Page 45 - 15DEC2018E
P. 45
On what plans is the Steel Ministry have the analysis. By the way, author- up to accepted level, we had to import
currently working on? ized reports are more meaningful and BIS standard and the resultant im -
Steel consumption has increased we also take cognizance of unauthor- pact was start of pouring in of good
over the past three to four years in our ised reports so as to ascertain as to what results. I feel that big or small in steel
country. In view of this, we came up with kind of these reports are and what kind industry will get a fair chance at one
National Steel Policy in 2017 and un - of results they offer. level.
der this policy we have fixed the target
of achieving 300 million ton of steel This report describes about failed It has been an endeavour on the
production. We have prepared a road- samples SAIL Tata and Jindal. On part of the Prime Minister that small
map to achieve this target and through the other hand, the share of the industries should be promoted, but
this roadmap the steel producing units, small and medium entrepreneurs is this report is rejecting it altogether
whether Public Sector Undertakings increasing in the monopoly-holding even the very existence of these
(PSUs) or private entrepreneurs, aug- of the big industrial houses. Is it industries?
ment their existing production capacity, part of a larger conspiracy? Now I will not be able to comment on
install new plants and during the ensu- It is part of the report and whoso - what does this report mean. Such issues
ing period of 10/12 years, there is likeli- ever reads the report will develop the have come to my notice. Before taking
hood of spending 10 lakh crore on this similar viewpoint; nevertheless, the up this issue to the Cabinet I was under
project. Second important thing is that government and the Ministry will not the impression that there were some
in view of the consumption pattern of enterprises that were creating trou-
past four years, the consumption of iron ble for the secondary steel producers
in our country has increased by 5%. That ‘As far as standard and the Sulphur was one such among
is why our goal of creating a capacity of of screening of others. In order to enable small steel
300 million tons of steel production will entrepreneurs to improve their steel
not only benefit our own country but also steel quality of quality, we contemplated of bringing
enable us to make available iron to our their steel quality on a level at which the
neighbouring countries as well. We will this Ministry is standard steel is made; in other words,
also be able to earn foreign exchange. concerned, in accordance with the BIS Stand -
Currently, the government is working ards. We established SRTM under this
on several projects which will also trans- about 86 per cent of mechanism and under the SRTM we
form the steel sector as well. The govern- the material in the have accomplished some work, includ-
ment is trying to spur the people con- ing innovations. We have come across
nected with steel sector to produce good steel is BIS-licensed certain things with the help of which
quality steel. in India, one of which we have discovered some deficiencies
in Sulphur or its contents which can
What new transformation has is TMT bar’ be removed or have been removed.
occurred in this government and in That is why BIS Standard is being used
the ministry when compared to the so that no company or individual
previous regime? with a new discernment and that is Ministry is also moving ahead with those prepared this report. The investiga- allow small and medium entrepre- remains dependent on someone else
For the last four and a half years, the NDA change with development with trans- new plans. tion report will come out next week, neurs to be affected by such private to sell his product. BIS means that Tata
government has been in power wherein formational form. Growth with change then only we will be in a position to say reports. This can be your viewpoint Steel has also BIS and a small entrepre-
the thinking of Hon’ble Prime Minister broadly means that change can only A report from the First Construction something about it appropriately. As far that secondary steel could be affected neur also possesses a BIS and both have
is different from previous governments happen if we develop at a faster pace. Council appeared in the media in as standard of screening of steel qual- by such reports, However, I under - equal opportunity. No one can claim
and one of the greatest benefits accru- You have seen that previously Five-Year- recent days, which reveals about ity of this Ministry is concerned, there stand that the modus operandi of that his product is of superior quality or
ing to us from this thinking is not merely Plan mechanism was in place, which failure of samples of iron-rods of is 86 percent material in the steel is Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), which inferior quality. Undoubtedly, the BIS
growth or development. Undoubtedly could continue to go on and finally it was all 16 companies out a total of 28 BIS-licensed in India, one of which is is under implementation for the past is not under this Ministry; neverthe-
all the governments’ attempt to attain cancelled because the population explo- companies. Who authorised the First TMT bar. BIS is an institution that certi- one-and-half year, has brought 86 per- less, since we created this policy hence,
development; nonetheless, the country sion was so high that the plan could not Construction Council to prepare this fies millions of products being bought cent steel products, either from the we have seen to it that no effort is left
remains backward. Mere development cope with rising demands. My own belief report and when. Is this in your notice by the consumer within India. The BIS large integrated steel plants or from out in its sincere implementation. The
is not the only goal of our government, is that if this country is to become a big and what have you to say about it? is doing its job well and consumers secondary steel industry, under the reason is that we have a capacity of
because if the pace of development is economic power, then we need ‘speedy See, there is a big inflow of such reports. can buy iron-rods without any doubt BIS. The secondary steel never got an producing 134 million tons whereas
not fast then we can say that we have not development’ and transformation can This is our notice and we will investigate because it is licensed by the BIS. Such opportunity to place its product in com- we are currently producing 102 million
achieved development. Almost all gov- come through ‘speedy development. its authenticity. We will try to ascertain reports come in a lot and some of them petition with Integrated Steel Plants tons; therefore, a watchful eye has to be
ernments claim that they have achieved ‘Many new schemes are included in the the qualifications of the people who have good analytics too, and some because their participation in the big kept so that no violation of the BIS
development; nevertheless, Narendra priority list of our government to facili- published this report and also examine of these reports even warn us that in tenders was not possible. Therefore, Standard takes place. I even feel that
Bhai Modi has defined development tate this transformation and the Steel as to on what parameters they have which specific areas we are not able to to bring the quality of secondary steel any violation of BIS standard is not
43-47 Q&A Anil Singh.indd 2 11/30/2018 6:14:11 PM 43-47 Q&A Anil Singh.indd 3 11/30/2018 6:14:19 PM