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         mission has described these baseless.   are realigned at the voting place before   so far followed the paper ballot system
         Terming the allegations of tamper-  the start of voting, those touch screen   of voting finding it to be simple and
         ing and hacking of electronic voting   machines can misinterpret the voter’s   verifiable. Countries like Ireland, Cali-
         machines (EVMs) leveled by an Indian   intent at the time when the voter uses   fornia,  Germany,  and  Finland  have
         seeking political asylum in the US as   them for casting the votes.    abandoned and rejected the E-voting
         “motivated”, the Election Commission   Using the Internet in the electoral   for a long time back.
         has dismissed it, saying the machines   process itself open the possibilities   Election Commission has main-
         are “foolproof”.  But in the mind of a lay-  of hacking of confidential informa-  tained that it does not want to become
         man, the doubts persist because a voter   tion.  This clearly shows that the EVM   a party to “this motivated slugfest”.
         cannot observe the process inside the   Voting System has intrinsic security   After all these EVMs are manufactured
         computer and must simply trust that   problems. It is vulnerable to frauds and   in Bharat Electronics Limited and Elec-
         the votes are registered on the screen   hacking. Several countries of the world   tronics Corporation of Indian Lim-
         are correctly processed by the hard-  have refused the EVM Voting System    ited under very strict supervisory and
         ware and software of the computer.   because they all find it insecure and   security conditions. Also, there are rig-
         Can paper receipts rule out bugs or    easily subjected to frauds, flaws, and   orous standard operating procedures
         malicious code in the software or the   manipulations. Developed nations like   meticulously observed at all stages
         possibility of malfunctioning of hard-  UK, France, Singapore, and Japan have   under the supervision of a committee
         ware or software?
           Are these EVMs foolproof? It is a fact
         that voters cannot observe the process
         inside the computer and must simply
         trust that the votes are registered on
         the screen is correctly processed by the
         hardware and software of the comput-
         er. Mere a paper receipt cannot rule out
         bugs or malicious code in the software
         nor it terminates the possibility of mal-
         functioning of hardware or software.
         Then there is the recount issue. EVMs
         systems have two ballots, one is the
         electronic record stored by the EVM
         and the other is voter-verifiable paper
         ballots printed by the EVM. Issues may
         arise about the authenticity of both the
         electronic and paper ballots when the
         result of the totals does not match. Also
         the accuracy tests and logic on EVMs                             of eminent technical experts consti-
         are complex and troublesome.       Political parties had         tuted way back in 2010.
           There are two methods in the first   been making a hue            For quite some time,  political par-
         the election workers follow a script and                         ties had been making a hue and cry
         enter test votes in an EVM via the touch   and cry over alleged   over alleged misuse of electronic vot-
         screen which is surely time-consum-  misuse of electronic        ing machines by the ruling dispensa-
         ing and expensive. The second method                             tion. The immediate reason for Election
         uses a test cartridge that is plugged into   voting machines by   Commission to issue a rejoinder was
         the voting machine to activate a hu-  the ruling party. The      a disclosure made by one Syed Suja
         man casting vote through the touch                               recently at a press conference in Lon-
         screen, this method is efficient but it is   reason for Election   don via Skype, claiming that the 2014
         very complex for the one who is wit-                             General Election was “rigged” through
         nessing the test and feels perplexed to   Commission to issue    the EVMs, which, he said, could be
         understand what this test is all about.    a rejoinder was a     hacked. Syed Suja also alleged that he
         A malicious EVM system can affect a                              fled India in 2014 because he felt threat-
         huge number of votes. The sensors in   recent claim made by      ened in the country after the killing of
         the touch screen devices can lose the   a self proclaimed        some of his team members.
         alignment by shock or vibration dur-                                Soon after Shuja’s press meet, West
         ing transport. And unless the sensors   cyber expert in UK       Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee

                                       Tehelka / 15 february 2019  27
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