Page 11 - Tehelka Issue 8&9
P. 11
A lot has changed politics
in terms of
Dalit politics their stance and began criticizing the capable of containing this resistance
government. Paswan had criticized
Bharat Bandh and said that there was from Dalits? It is hardly easy to answer.
The BJP has been trying to woo Sched-
no point in organizing a Bandh when uled Caste and the Scheduled Tribes for
the government was filing a review long. Various outfits of Sangh Parivar
While community leaders like Mayawati, Ramvilas petition. He had met Prime Minister are working among deprived com -
Paswan and Ramdas Athvale are increasingly losing their Narendra Modi to press for a review munities. However, these efforts are
petition. Now, he seems to be changing creating only limited goodwill which
appeal, the new leadership having youngsters like Jignesh his stance. He is not only criticizing the cannot be easily translated into a politi-
Mewani is gaining credibility, writes anil sinha government, but also has started mak- cal strength. Dalits cannot be placated
ing alliances to secure strength in 2019 by these measures. A new awakening
polls. is moving them towards the demand
o one knew that a Supreme bias. Allegations of misuse have been • leading from the front Jignesh Mewani has the near past will reveal that protest Mayawati had changed her position of complete freedom from the exploi-
Court order would trigger regular after the Act came into effect in emerged as the new leader of Dalits across was the result of an accumulated an- just few days before the trigger came tation and atrocities they have been
such an upheaval that a big 1989. The apex court took the stand that the country ger and frustration among deprived in the form of SC order. She cemented subjected for centuries. The RSS does
change will emerge on the no innocent should be punished and sections of the society. Some of the her alliance with the Samajwadi Party not have such programs. It only wants
N horizon of Indian politics. decided to issue the guideline. factors behind an increased disap- in Uttar Pradesh and declared that she reconciliation between Dalits and caste
This change is likely to have a big effect Obviously, the verdict sparked angry and the Modi government rushed to pointment in these communities are would ensure that the BJP is defeated Hindus. When caste Hindus are in -
on 2019 polls as well. It will also reori- reactions from the Dalit community. the apex court for a review of the order, purely economic in nature. Soaring in 2019 polls. She also said that the BSP creasingly becoming communal and
ent equations within the Dalit politics Political leaders and social activists However, the Supreme Court denied to unemployment combined with laws would not be contesting any poll be- casteist, how can they reconcile with
in a big way. The judgment from the joined hands to oppose the order. They suspend the order and said the court unfriendly to workers has resulted in a fore 2019. This means she has insulated oppressed communities? “This is simply
bench of Justice AK Goel and Justice demanded an immediate review of was not against the Act, but It was con- distressed labour scenario. Some deci- her party from possible opportunistic impossible,” says Dr Bilakshan Ravidas,
UU Lalit on March 20, 2018, says that the Supreme Court order. The demand cerned about innocent people being sions of the Modi government like de- alliances in assembly polls in various a Dalit scholar and social activist.
the arrest of an accused in SC/ST Act is even received support from Dalit min- punished under the Act. crease in expenditure on social sector states. The change of her heart was seen Can BJP mobilize the support of
not mandatory and the initiation of ac- isters in the union cabinet and MPs of “We are not concerned about what programs including that of MNREGA, during and after the by-polls in Gora- Dalits in 2019 polls? This is a question
tion against the accused would require the ruling BJP. is happening outside this court. Those the demonetization and the GST, has khpur and Phulpur in UP when she which has partly been answered by
a preliminary inquiry and sanction by A call for Bharat Bandh on Apri 2 agitating on streets may not have even severely affected the poorer section of fully supported candidates sponsored the poll outcomes in Gorakhpur and
a competent authority. The court also was given by various Dalit organiza- read our judgment. Vested interests are the society. Series of attacks on Dalits by the SP. Phulpur. A complete answer will come
lifted a complete bar on granting an- tions. Though there is no clarity on who also involved some time,” said the court. by Hindutva outfits have also sent a The change of heart is not being seen in the state polls which are being held
ticipatory bail in these cases. exactly decided the program and gave “We are only concerned about innocent shockwave among the community. The only in non-BJP parties. Even Dalit lead- before the Lok Sabha elections. Inci-
The court directed that in absence of a call, most of the Dalit organizations people being put behind bars. We are community seems to be fearful of new ers are trying to go along the new wave. dents of atrocities are constantly been
any other independent offence calling except those which are affiliated to BJP not against the Act at all. But innocents caste-consolidation under the banners Most vocal among these leaders is Udi- reported from the BJP ruled states of
for arrest, in respect of offences under came in support of Bandh. It is clear can’t be punished on unilateral version. of Karni Sena, Jat Mahasabha and Mara- traj. Of late, he has been very critical of UP, MP and Rajasthan.
the Atrocities Act, no arrest may be ef- that there was no centralized meeting Why does government want people to tha Kranti Morcha. government policies towards Dalits. He In UP, A BJP MLA is said to be in -
fected without the permission of ap- and none of the political parties was be arrested without verification?” ob- We should also not overlook the is raising issues like increasing atroci- volved in a case of gang-rape of a Dalit
pointing authority in case of a public directly involved in it. However, the served Justice Goel. new leadership among Dalits. This lead- ties on Dalits. girl and murder of her father. These
servant or that of Senior Superinten- social media made it possible to spread Obviously, the government was ership has proven its mettle in Gujarat Is the ruling BJP or its mentor RSS incidents are scaring the community.
dent of Police in case of general public. the message across the country and the contradicting its own stand. It had fur- elections. It is also confronting forces of This may automatically lead to their
The court issued a five-point guide- Bandh became a success. Only scar on nished statistics of misuse and abuse of conservatism at other places. The re- estrangement from the party. The party
line to administer justice in the SC/ST an otherwise successful protest was the act to the court when the court was cent example is Maharshtra where they Soaring does not seem to be able to hold the
(Prevention of Atrocities Act, 1989). The that there were incidents of violence hearing the case and the verdict was showed considerable strength in cele- support it had earned during 2014 polls.
court said that there is no absolute bar in several places and at least nine per- based on it. Annual reports of National brating Bhima-Koregaon win of Mahar unemployment The rival party, Congress, on the other
against grant of anticipatory bail in cas- sons, mostly Dalits, lost their lives. There Crime Bureau, on the other hand, show regiment under the British East India along with laws hand is in an advantageous position.
es under the Atrocities Act if no prima was a huge loss of property caused by a fewer number of charge-sheets and Company against the Peshwa army. Its president Rahul Gandhi is gaining
facie case is made out or where on ju- arson and disorder. At some places, poor number of convictions. Majority of While leaders like Mayawati, Ramvilas unfriendly to support among the communities by al-
dicial scrutiny the complaint is found to the caste conflict came into open. In the complaints fail to reach trial stage. Paswan and Ramdas Athvale from the workers has led lying with the new leadership of Dalits.
be prima facie mala fide. Gwalior, an upper caste Hindu fired on One of the important provisions of the old leadership are increasingly losing He has leaders like Jignesh Mewani by
The verdict came in a case from the protesting mob that resulted in the Act (Section 14) provides for establish- their appeal, the new leadership having to a distressed his side. Leaders like Mayawati are also
Maharashtra in which government death of a Dalit tea-seller. Even a Bharat ment of Special Courts. However, only youngsters like Jignesh Mewani is gain- declaring “better relationship” with the
authorities were punished under the Bandh was observed against reserva- 194 of 700 districts in the country could ing credibility. labour scenario Congress. In the battle between Modi
Act for writing an adverse comment in tion to counter the Dalit assertion. But it get special courts for a speedy trial of The protest has consolidated the and has severely and Rahul, the latter certainly has some
the annual confidential report of a sub- turned out to be a miserable flop. the cases of atrocities. emerging young leadership among advantage as far as the Dalit support is
ordinate who belonged to a Scheduled The spontaneous support to the Though the Supreme Court order Dalits. Comprehending the writing on hit poor section concerned.
Caste. The subordinate had alleged that Bandh on April 2, 2018, was viewed was an immediate trigger for a nation- the wall, seasoned leaders like Ram- of the society
the comment was inspired by a caste with alarm by the ruling establishment wide protest, a closer look at events in vilas Paswan have started changing
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10-11 Dalit Politics Anil Sinha.indd 2-3 02/05/18 5:22 PM