Page 25 - Tehelka Issue 15 August 2018
P. 25
• Power play The NDA won the first no-trust vote
against it with a thumping majority
Rahul Gandhi, “naamdaar(entitled)” vs.
“kaamdaar”. The Opposition was derided
by him for lacking in numbers.
Way Ahead
One expert has opined that even though
Modi may have won numbers game in
this battle, the optics did tilt in the eyes
of many today and he and the BJP may
still have cause to worry in the run-up to
the 2019 elections. In the early start of his
speech, Modi did mention that his cam-
agreement. Rahul Gandhi’s assertion observers lament at the silence of prime paign for 2019 general elections going to
that his talks with the French president minister over increasing mob lynching be as same as 2014 elections. According
didn’t reveal the existence of any such incidents, his vague answer on Rafale to one analyst, apart from attacking the
secret clause about the cost has been de- price, the security of Dalits and minori- Congress’s record, Modi’s references to
nied by the French government as well ties. His dismissal of social concerns over Rahul Gandhi made his electoral plank
as Government of India. However, Rahul demonetisation and GST as merely a part clear in parliament — that BJP will again
Gandhi has defended himself by saying, of the Opposition “pessimistic” politics is push for a presidential-style race with
“I stand by what I said. Let them (France) not being appreciated by some critics. him leading from the front against a
deny if they want.” According to some analysts, the way Congress leader who will be attacked
Just like other BJP MPs who spoke the BJP leaders cleverly skirted concerns for being immature, impatient and
through the day, the prime minister around demonetisations and GST is undeserving. Modi can be expected to
listed the “achievements” of his govern- ironic as both were touted as the two advance his strategic campaign through
ment, saying that they had been working most significant reforms India has ever a combination of the government’s
for the marginalised. He touted about seen. Demonetisation, once touted as achievements and nationalistic rhetoric.
his government’s rural electrification the single most important decision ever The tone and tenor of the Opposition’s
programme, Ujjwala Yojana, Ayushman taken to target black money is seem- focus on the issues of farmers, Dalits,
Bharat, agrarian policy. The bulk of his ingly becoming ‘unfavourable’ even with youth, small businessmen, women and
reply to the motion focused on attack- the BJP because it has proved to be a big vulnerable identity groups are likely
ing previous Congress regimes, as one failure. Similarly, much-hyped GST is to unfold the opposition campaign for
expert puts it, “still in opposition mode also losing sheen. Perhaps that is why 2019 elections. However, Rahul Gandhi’s
despite having ruled for four years, the during the debate, NDA leaders chose to “jhappi” with Modi in Lok Sabha im-
prime minister appeared convinced that not speak about either demonetization mediately after concluding his speech
highlighting the failures of the Congress or the GST. Instead, it was the opposition reminds of Modi’s “huglomacy” and the
before speaking about his own achieve- that focused on both issues and stressed Congress president is likely to respond
ments was the winning hand to be on the damage these two measures to BJP’s blitzkrieg in the same coin in the
played.” Modi attacked the opposition for had caused to a large section of India’s run-up to 2019 elections. According to a
being “pessimistic” and “misleading the population. media reports, the 2014 vote share of the
public” through false propaganda. The Opposition’s persistent efforts parties voting for the government was
In his speech, Prime Minister Modi in questioning the government on the 37 per cent compared to 43 per cent for
staked claims and cited the same deteriorating social fabric of the country the parties voting against the govern-
numbers that his part men have been could make the prime minister only pay ment and with less than a year to go
touting for months and in many ways, lip-service to the crisis by saying that before the Lok Sabha elections, this six
his speech sounded repetitive. Some people who indulge in mob lynching percentage point difference represents
experts opine that most of the claims should face strict action. There was no the challenge that Narendra Modi still
made by the BJP leaders have already indication of any positive response to the needs to surmount, notwithstanding the
become contentious. While he talked Supreme Court’s directive of enacting vote of confidence that he has just won
about his achievements, he did not touch legislation over mob-lynching. Conclud- comfortably.
upon many of the crucial issues that the ing part of prime minister Modi’s speech
opposition raised through the day. Some was characteri sedby his old jibe against
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