only against the
      terrorists and their hideouts.  Meanwhile,
      the Indian Government through its dip-
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