Page 50 - 15DEC2018E
P. 50
Nothing to be surprised, sipahis.
With this back-
deaths are on the rise! grounder, how does
the politician know the
ground realities to the
border areas along the
Never before did the country witness such large-scale annihiliation of LoC? On those day-long
DILEMMAS human beings, who have become more vulnerable to pollution, stray visits to these areas, he
interacts with the sol-
animals and state machinery as the governments of the day look on diers on those formal-
HUMRA ity ridden formats and
QURAISHI am more than shocked when rul- open jails where those imprisoned do not completes his visit by
rendering a frilly fairy
ers of the day continue to talk of
The Delhi-based writer I die a slow death! tale speech. That’s about
Not to overlook the official killings by
growth, development, longevity,
and columnist’s books and whatever else they can package the State machinery. In the state of Uttar He does not realise
include Kashmir: The in their package of lies. In fact, con- Pradesh, since March 2017, more than 50 that the soldiers are the
Untold Story. She co- trary to their bogus claims, never people have been killed in 1,100 State- most vulnerably placed.
authored a series of before we have witnessed the sheer de- conducted encounters. State terrorism is Sitting ducks with just
writings with the late struction of the human being. Yes, today, at its peak! And those spared by the Stare about the basics to
Khushwant Singh and in these so-called developed times that machinery are lynched and brutalised by survive with. Sitting in
her short stories are we are more prone to deaths and decay. goon brigades nurtured by the rulers of bunkers, stressed out
part of anthologies. The environmental pollution is kill- the day. In fact, private senas have been and tense, there are
The views expressed ing our very organs. Not to overlook the raised by several of the political who’s no avenues for them
are her own noise pollution hitting the very heart. who of the day, to terrify and terrorise the to cope with the daily
And the limbs cannot be left spared with local population. a war like situation. Today, State tyranny round of stress. Perhaps, that explains
strays around. In fact, in these recent As the general elections of 2019 get What happened at the Hyderabad why there are rising cases of suicides
months wherever I have travelled local closer, there are apprehensions that Central University campus and also has hit campuses and attempts to shoot even their
residents have cried out, detailing the these private brigades will gain ground, on the campus of Jawaharlal Nehru where the students colleagues.
havoc caused by monkeys and dogs on wreck havoc on the disadvantaged seg- University or even at the Delhi Univer- Why do the rulers of the day go
the prowl. Blatantly attacking pedestri- ments. And who the hell is bothered if sity are grim reminders of the level to are treated like on those flying visits! Why don’t they
ans and intruding into homes and fields riots are triggered off, destroying many which the State machinery could be criminals. Political spend a fortnight up there, along the
yet there is nobody out there to harness more lives. Look what’s been happening used to crush young rebellious voices. border areas, and interact with them.
their moves. Shouldn’t the municipal au- in and around Ayodhya. Even before the Right-wing’s intrusion was more than mafia is holding sway Why that rush to fly back! With the for-
thorities step in? Shield the human being court could come out with the crucial writ large after Rohith Vemula’s death in the university mality over and down with, they have
from these deadly attacks. verdict on the Babri masjid, Shiv sainiks on the campus of the Hyderabad Cen- got to get back to their comfort zone.
In fact, though we talk of dengue and descended, relaying fear to such an ex- tral University. Little need to elaborate departments, Yet, how very easily the politician of
viral fevers but little focus on rabies. tent that many Muslim and Dalit families on the recent hounding and disappear- intruding right the day gives those attack or kill orders!
Why? What’s become of us to be over- left their ancestral homes in Ayodhya. ance of students from other university Why doesn’t the politician want to use
looking these deadly animal bites and at- Killings are taking place as never campuses. into the classrooms diplomacy and diplomats! Why do
tacks. At least during the Raj days, strays before in the conflict zones of the coun- Why don’t we talk of the terrible the political moves of the day help the
were kept far away from the residential try, including Kashmir, the North East hunger pangs killing hundreds.Malnu- international arms lobbies and the ex-
quarters but today who the hell cares and the Naxal belts. And where is the trition deaths could frighten you and I, ness the killings of the kisan — well, pansionist designs of the superpowers.
whether our flesh is ripped through and required transparency and the much- but for the ruthless rulers these are just nothing very much except deceit them Read any of the historical and
we die a painful death. needed accountability to get to know numerical numbers. These rulers can with hollow words and bogus promises mythological text. Stands out the fact
Rulers of yesteryears ordered killings; the profiles of those killed by the State talk of vote -banks and money-banks of loan waivers! that even in those yesteryears, wars
those off-with-the-head sentences to be machinery along the set alibis? but not of roti or milk banks, from Killings are taking place in our were the last option. Foremost were
carried out instantly, at one go. Today’s Today, State tyranny has hit campuses where those basics could flow out to border towns and along the LoC. It talks and discussions and negotiations.
rulers prefer to kill slowly but rather too where the students are treated help saves lives of hundreds of our would be significant to know how Rounds and rounds of heady diplo-
steadily. After all, they have got to talk like criminals. Political mafia is hold- dying malnourished children. many of today’s politicians send their macy, with all possible diplomatic
big and bogus that they do not believe ing sway in the university departments, The biggest irony of the day is that sons or daughters to the armed forces tactics involved. After all, wars and
in killings! But see what’s happening in intruding right into the classrooms and farmers who try and feed us are hang- to fight on the battle field! Correct me surgical strikes bring along killings and
detention centres and in the jails and hostels. Hired political goons are made ing themselves because they cannot if I’m wrong but these numbers would disasters of the lasting sorts.
prisons of the country. Isn’t it time that to enter campuses to cause rifts and cope with the daily round of struggles. be dismal if not near- nil. Nah, none of
overcrowded prison cells pave way for with that less of academics and more of And what has the sarkar done to har- their sons and daughters are soldiers or LETTERS@TEHELKA.COM
50-51 Opinion Humra.indd 2 11/30/2018 6:15:29 PM 50-51 Opinion Humra.indd 3 11/30/2018 6:15:35 PM