Page 24 - 15FEB2019E
P. 24

tion. If the ruling party is able to sense   methodology of calculating the whole-  non-institutional sources. Sometimes
         agonizingly growing distress of farmers   sale price index, a major indicator of    they take loans from arhtiya/commis-
         and comes up with desirable solutions   inflation in our country. Until the   sion agents to timely repay the institu-
         it may gain. The problems of agriculture   weight age to the food items is not    tional loan so that they remain eligible
         are multi-dimensional and cannot be   reduced, the remunerative price of   for subsidized loan from institutional
         solved in one stroke, he added.  farmers’ produce cannot be achieved.   sources and fall in debt-trap.
           The national convenor of Jai Kisan   A slight increase in prices of food items   The estimates reveal that about 70
         Andolan of Swaraj Abhiyan said that   reflects a spike in WPI resulting in neg-  per  cent  of healthcare  services are
         the rebuke of Bhartiya Janata Party in   ative sentiments. This needs to be cor-  located in top 20 cities of the countries
         the recent assembly elections in three   rected to benefit the farmers.  and provided by the private players.
         states with a large farming base must   The farmers in different parts of In-  Though, Modi led NDA-II Government
         have taught a lesson to all political par-  dia when contacted by Tehelka to un-  announced the ambitious ‘Ayushman
         ties. He said that in the aftermath of   derstand the causes of high debt, con-  Bharat’ Scheme to cover the marginal
         these elections, BJP is trying to push the   verged on the growing cost of medical   sections of the society and debt-rid-
         agenda of farm distress on back foot but   and education and inadequate quality   den farmers farmers explicitly can be
         Jai Kisan Andolan will make efforts to   medical and education facilities in hin-  covered and benefitted under such
         keep it on the centre-stage.     terland. In order to meet unproduc-  scheme-but the question is if it would
           “February onwards, we would kick-  tive needs, they have to take loan from   actually help the poor peasant to cut
         start localised agitation so that the                            down their health expenditure?
         farming community remains united                                    The Government of India has allo-
         and updated to fight for their rights”. He   • Costs add to woes  Farmers have been hit    cated  2,000 cr for this scheme. Accord-
         said that there was a need to revise the   by falling crop prices and rising input costs  ing to senior officials, an annual outlay

                                       Tehelka / 15 february 2019  24
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