Page 40 - 15DEC2018E
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UP promotes Kumbh Mela as unique feature of this event. Religious God they worship. Shaiva Akharas are and social organisations who have lined
assemblies are held where doctrines are for followers of Lord Shiva, Vaishnava or up to put up camps during Kumbh. The
Vairagi Akhara are for followers of Lord
expectation of pilgrims inflow could
debated, standardized and conducted by
symbol of cultural nationalism renowned saints and sages. An auspi- Vishnu and Kalpwasis are for followers be around 12 crore. Maximum 3 crore
pilgrims are expected on Mauni Ama-
of Lord Brahma.
cious element of the festival is the act of
benevolence to liberally offer donations
vasya and the daily floating population is
The Yogi government has already
to the poor, helpless, saints, and to feed or allotted 2,800 crore for this 49-day
donate cows to priest. Donations range Kumbh festival, two and a half times expected to be around 20 Lakh every
day. The numbers of Kalpvasis during the
The state government has opened up all its coffers to turn this 2,800 crores mega from basic food and clothing to even pre- more than erstwhile Akhilesh Yadav gov- entire festival could be 20 Lakh. Prayag
cious metals. The Kumbh Mela is perhaps ernment that organised ‘Maha Kumbh’ in Mela Authority estimates to receive near
magnificent holy ritual into a grand success for enticing unparalleled dividends in terms of pitching the only event in the world where no 2013 in Allahabad. This time the area in 10 Lakh foreign tourists in this period.
its political agenda across the country and abroad, writes MUDIT MATHUR invitation is required yet millions of pil- Allahabad for the upcoming festival on The police administration has been
grims gather to celebrate the holy event. the river bed has been increased from deeply involved to ensure smooth move-
JP government of Uttar to thousands of year, right from the era of and share the treasures or the ‘Ratnas’ Witness the sea of fervent devotees 1,936 hectares in 2013 to over 3,200 hec- ment and safety of pilgrims who are
Pradesh led by Yogi Adity- Adi Shankaracharya. Intangible cultural (Jewels) that will emerge from it. The
anath has started branding of heritage means the practices, represen- most precious treasure emerged was
‘Kumbh Mela’ in Prayagraj as tations, expressions, knowledge, skills — ‘Amrita’, the nectar. Both the gods and the
B a symbol of cultural national- as well as the instruments, objects, arti- demons laid claims to it. One who drinks
ism and ancient center of Hindu pilgrim- facts and cultural spaces associated with will become immortal and therefore,
age based on the religious mythology. them that communities, groups and, in all-powerful and indestructible. Gods
With fiscal support of more than 2,800 some cases, individuals recognize as a could never accept this. This resulted in
crores, the government has opened up part of their cultural heritage. The gran- scuffle between them for a pot of nectar
all its coffers to turn this mega magnifi- deur of the cultural extravaganza cel- (Amrit Kumbh), the nectar of immortal-
cent holy ritual into a grand success for ebrated at four different cities in India, ity. Lord Vishnu, disguising himself as an
enticing unparalleled dividends in terms over a period of 12 years, draws throngs enchantress (Mohini), seized the nectar
of pitching its political agenda across of devotees seeking spirituality and nir- from the demons. While fleeing from the
the country and abroad, blended with vana, bathing at sacred rivers to purify evil ones, Lord Vishnu passed the nec-
Hinduism. This biggest event has their sins. The festival, held in Allahabad, tar on to his winged mount, Garuda. The
assumed special significance for the Haridwar, Ujjain and Nasik, represents a demons finally caught up with Garuda
ruling party as it is being held just ahead syncretic set of rituals related to worship and in the ensuing struggle, a few drops
of the 2019 general elections. in India. of the precious nectar fell on Allahabad,
The hi-tech concept of Kumbh Mela, One of the most popular and aston- Nasik, Haridwar and Ujjain. Since then,
49 days long event, has been planned ishing mythological stories found in the Kumbh Mela has been held in all
in a professional way as it is considered ancient Indian texts is ‘Amrita Man - these places, alternatively, every 12 years.
to be the largest peaceful congregation than’ that is, churning of the ocean for The preparations for the Prayag,
of pilgrims on earth that may likely to nectar, the celestial water of immortal- (Allahabad) Kumbh Mela for January
attract 120 million pilgrims and tourists. ity. It narrates that once the gods and 2019 are in full swing. Prayag has been
The Government of India has decided demons agreed to churn the great ocean known as most sacred pilgrimage places
to organise the 15th Pravasi Bharatiya for the Hindus, situated at the conflu-
Divas in partnership with Uttar Pradesh ence (Triveni Sangam) of the Ganga, the
government on January 21-23, 2019, in This time the area Yamuna, and the mystical Sarasvati. Hin-
the adjacent cultural and religious city, du saints sporting dreadlocks, smoking
Varanasi (UP), so that the larger com- in Allahabad for the chillums (pipes) or practicing complex performing their rituals and offering tares besides, increasing the number of coming not only from India but from the
munity of Indian Diaspora as well as for- upcoming festival has Asanas (poses) use to be common admi- prayers or choose to visit the various sectors of the Mela area from 14 to 20 different countries of the world. With
eigners may be attracted to participate rable sights for one and all. The whole Akharas to get comprehensive view on for its better management. “It’s a very the budgetary support of 84.84 crores,
in prestigious Kumbh Mela and Republic been increased from atmosphere is glittered and charged the ideology and philosophy of different challenging task to manage such a huge construction, development and reno-
Day celebrations. Prayag Mela Authority with chiming bells, incense and flower sects of Hinduism. Akharas came into crowd and provide them facilities of vation work of multiple Police stations
is expecting around 5,000 such digni- 1,936 hectares in 2013 fragrance scattering flawlessly with the existence during the 8th century AD transport, medical assistance, food and and hostels is going on. There are four
taries to join Kumbh celebrations. It has to over 3,200 hectares smoke from the ‘Havan Kunds’ (fire spac- when Adi Shankaracharya established lodging, shelter and safety. Health and Police lines including 40 police stations,
also earmarked designated area for 192 es), Preaching from saints of different seven Akhadas namely Mahanirvani, sanitary services are also a big challenge 3 female police stations and 62 police out
countries and a flag hoisting ceremony of besides, increasing sects of Hinduism, Vedic Hymns, Man- Niranjani, Juna, Atal, Avahan, Agni and in view of such a big crowd. We have posts are under construction at the site.
their head of mission has been planned the number of tras, Drumbeats, the blast of conchs and Anand Akhara with an aim to strength- been organizing it with active coordina- 40 Firefighting centers, 15 fire out posts
in the month of December 2018. the ring of holy bells. Apart from bathing en the Hindu religion and unite those tion of all other departments,” said Com- and 40 watch towers have to be built dur-
UNESCO recognised Kumbh Mela sectors of the Mela rituals, elucidations, traditional dances, practicing different rituals, customs and missioner Prayag (Allahabad) Ashish ing Mela period. In the interest of better
as an ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage of area from 14 to 20 devotional songs, programs based on beliefs. Akharas are divided into differ- Kumar Goel. crowd management and surveillance an
Humanity.’ It has a history that dates back mythical stories, and prayers are also ent camps according to the concept of There would be at least 5000 religious ultra-modern Integrated Command and
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