Page 20 - Tehelka Issue 15 August 2018
P. 20



         Trapped in

         women body

         For society, transgender people are   the most. Her parents and siblings
         usually men, who want to become       would later laugh it out.
                                                 She said, “I was more into boy’s
         females, but there is more to it-     stuff — I adore playing football,
         females fighting for sexual identity, to   cricket, cut my hair short. I love to
                                               wear cargo pants and t-shirts.”
         become male, and Kashmir, as a society   By grade eight, Afreen was sure
         is in denial mode writes safina nabi  that she either is a lesbian or a gay
                                               but the gender dilemma started
                                               to affect her activities as well as   Anand who teaches at the Univer-
                        arlier, Kashmir turned a   studies.                  sity of Westminster, London.
                        blind eye to the rights and   In 2014, the Supreme Court pro-  After seeing the support and the
                        privileges of the transgen-  nounced a landmark judgement,   encouragement that Afreen has re-
                        der community, however,   recognising transgender people as   ceived, her family locked her within
                 E the increasing awareness    the ‘third gender’.           the four walls of her room. The
                 through social media and its influ-  In the judgement, also known as   worst thing happened when she
                 ence is changing the mentality of   the National Legal Services Author-  went to meet Professor Anand dur-
                 people towards the hapless com-  ity (NALSA), the apex court ruled   ing his one visit to Srinagar. “I was
                 munity. Kashmir as a society is be-  that people of the transgender com-  denied food for five days and my
                 ginning to accept the transgender   munity have equal privilege over   phone was snatched from me. They
                 community, who majorly sing folk   the fundamental rights enshrined   burnt my clothes in front of me and
                 songs in marriages or are match-  in the Constitution. The individuals   taunted me of being a ‘laanch’. A
                 makers. What society understands   have the right to self-identification   pained Afreen narrated.
                 that transgender people are usually   of their sexual orientation but the   “I am not troubled about what
                 male, who want to become females,   social stigmas linked to the commu-  they would call me. Let them call
                 but there is more to it-females fight-  nity continue to exist in the society.  me a ‘laanch’; ‘Hijra’ or ‘Transgen-
                 ing for sexual identity, to become   Although things have started to   der’ but I want my identity. I want
                 male, and we as a society are in   change in a positive direction in the   to be addressed as ‘Adam’ and not as
                 denial. And to gain their identity,   metro cities, in Kashmir valley, the   ‘Afreen’, ” he further added.
                 several transgender people have   state is yet to give the due rights to   In  August 2017, the Supreme
                 to cross many hurdles to achieve   the transgender community.  Court’s verdict towards the uplift-
                 what they aim to and the fight is   Afreen, who is pursuing her   ment of the transgender people
                 continuing.                   graduation in engineering from   declared Right to Privacy as a fun-
                   Afreen’s family is originally from   one of the prestigious colleges in the   damental right. The ruling enabled
                 district Pulwama in South Kashmir,   Valley said, “Life became extremely   protection of sexual orientation of
                 around 30 kms from the main city   difficult with time. Family, friends,   citizens.
                 of Srinagar. They had shifted to Sri-  relatives started being rude and   Afreen had attempted suicide
                 nagar before Afreen’s birth. There-  mistreatment started to increase   thrice but now she is optimistic
                 fore, Afreen had stayed all her life in   more often.”      about life and plans to learn new
                 Srinagar.                       Frustrated with the affairs of day   languages. He is interested in writ-
                   19-year-old Afreen was fasci-  to day life, Afreen started to vent out   ing and wants to become an activist
                 nated towards girls when he was   her anger on social media and start-  one day.
                 in grade five. Whenever his moth-  ed to write about his gender. Soon,   “This  is possible  only when I
                 er would come to drop him at the   people started supporting him and   complete my studies and acquire
                 school bus stop, Afreen would al-  one of the supporters happened   a status in the society then only I
                 ways tell her about the girl she liked   to be the noted Professor Dibyesh   will be heard or taken seriously

                                        tehelka / 15 august 2018  20
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