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reational activities especially those   use both mobile phones and comput-  Similar is the story of another tech
                                                                                                                         on devices to minimise screen tim -  ers while at work. But when it comes to  couple from the city, Rohini and Sha-
                                                                                                                         ings.They should encourage outdoor    their three year old daughter Wanika,   mik, both working as senior executives
                                                                                                                         activities and encourage more human   screen time is strictly limited.   in a US based firm and even frequent
                                                                                                                         interactions for the well being of the   “Call it an occupational hazard, but   the country often for work. “Initially, we
                                                                                                                         children”.                      working in and around technology the   enrolled our four year old daughter to a
                                                                                                                                                         whole day and sometimes at odd hours,  fancy private school in Bengaluru, hop-
                                                                                                                         Silicon Valley scenario         made us cautious for our daughter. We   ing to get her the best education amidst
                                                                                                                         The parents working and living in the   are well aware of the potential harm-  a great environment. However, we had
                                                                                                                         Silicon Valley, California, which houses   ful effects that technology can have   to take her out of the school within a
                                                                                                                         some of the biggest names in the tech   on our child and therefore we want to   month after we realised that the school
                                                                                                                         world with a sizeable Indian work-  avoid it for as long as we can”, echoed   relies too much on technology-they
                                                                                                                         force, are already showing concerns   the couple.                had projectors in classrooms instead of
                                                                                                                         about usage of devices and technology.                           regular white/black boards; for recrea-
                                                                                                                         Having seen first-hand the potentially                           tions, the children were sent to the mini
                                                                                                                         harmful impact of technology on the   • Screen woes  Emotional or social problems   theatre within the school for watching
                                                                                                                         children either through living or work-  among kids are linked to screen addiction  rhymes, cartoons etc. Even the home-
                                                                                                                         ing in the Bay Area, the                                                     work was to be done on
                                                                                                                         parents are following                                                        I pads. Since we have
                                                                                                                         in the footsteps of tech                                                     prohibited her from us-
                                                                                                                         giants  who  have  set                                                       ing any device at home,
                                                                                                                         limits for their own chil-                                                   we did not want her to
                                                                                                                         dren for years.                                                              get access to screens at
                                                                                                                           In fact, a 2017 survey                                                     the school. The idea is
                                                                                                                         conducted by the Sili-                                                       to keep her away for as
         while 73 per cent of Indian kids are    • Time out  Reduced screen time, according to   phones for more than four hours in   con Valley Community                                            long as we can”, averred
         mobile phone users. Of these, 70 per   studies, is crucial for the wellbeing of children  a day. On stopping the use of mobile   Foundation in Califor-                                      the couple.
         cent fall under the age group of 7-10                            phones,  these  children  recovered            nia, found among 907
         years while 76 per cent are in the age                           completely.                                    Silicon Valley parents                                                       Way forward
         group of 11-14 years.            screen time can permanently dull kids’   Dr Adarsh Kohli, professor of Clini-  that despite high con-                                                       There is a complex re-
           That’s not all. A study conducted last  abilities to read nonverbal cues, ac-  cal Psychology, at the Post Graduate   fidence in technology’s                                              lation between screen
         December study by the University of   cept delayed gratification, and actively    Institute of Medical Education and    benefits,  many  par -                                               time, psychological and
         Michigan, USA,  suggests that how chil-  engage with the world around them.  Research (PGIMER), said, “Right from   ents now have serious                                                    social health, physical
         dren use the devices is the strongest   Apart  from  how  prolong  use  of   one year onwards, children are hooked   concerns about tech’s                                                   activity, and cognition.
         predictor of emotional or social prob-  screens adversely affect the function-  to the screen. They eat while watching   impact  on  kids’  psy -                                            If all this gets you think-
         lems connected with screen addiction.  ing of the brain, a rather known ill    the shows or videos and are engrossed   chological  and  social                                               ing,  then  you  might
           The study demonstrated that there is  effect of the screen, is how it affects the  in their own world. Parents do not    development.                                                      want  to  revisit  your
         more to the problem than just the num-  vision of the children.  A study conduct-  find a better way to distract them other   Closer home, in Ben-                                           own household’s rules
         ber of screen hours. What matters most  ed by the department of Paediatrics,   than the screen. As one grows older,   galuru  which  is  also                                                vis-à-vis  letting your
         is whether screen use causes problems  Post Graduate Institute of Medical Edu-  these children find other activities to   known as India’s Silicon Valley and   There is a complex   children watch mobile screens or even
         in other areas of life or has become an   cation and Research (PGIMER), Chan-  do with the devices such as playing   Gurgaon, techies are also becoming                          computers for long hours. At the same
         all-consuming activity, stated one of the  digarh, revealed that excessive use of   games on screens and thus get addict-  more wary and are thus limiting or   relation between   time, you would not want your child
         researchers of the study.        mobile phone screen can lead to double  ed to its use. Its addiction is common to   even prohibiting the use of screens at                      to feel left out among his peers. So a
           Some of the warning signs include   vision and squinted eyes.  children and adolescents alike. It keeps       all for their children.           screen time,                   fine  balance  is  what  needs  to  be
         if screen time interferes with daily    The study was done by the paediat-  them away from social interactions and   Instead most of these parents are   psychological           achieved here. Some handy tips straight
         activities, causes conflict for the child or  ric ophthalmology team at Advanced   challenges of life. Unlimited hours on   now enrolling their children in schools              up from the tech giants can be followed
         in the family, or is the only activity that   Eye Centre (Dr. Savleen, Dr Manpreet,   the screen makes them lethargic and   which have very limited use of tech-  and social health,   too such as no mobile phones until kids
         brings the child joy.            Dr. Jaspreet Sukhija) which has brought   less active. They eat junk food and sleep   nological devices and instead focus on   physical activity,   turn 14, banning devices at meal times,
           Take the 2014 study from the Univer-  forward an unknown side effect of    less. This all makes them moody and   traditional methods of imparting edu-                         setting strict limits on screen time
         sity of California Los Angeles that found  excessive usage of mobile phones.   restless. They cannot hold a conversa-  cation such as using chalk and board   and cognition.     during  weekdays.  Last  but  not  the
         that kids who went five days without   The  study  which  was  published   tion for long and find it hard to focus on   instead of e-boards, Google Chrome-  Parents need to     least, limiting your own screen time in
         exposure to technology were much   in the Neuro Ophthalmology Jour -  other areas”.                             book etc for school work.                                        the  presence  of  children  for  they
         better at reading human emotions   nal recently shows that children aged   She suggests, “It is very pertinent    Saubhagya, a techie working in Ben-  strike a fine balance     imitate us afterall!
         than kids who had access to televisions,  between 8-12 years developed squint   for the parents to exert optimum con-  galuru and her husband Sathish- both   between all
         computers  and  phones. Too  much   and double vision after using mobile   trol and should set timings for all rec-  top executives in leading software firms                                    LETTERS@TEHELKA.COM

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