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         ernments/UTs to assess teacher’s performance.           Currently, the RTE Act provides for free and com-
           Further, a four year B.Ed integrated course to bring   pulsory education to all children from the age of six to
         about qualitative improvement in teacher education    14 years. The draft Policy recommends extending the
         programmes in India has been conceptualised. The      ambit of the RTE Act to include early childhood edu-
         model curriculum prepared for this course includes    cation and secondary school education.
         crucial aspects like Gender, Inclusive education, ICT,   This would extend the coverage of the Act to all chil-
         Yoga, Global Citizenship Education (GCED) and Health   dren between the ages of three to 18 years. In addition,
         & Sanitation.                                         the draft Policy recommends that the recent amend-
           The teaching specialization would primarily be for
         the primary levels and the secondary level. Ministry
         of Human Resource Development (MHRD) and the
         National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) have    Of the additional 10%
         developed a dedicated digital infrastructure for teach-
         ers, DIKSHA, with the aim to empower school teach-    expenditure, 5% will be
         ers of the country with access to innovative tech-
         based solutions. DIKSHA is a unique initiative that   utilized for universities
         leverages existing, highly scalable and flexible digi-
         tal infrastructures, around the needs of teachers for
         effective teaching and administration.                and colleges, 2% will be
         PROPOSED POLICY                                       utilized for teacher costs
         According to the PRS Legislative Research, the Com-
         mittee for Draft National Education Policy chaired    or resources in school
         by Dr. K.Kasturirangan proposes an education pol-
         icy, which seeks to address the challenges of access,    education and
         equity, quality, affordability, and accountability faced
         by the current education system.
           The draft Policy provides for reforms at all levels of   1.4% will be utilized
         education from school to higher education. It seeks
         to increase the focus on early childhood care, reform   for early childhood
         the current exam system, strengthen teacher training,
         and restructure the education regulatory framework.    care and education
         It also seeks to set up a National Education Com-
         mission, increase public investment in education,
         strengthen the use of technology and increase focus
         on vocational and adult education, among others.      ments to the RTE Act on continuous and comprehen-
                                                               sive evaluation and the no detention policy must be
         EARLY EDUCATION                                       reviewed. It states that there should be no detention of
         The proposed education policy has observed sev-       children till class eight.  Instead, schools must ensure
         eral quality related deficiencies in the existing early   that children are achieving age-appropriate learning
         childhood learning programmes. These include cur-     levels.
         riculum that doesn’t meet the developmental needs       The current structure of school education must be
         of children, lack of qualified and trained teachers, and   restructured on the basis of the development needs
         substandard pedagogy. Currently, most early child-    of students. This would consist of a 5-3-3-4 design
         hood education is delivered through anganwadis and    comprising five years of foundational stage (three
         private-preschools. However, there has been less fo-  years of pre-primary school and classes one and two),
         cus on the educational aspects of early childhood.    three years of preparatory stage (classes three to five),
           Hence, the draft Policy recommends developing a     three years of middle stage (classes six to eight), and
         two-part curriculum for early childhood care and ed-  four years of secondary stage (classes nine to 12). The
         ucation. This will consist of guidelines for up to three-  Committee noted that the current education system
         year-old children (for parents and teachers), and     solely focuses on rote learning of facts and proce-
         educational framework for three to eight-year-old     dures. Hence, it recommends that the curriculum load
         children. This would be implemented by improving      in each subject should be reduced to its essential core
         and expanding the anganwadi system and co-locating    content. This would make space for holistic, discus-
         anganwadis with primary schools.                      sion and analysis-based learning.

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