Page 13 - Tehelka Issue 8&9
P. 13

Railways                                                                                              kashmir

 A   Railways’ finance    Railways Finance Corporation   is Centre relaxing    the centre’s new Kashmir in-  country and the separatists
 scrutiny of
                                                           terlocutor Dineshwar Sharma  have a right to carry out their
 the report on
 (IRFC). The debt burden of In-
 in diRe stRaits!
                                                           has indicated such a change.
                                                                                     activities democratically,”
 dian Railways will ultimately
 financial status of
         its iron-fist
                                                                                     said Ashok Kaul, the BJP’s J&K
                                                              “There are more decisions
 Indian Railways
 be borne by the next genera-
 presented with
                                                                                     ratists will have to carry out
 Railways internal revenues
 the General Budget 2018-19 in   tions of people.          in offing,” Dineshwar Sharma   spokesperson. “But the sepa-
                                                           has told the media. “You will
 the Parliament paints dismal   Massive investments needed to maintain balance   in 2018-19 are estimated at    poliCy on Kashmir?  see a change, a big change.”  their activities peacefully. This
 picture of its financial health   between commercial status and social responsibil-  2.01 lakh crore, a seven per   However, New Delhi has   has been conveyed to them.”
 indicating that the railways   ity of the Indian Railways, writes M.Y.Siddiqui  cent higher than the revised   so far stayed short of offering   But such a shift when the
 have to remain financially   estimates for 2017-18, which   So far, the NDA government has practiced    talks to the Hurriyat. Even   NDA government is entering
 viable on borrowed money   comes from freight, passen-  hard-nosed policy towards the state that has only   Sharma has left it to the wis-  in its last year in the power
 from market and other   gers and sundry earnings.         dom of the separatist leaders   means too little, too late –
 sources. As a result of merger   Revenue from freight and   made things difficult in the Valley, writes Riyaz Wani  “to take a call” on engaging   albeit forced possibly by the
 of Railways budget with the   passenger traffic is estimated   New Delhi. This has meant   realisation that its hard-nosed
 General Budget since 2017-18,   at  2 lakh crore. However,   s centre changing tack   ment has so far practised an   that the centre expects the   policy so far has only made
 Railways escaped dedicated   over past few years, internal   on Kashmir? It looks   iron-fisted policy towards the   initiative for the dialogue to   things further difficult in the
 media focus and for that   revenue from freight and pas-  like it is, but not quite.   state. Soon after he was sworn  be taken by the Hurriyat itself,  state. In recent past, there has
 matter public scrutiny of its   senger services is falling short   On March 30, in an   in 2014, Prime Minister Nar-  chances of which are remote.   been mounting opinion in the
 overall functioning alto-  of the targets.  I unusual decision, the   endra Modi embarked upon a  As a result, there is little hope   state that the centre should
 gether, the casualty being the   Added to the above,   state government decided   no-compromise hardline ap-  of an engagement between   relax its tough policy towards
 impugned report on its finan-  expenditure on salaries and   to let the top separatist trio   proach to control the ongoing  the two in the near future.  the state.
 cial status from public notice.   pension is increasing operat-  — Syed Ali Geelani, Mirwaiz   runaway upsurge in Kashmir.  But, this hardly detracts   “Such an approach ensures
 That is how Indian Railways   ing expenditure for 2018-19,   Umer Farooq and Yasin Malik   But four years on, there   from the significance of giving  that the turmoil in Kashmir
 have lost its sheen in public   estimated at  1.88 lakh crore,   – carry out their political   is little that has changed in   Hurriyat leaders some space   will linger on,” stated a recent
 glare. It comes on the fore in   up 4 per cent from 2017-18.   activities but with a rider: they  Kashmir. Militancy, which   to ply their politics. More so,   editorial of a local English
 public domain only when ac-  About 66 per cent of this   should not create a law and   was sought to be curbed,   when even the BJP has batted   daily. “One would expect
 cidents take place with heavy   goes to salary and pension,   order problem nor make anti- has grown from strength to   for such a space terming the   the central government to
 casualties.  which has been increasing   national speeches.  strength, despite an increas-  government decisions to   understand the gravity of the
 Indicator of financial   budget) of Railways being   • Debt trap Total debt of Railways   gradually, with a jump of 15   A day later they were even   ing number of the killings of   free separatists as part of the   situation and take incremen-
 health of Indian Railways is   financed from borrowings.   may cross  600,000 crore  per cent in the last two years   allowed to attend and address  the militants.   Confidence Building Measure  tal steps to address the larger
 its Operating Ratio, which is   With declining revenue from   on account of implemen-  the March 30 congregations.   So, has the centre finally   (CBM).  political issue that is primarily
 on the higher side currently.   generation of freight, passen-  tation of the Seventh Pay   But a few days later, the state   woken up to the deteriorat-  “India is a democratic   responsible for the turmoil in
 Operating Ratio is the ratio of   ger and sundry earnings, capi- ings followed by 37 per cent   Commission Report. Pension   government again placed   ing situation in the state and   the state.”
 working expenditure, arising   tal outlay is financed through   budgetary support and only   bill is also to rise as about 40   them under house arrest   started trying some outreach,   But, the fact that the time
 from day to day operations, to  budgetary support from the   8 per cent from railways own   per cent of staff are above 50   when twenty people died in   beginning with the top   • Laws flaws Separatists have   for such a policy shift may
 revenue earned from traffic.   Central Government (General  earnings (internal resources).   years in 2016-17.   three encounters in South   separatist leadership? It does   advised not create a law and    have already run out is also
 A higher Operating Ration   Exchequer) and market bor-  Capital expenditure (develop-  In short, capital expendi-  Kashmir — thirteen of them   appear so. And, no less than   order problem in Kashmir  not lost on the Kashmir
 indicates a poorer ability of   rowings. Since 2017-18, when   ment budget of Railways) is   ture of Indian Railways is   militants, four civil-  observers.
 Railways to generate surplus   Railway Budget merged with   increasingly being financed   increasingly being financed   ians and three security   “This apparent policy
 that can be used for capital   the General Budget, Railways   through borrowings, from 8   through borrowings from 8   personnel.  shift makes little sense
 investments in moderniza-  have been exempted from   percent of total development   per cent in 2010-11 to 55 per-  The government   now. There is little time
 tion, laying lines and deploy-  paying annual dividend to   budget in 2010-11 to 55 per   cent in 2018-19, a sorry state of   decision to cut sepa-  left for the new policy
 ing more coaches. Operating   the General Exchequer on the  cent in 2018-19. Economists   railways financial viability. It   ratists some slack still   to make an impact,”
 Ratio for 2018-19 is projected   accumulated capital at charge  view it as a sure road to debt   calls for massive investments   stands. They could still   says the analyst and
 at 92.8 per cent from revised   from budgetary support.  trap for Indian Railways rais-  by the Union Government to   be allowed to hold their   commentator Gowher
 estimates of 2017-18 which   In 2018-19, gross budgetary  ing its financial difficulties.  maintain balance between   activities as long as the   Geelani. “But if the
 was over 96 per cent. During   support from the Central Gov-  Total debt of Indian Rail-  commercial status and   government doesn’t   centre is sincere and
 the past few years, Operating   ernment (General Exchequer)  ways stood at over  450,000   social responsibility of Indian   apprehend a law and   serious about a political
 Ratio has been around 94 per   is at  55,088 crore, while bor-  crore in 2014-15. Taking in   Railways as the one and only   order issue. And, therein   outreach and willing to
 cent on average, which means  rowings are estimated at    accounts the ever increasing   modes of mass transporta-  lies the potential shift   resolve issues, there is
 Railways are spending 94   81,940 crore. Out of  148,000  annual borrowings in 2015-16,  tion of bulk of our people who   in the stance towards   no reason it shouldn’t
 paise out of every rupee that   crore capital expenditure (an-  2016-17 and 2018-19, it is    cannot afford other modes of   Kashmir. And if this is so,   make a redeeming
 it earns.  nual plan outlay) for the fiscal   likely to go up by more than    transportation!  it is happening for the   difference.”
 Net result has been capital   year 2018-19,  55 percent will   600,000 crore. The borrow-  first time in the last four
 expenditure (development   be financed through borrow-  ing arms of Railways is Indian  years. The NDA govern-

 Tehelka / 15 may 2018  12  Tehelka / 15 may 2018  13

 12 Ralways.indd   3  02/05/18   5:25 PM  13 Riyaz.indd   3                                           02/05/18   5:26 PM
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