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         Low literacy rate keeps

         Muslims in poverty trap

         Lack of higher education adversely affects the job prospects of the   tion accounts for 8.5 per cent of per
         community as dynamics of labour market are largely a matter of   capita income for Muslims, followed by
                                                                          Hindus 7.4 per cent, Christians 5.4 per
         degree of knowledge and skills, writes MY SIDDIQUI               cent and Sikhs 5.03 per cent. Higher
                                                                          burden of the cost of education among
                    uslims continue to face   dle school education among Muslims   Muslims is a factor for their lowest
                    vicious circle of poverty   is 257 and 198 per 1000 respectively.   attendance rates.
                    with no light beyond the  Compared to other communities, dis-  High levels of illiteracy among Mus-
                    tunnel. This was high-  tribution of Muslim population is the   lims and their low levels of general edu-
         M lighted in the recently        least at the higher levels of education.   cation ensure that they are trapped in a
         held National Sample Survey Organisa-  Likewise, the current attendance rate   vicious circle of poverty. Lack of higher
         tion (NSSO) reports. While NSSO (68th   among Muslims is the lowest at all age   education affects adversely their job as
         round) survey provides estimates of   groups, the reports reveal.  dynamics of labour market is largely
         education levels and job market indica-  Number of Muslim males of 5-14   a matter of degree of knowledge and
         tors across major religious communi-  years in urban India attending edu-  skills. Labour Force Participation Rate
         ties, its 71st round takes note of levels of  cational institutions is 869 per 1000,   (LFPR), defined as number of persons
         education in all religious groups in the   the least among all religious groups.   employed or seeking jobs, dependent
         country.                         It’s higher among Christians 981, fol-  on educational attainment, and qual-
           According to the two NSSO sur -  lowed by Sikhs 971, and Hindus 955.   ity of employment is linked to levels of
         vey reports, educational attainments   Gaps in the current attendance rates   education and skill. Muslims, lagging
         among Muslims is the least of all the   of Muslims and those of other religious  in education and in abject poverty and
         communities. In urban areas, number   groups are increasingly seen at higher   backwardness, cannot come out of it
         of male Muslim postgraduates is 15 per   age groups. Muslims have the lowest    unless the governments at the Central
         1,000, which is four times lower than   attendance  rates  and  educational    and States levels intervene.     est among Muslims, both in urban and                             and subsidised higher education to
         that of other communities  Hindus,   attainments  in  higher  education,   Signs  of  Indian  Muslims  being    rural areas. Among urban male, num-                              ensure school going children to con-
         Christians and Sikhs. Situation is simi-  judged  by  their  income  level  and    caught in deep poverty are noticeable   ber of Muslims employed in regular                    tinue their higher education, and voca-
         lar for Muslim women. Number of Mus-  higher cost for post-secondary edu-  in their low consumption expenditure,   jobs is only 288 per 1000 employed                            tional education for those students not
         lim men graduates is 71 per 1,000, less   cation. NSSO surveys further reveal,   poor jobs including LFPR, employment   persons, while the corresponding fig-                    continuing their higher education from
         than half the number of graduates per   average  per  capita  consumption    status and worker population ratio.   ures among urban Muslim women is                              nine class onward.
         1,000 in other communities. Similarly,   expenditure among Muslims is just    NSSO data show LFPR among Muslims   249, lowest among all other communi-                             Above findings of NSSO surveys
         Muslims educated up to secondary and   32.66 per day, the least among all reli-  is 342 and 337 per 1000 in urban and    ties. Number of regular employees per                   explodes the myth of “Muslim Appease-
         higher secondary levels is 162 and 90   gious groups. It is highest among Sikhs    rural  areas  respectively,  the  least   1000 employed is higher among Chris-  Muslims — lagging in   ment” raised regularly by the Sangh
         per 1000 respectively, the least among   51.43  and  Hindus  37.50. Average   among all religious groups, implying   tians 495 urban males and 647 urban                         Pariwar as a vicious propaganda to
         all the communities.             course  fees  for  college  degrees  in   that only 342 persons among Muslims   females, followed by Hindus 463 and   education and living      divide society through the politics of
           Poor achievement at higher levels of  technical courses in government and    in urban India are employed or avail-  43 and Sikhs 418 and 482 respectively.                     polarization, politics of marginaliza-
         education is partly a reflection of simi-  private unaided institutions is  25,783   able for works. Similarly, LFPR among   Similarly, proportion of households   in abject poverty   tion, politics of exclusion and politics
         larly low levels of school education or   and  64,442 respectively, unafford-  Muslim women is worst than women of   with their major source of income   — cannot come           of hatred, ostensibly on the pretext of
         illiteracy. Surveys reveal around half   able for Muslims, given their per capita    other religious groups. Given that Mus-  from regular salaried jobs is the lowest           inclusive development, just for elec-
         the Muslim population over 15 years is   income. Despite children up to 14 years  lims live predominantly in urban areas   among Muslims.         out of this vicious            toral gains. As a result, Muslims of India
         either illiterate or has only primary or   of age having a right to free and com-  unlike other poorer communities, such   Way forward for improving lot   circle unless the     are reeling under abject poverty, back-
         middle level education. Number of illit-  pulsory education, the average course   low LFPR is because of Muslim’s low   of Muslims suggested by NSSO sur-                        wardness, squalor, deprivation, wide
         erates is highest among Muslims, which  fee is  508 per student per academic   levels of education.             veys is that Central and State govern-  governments at the       scale discrimination amidst lurking fear
         is 190 per thousand followed by Hindus  session for all communities, its bur-  Worker Participation Ratio (WPR),   ments should take concerted steps to   Centre and States      and insecurity!
         84, Sikhs 79 and Christians 57. Number   den among Muslims being the highest.   defined  as  the  number  of  persons    help them escape the vicious circle of
         of persons with just primary or mid-  Course fee for upper primary educa-  employed per 1,000 persons, is the low-  poverty, to provide special incentives   levels intervene                     LETTERS@TEHELKA.COM

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