Page 32 - 15DEC2018E
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Protecting integrity becomes dered to give details of the action taken take actions against violations of code of deal has its roots in the decision making
on a letter from then Reserve Bank Gov-
conduct and failed to devise mechanism process. Rahul Gandhi alleges that the
deal was done without the approval of
ernor Raghuram Rajan asking for action for curbing money power. It also could
quite difficult for institutions against willful defaulters of public sector not take action against paid news. the Cabinet Committee on Security. The
banks. He has also ordered Reserve Bank
How institutions were ignored can
Modi government is yet to respond to
this specific question. If the allegation is
of India to provide details on these de-
be seen in demonetization of notes of
faulters. Acharyulu is upset over the at- 500 and 2,000. No proper consulta- true, it only reveals the extent of decline
titude of both the institutions that have tions were made and the move resulted in the institutional mechanism. Ito shows
director despite the opposition from the chosen not to provide the information. in large scale displacement of informal that the institution at the top is also not
The ongoing destruction of the key institutions, one after the other, CBI which was investigating charges of He has even approached Parliamentary economy. It created virtual anarchy in immune to manipulations.
is intricately related to political, social and economic changes corruption against him at the time of his Panel to regulate the mechanism of pro- the sector. The economy became more Recently, the governor of Jammu and
selection. viding vital information on finance and centralised. The outcome was almost Kashmir dissolved the assembly to block
in the country, writes ANIL SINHA
Most astonishing of the allegations is economy by the RBI. zero as 99 per cent of the money came an opposition government. The institu-
against a junior minister of Modi cabinet, Chief information Commissioner’s in- back into the system. People with black tion of governor has been in controversy
or the first time, most of the gations. However, the Court was forced to Haribhai Chaudhary. In his complaint, sistence on execution of his orders has its money escaped and those who had hard- for long. However, the J&K governor
institutions in the country are term the organisation as a ‘caged parrot’. MK Sinha has accused him of bribery. own implications. The government chose earned money had to face immense added to the continuing controversy by
up in arms against the political Over the years, the political interference The allegations and counter allegations not to paralyze the organization by not hardship. saying that the parties that were coming
leadership. They want freedom increased and became overt from dis- put important institutions like PMO, Re- providing enough manpower. Accord- together had no common ideology. Ac-
F from political interference. If creet and covert ones. There were also search and Analysis Wing, Intelligence ing to the reports four commissioners cording to the Supreme Court ruling in
the director of top investigating agency chances of these operations being ques- Bureau, CVC and National Security Ad- will retire soon and the CIC will have only The ongoing famous SR Bommai case, the governor
of the country, the CBI has come to the tioned at one or another level. The inves- visor in dock. According to them, the tree commissioners against its strength has not to decide on the claim to form
Supreme Court to allege that the people tigations into 2G and coal scam clearly midnight coup was affected under the of 11. Four commissioners are retiring but tussle in the CBI a ministry. The majority is to be tested
at the top wanted investigations to take show that corruptions hardly had organ- direct supervision of NSA Ajit Doval and no one has been appointed in their place. on the floor of the assembly. Here, the
to a desired direction, the RBI is issuing ized support. That is why contradictions Department of Personnel actively sup- The CIC has now pendency of 25000 cas- only shows that governor not only acted unconstitution-
warning that infringement in its auton- could be unearthed and many bigwigs ported him. es. It will soon have thousands more. entire structure ally but also tried to malign the political
omy will jeopardise the monetary situa- were brought to book. Chief Information Commissioner The Election Commission has been parties by accusing them of indulging in
tion. While CBI director Alok Verma was The war in CBI only shows that entire Acharyulu complains of PMO’s non- under a cloud over functioning of EVM of investigative “horse trading”.
upset over interferences in important structure of investigative mechanism cooperation in giving information that it machines and announcement of election mechanism was The recent decline of institutions
cases, the RBI is unhappy over govern- was attacked to effectively turn the or- owes to the common people. He had or- dates. The Commission has also failed to could be linked to the growing percent-
ment attempt to grab its surplus money ganisation into a real “caged parrot”. The attacked to age of black money in the country’s GDP.
to finance populist programs ahead of Supreme Court had put in place a mech- effectively turn the Noted economist Arun Kumar said that
2019 elections. anism to ensure the integrity of it. The increased circulation of black money has
Other institutions too are feeling suf- Court made compulsory two-year ten- organisation into a raised corruption. Corrupt bureaucrats
focated. The Central Information Com- ure for the post of CBI director. Within real ‘caged parrot’ hardly care for institutional integrity.
missioner is complaining of suppression this tenure, he could not be transferred. Expansion of private economy has
of information illegally and non-cooper- In order to circumvent the directive, the caused an unprecedented increase in
ation on the part of government and the government sent the CBI director on corruption. Anyone can see the rise in
Election Commission of India is being ac- an indefinite leave. The allegations and A close look at the process of destruc- number of scams since 1991, when new
cused of taking decisions that are favora- counter allegation made by senior offic- tion of institutions suggests that it has lot economic policy was launched. Most of
ble to the government. The impartiality ers of the agency reveals that the CVC it- to do with the changes in the polity. The the scams have their roots in crony capi-
of ECI is being suspected. self was embroiled in the internal war of process is intricately related to politi- talism. The favourites get everything and
No one had anticipated that the CBI CBI. The CVC chief’s impartiality has been cal, social and economic changes in the people without connection get nothing.
would be raided and a midnight coup under cloud. He himself was facing alle- country. The governance under Modi This could only be done when institu-
conducted. But it was far from being an gations of corruptions at the time of his rule has become centralised to the ex- tions are prone to manipulations. The
unexpected incident. It was the result of selection to the post. A petition was also tent that even senior ministers do not conversion of Planning Commission into
a situation that was brewing for many filed against his selection to challenge have say in important decisions. Most of NITI Aayog was perhaps first incident
years now. The manner in which the procedures adopted in it. the decisions are taken by Prime Min- which showed that the country is going
midnight coup was effected clearly in- The petition filed by DIG of CBI MK ister Narendra Modi and BJP president to be run at the wishes of corporates. This
dicates that a clique has come into exist- Sinha in the Supreme Court against his Amit Shah. Involvement of National Se- is essential for the government to resort
ence at the top level of the government to transfer to Nagpur alleges that the CVC curity Advisor Ajit Doval has been seen in to falsehood to divert people’s atten -
command institutions without any legal chief has been siding with Special Direc- • Power struggle Arun many vital decisions of the government. tion from real issues. How could anyone
sanction. tor Rakesh Asthana, the key player in the Jaitley and RBI Governor When it came to dump Mehbooba Mufti expect institutions to protect their integ-
The Supreme Court wanted to stem civil war in CBI. According to it, both of Urjit Patel are trying to led PDP, Doval played vital role in decid- rity in the age of post-truth?
the rot in CBI as early as in 1990s and them enjoy a good relationship with each resolve row over authority ing the matter.
gave CVC power to supervise its investi- other. Asthana himself was made special The controversy surrounding Rafale LETTERS@TEHELKA.COM
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