Page 22 - Tehelka Issue 15 August 2018
P. 22

What does it take to be a                        generated an outcry by the   job,” said an editor of a local
                                                             Javeed’s questioning
                                                                                   daily. “In a conflict situation,
         journalist in kashmir?                           international journalist or-  you have to give space to
                                                          ganizations. “Questioning Au- every party and also tell sto-
                                                          qib Javeed without a lawyer   ries of the people. One party
         A month after killing of senior journalist       and trying to force Greater   shouldn’t and can’t expect
         Shujaat Bukhari, unknown miscreants walked       Kashmir to submit raw re-  us to stop giving coverage to
                                                          porting material is a serious
         into Srinagar’s Press Enclave and vandalised     attack on press freedom in   What makes the situation
         parked vehicles to terrorise the journalists once   the turbulent state of Jammu   further fragile is that there is
                                                                                   still no knowing who killed
                                                          and Kashmir,” said Steven
         again, reports Riyaz Wani                        Butler, CPJ’s Asia program   Bukhari and why. Police
                                                           coordinator in Washing-  has blamed Lashkar-i-Toiba
                                                           ton, D.C. “These attempts to   and identified three of its
                                                           intimidate journalists will   militants who have allegedly
                                                           only force the flow of news   carried out the murder. But
                                                           and information to grind to   Lashkar on its part has vehe-
                                                           a halt.”                mently denied any role in the
                                                             Similarly, in a statement,
                                                           Indian Journalist Union   One thing that
                                                           president S N Sinha, who is
                                                           also Secretary General and   makes the
                                                           member of Press Council   situation fragile
                                                           of India, Amar Devulapalli,
                                                           and Vice-president Sabina   in the state is
                                                           Inderjit said the summons   that there is still
                                                           to Auqib Javeed amounted
                                                           to an attack on freedom   no knowing who
                                                           of the press and meant to
                                              photo: faisal khan  intimidate journalists who   killed Bukhari
                   n the night of   • Threat to press   Bukhari was   were already working under   and why
                   July 25, some   shot dead in Press Enclave   difficult circumstances.
                   unknown                                   But such statements
                   assailants     There are visible and invisible  have made little redeeming   killing and compared police
         O walked into the        threats - more so, for the   difference to the prevail-  investigation into the case to
         parking space of Srinagar’s   local media whose content   ing scary state of affairs, as   a “Bollywood movie.”
         Press Enclave and broke the   becomes a subject of daily   the mysterious breaking   This has created an
         windscreens of the vehicles   contention among the war-  of the windscreens of the   uncertain and a danger-
         parked there. Some vehicles   ring parties. And should any   cars would have us believe.   ous environment for the
         were vandalised and the   party choose to see anything   What is more, in recent past,   journalism to operate in. “It
         cabinets searched, although   wrong in a story, covert or   security agencies have been   is a fraught situation where
         nothing was stolen.      overt threats follow.   keeping strict tabs on the   danger lurks in the shadows.
           The incident has followed   Recently, a  journal-  content being published and   The actors involved are oper-
         a month after the killing of   ist working for Kashmir   trying to weigh it through   ating behind the scenes,” said
         the senior journalist Shujaat   Observer Auqib Javeed was   the binary of “anti-national   another editor. “We expect all
         Bukhari at the very enclave.   summoned to New Delhi   versus anti-national.”  the parties to appreciate the
         Bukhari along with his two   by National Investigation   Editors privately say they   difficult circumstances under
         guards was also shot dead by   Agency for interviewing the   intermittently get notices   which journalists operate
         unidentified gunmen mo-  woman separatist leader   about the content and are   in the state and how it is im-
         ments after he came down   Asiya Andrabi. The interview   asked to explain it. Similarly,   portant to bear with us and
         from his office and got on   was carried by a local maga-  they can’t ignore the state-  allow us to objectively report
         to his vehicle to head to his   zine Kashmir Ink. Javeed was   ments issued by the separa-  the extraordinary situation
         home.                    grilled over three days for the  tist organizations.   prevailing on the ground.”
           These are tough times for   interview and subsequently,   “In a sense, we are being
         the journalists in Kashmir.    let off.          victimized for just doing our

                                        Tehelka / 15 august 2018  22
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