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                         India’s increasing

             assertion in Afghanistan

                          worries Pakistan

           Islamabad’s growing frustration against New Delhi can be guessed by the recent statement of its
         foreign secretary, Tehmina Janjua, before the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs accusing India of
                          using Afghan soil for militancy in Pakistan, writes GOPAL MISRA

                     ho is afraid of Uncle   activities from Canada to Dacca. Mean-  ing the debate in the Pakistani senate,
                     Sam? The Pakistanis   while, Bangladesh has refused to Pa-  it was reasserted that “Pakistan only
                     have  dared  the  US   kistani envoy Saqlain Syedah for her   receives “a trickle” of economic assis-
                     establishment,  and   close ties with ISI amidst the reports   tance from the US and does not get any
         W now, they are busy in          that its Dacca high commission is per-  military hardware from them and Paki-
         having strategic alliances with Russia   petrating ISI activities in Bangladesh   stanis are not like in the past when they
         and China. Pakistan under its military-  and the neighboring West Bengal and   were American’s proxy,”
         sponsored Prime Minister Imran Khan  the north-eastern states of India.  According to a USAID report, the
         has succeeded in garnering adequate   The Pakistan’s growing frustration   US aid to Pakistan till 2012 stood at $60
         funds for its survival for next year. Both  against India can be guessed by the   Billion. Also, in the last five years alone,
         Saudi and Chinese governments have   recent statement of its foreign secre-  since 2011, Pakistan has received some
         extended huge financial assistance to   tary, Tehmina Janjua, before the Senate   $15 Billion in aid from America, includ-
         Pakistan, which could enable its finan-  Committee on Foreign Affairs accusing  ing military and financial assistance.  Afghanistan’s reconstruction process,   lochistan Frontier Corps, Major Gen-  Al-Qaeda and the Taliban government
         cial difficulties for next 12 months.   India of using Afghan soil for militancy   After US President Donald Trump   a cornerstone of Trump’s new Afghan-  eral Nadeem Anjum, claimed before   that harbored and supported Al-Qaeda
           Emboldened with these liberal fund-  in Pakistan and asserted her country   called Pakistan a treacherous nation   istan policy, even if Pakistan sees an   the senate panel that the move by the   in Afghanistan enabled it to destroy the
         ing, Pakistani army and its intelligence   would soon took up the matter with the  and a safe haven for terrorists, engaged   increased Indian presence in Afghani-  “enemies” was aimed at compelling   terrorists initially, but it has resurfaced
         wing, Inter-Services intelligence (ISI),   US. She asserted that the “US has been   in double-dealings, harboring and pro-  stan inimical to its interests.  United Nations intervention to declare   in recent years.
         have decided to challenge India by   apprised of the fact that Indian intelli-  tecting the very same terrorists who                            Balochistan an independent state. These   The United States has suffered more
         adopting the twin strategy of projecting  gence agency RAW is using Afghan soil  attack the US interests in Afghanistan,   Balochistan unrest   statements enabled Anjum to seek more  than 2,000 casualties in Afghanistan
         itself a victim of terrorism while quietly  for terrorist activities in Pakistan.” Dur-  while unveiling his South Asia policy,   During the discussion, the chairman   funds for the para-military troops.   and has spent more than $132 billion for
         fanning up terror activities in Jammu                            the US has increasingly been putting           of Senate panel, Rehman Malik, tar-  While comparing the situation in   reconstruction in the strife-torn cout-
         and Kashmir as well as in the bordering                          more pressure on Pakistan to honor its         geted Prime Minister Narendra Modi   Balochistan with that in countries like   nry. In that time, an elected Afghan gov-
         states of Punjab and Rajasthan. The Im-                          commitment.                                    for the growing unrest in Balochistan.   Libya and Yemen, he alleged that efforts  ernment has replaced the Taliban, and
         ran Khan government appears to have   Pakistani army and            Pakistan has praised itself for the         According to him, the Research and   were being made to create unrest across  nearly every measure of human devel-
         green signaled to the renewed terror-  ISI challenge India       brilliant rescue operation to liber -          Analysis Wing (RAW) and Afghan in-  Balochistan, pointing that earlier there   opment has improved, although future
         ists’ attacks on India, especially follow-                       ate a US-Canadian family who was in            telligence agency were carrying out   was disturbance in just parts of the   prospects of those measures remain
         ing the presence of two former Indian   by adopting the twin     Haqqanis’ captivity for five years, the        “terrorist activities” in Balochistan.   province. He demanded that his troops   mixed. While military officials profess
         diplomats, Amar Sinha and TCA Ragh-  strategy of projecting      terse response from Trump was, “the            He was extensively quoted in the daly   should be equipped with “modern gadg-  greater optimism about the course of
         van at the recently held Moscow meet                             Pakistani government’s cooperation             newspaper,  Dawn. The  anti-India   ets and helicopter”.         the war in 2018, other policymakers
         for peace in Afghanistan.         themselves a victim            is a sign that it is honoring America’s        drama was further enacted before   The Congressional Research Papers   and analysts have described the war
           India did not send any official del-                           wishes for it to do more to provide            the Senate sub-committee, when the   extensively quoted in media point out   against the insurgency (which controls
         egation to the conference, but it de-  of terrorism while        security in the region.”                       Frontier Corps of Balochistan, a part   that during the past nearly two dec-  or contests nearly half of the country’s
         ployed two non-officials, who earlier   quietly fanning up          The US has taken measures includ-           of the federal paramilitary forces of   ades, since 2001, Afghanistan has been   territory, by Pentagon estimates) as a
         had served as India’s Ambassador to                              ing cutting military aid to Pakistan and       Pakistan, alleged that “enemies” of the   a central U.S. foreign policy concern.   stalemate.
         Kabul and the High Commissioner to   violence in J&K,            is going to curtail its role in Afghanistan    country have plans to increase the lev-  In response to the terrorist attacks of   The Parliamentary elections were
         Pakistan. An angry Pakistani establish-                          while at the same time is looking for          el of violence in the province.   September 11 on its towers in New York,  held in October 2018 but were marred
         ment has triggered off ISI-sponsored   Punjab and Rajasthan      a strategic partnership with India in            The Inspector General of the Ba-  the US-led military campaign against   by technical, logistical, and security

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