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         educational institutions once every five to seven years.    lack of autonomy and no clear career progression
         All existing higher education institutions should be   system are also major impediments to faculty moti-
         accredited by 2030.  Currently, higher educational    vation.  The draft Policy recommends development of
         institutions can only be set up by Parliament or state   a Continuous Professional Development programme
         legislatures.                                         and introduction of a permanent employment (ten-
           The draft Policy proposes that these institutions   ure) track system for faculty in all higher education
         could be allowed to be set up through a Higher Edu-   institutions by 2030. Further, a desirable student-
         cation Institution Charter from NHERA. This Charter   teacher ratio of not more than 30:1 must be ensured.
         will be awarded on the basis of transparent assess-     The Committee observed that the curricula remain
         ment of certain specified criteria. All such newly con-  rigid, narrow, and archaic. Moreover, the faculty of-
         stituted higher educational institutions must receive   ten lacks the autonomy to design curricula, which
         accreditation as mandated by NHERA within five        negatively impacts pedagogy. It recommends that
         years of being established.                           all higher education institutions must have complete
           The committee has recommended that higher edu-      autonomy on curricular, pedagogical and resource-
         cation institutions should be restructured into three   related matters.
         types: (i) research universities focusing equally on re-
         search and teaching; (ii) teaching universities focusing   EDUCATION GOVERNANCE
         primarily on teaching; and (iii) colleges focusing only   The Committee observed that there is a need to revisit
         on teaching at undergraduate levels. All such institu-  the existing system of governance in education, and
         tions will gradually move towards full autonomy —     bring in synergy and coordination among the differ-
         academic, administrative, and financial.              ent ministries, departments and agencies. It has rec-
                                                               ommended creation of a National Education Com-
         FOCUS ON RESEARCH                                     mission or Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog, as an apex body
         The Committee observed that the total investment      for education, to be headed by the Prime Minister.
         on research and innovation in India has declined        This body will be responsible for developing, imple-
         from 0.84 per cent of GDP in 2008 to 0.69 per cent    menting, evaluating, and revising the vision of edu-
         in 2014. India also lags behind many nations in num-  cation in the country on a continuous and sustained
         ber of researchers (per lakh population), patents and   basis. It will oversee the implementation and func-
         publications.                                         tioning of several bodies including the National Coun-
           The draft Policy recommends establishing a Na-      cil of Educational Research and Training (NCERT),
         tional Research Foundation, an autonomous body,       the proposed National Higher Education Regulatory
         for funding, mentoring and building the capacity for   Authority, and National Research Foundation.
         quality research in India. The Foundation will consist   It has also suggested that the Ministry of Human
         of four major divisions: sciences, technology, social   Resources and Development must be renamed as the
         sciences, and arts and humanities, with the provision   Ministry of Education in order to bring focus back on
         to add additional divisions. The Foundation will be   education.
         provided with an annual grant of  20,000 crores (0.1
         per cent of GDP).                                     FINANCING EDUCATION
           The draft Policy recommends making undergradu-      The Draft Policy reaffirmed the commitment of
         ate programmes interdisciplinary by redesigning       spending 6 per cent of GDP as public investment in
         their curriculum to include a common core curricu-    education. Note that the first National Education Pol-
         lum and one or two areas of specialization. Students   icy (NEP) 1968 had recommended public expenditure
         will be required to choose an area of specialization as   in education must be 6 per cent of GDP, which was re-
         ‘major’, and an optional area as ‘minor’.             iterated by the second NEP in 1986. In 2017-18, public
           A four-year undergraduate programmes in Liberal     expenditure on education in India was 2.7 per cent of
         Arts will be introduced and multiple exit options with   GDP.
         appropriate certification will be made available to stu-  The draft Policy seeks to double the public invest-
         dents.  Further, within the next five years, five Indian   ment in education from the current 10 per cent of
         Institute of Liberal Arts must be setup as model multi-  total public expenditure to 20 per cent in the next
         disciplinary liberal arts institutions.               10 years. Of the additional 10 per cent expenditure, 5
                                                               per cent will be utilized for universities and colleges
         FACULTY MOTIVATION                                    (higher education), 2 per cent will be utilized for addi-
         The Committee observed that poor service conditions   tional teacher costs or resources in school education
         and heavy teaching loads at higher education institu-  and 1.4 per cent will be utilized for early childhood
         tions have resulted in low faculty motivation. Further,   care and education.

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