Page 59 - English Tehelka Issue 6 - March 31, 2018
P. 59

How the Oscars made peace

 with #MeToo but ignored all

 else to reward accused men

 Not too many Americans watched the Oscar awards this year. It registered the lowest ratings ever
 on the ABC network, the official broadcaster of Hollywood’s biggest night, getting President Donald
 Trump, a popular butt of Oscar jokes, to tweet “…Problem is, we don’t have Stars anymore- except
 your President (just kidding, of course!)”, archita kashyap writes

 hile the network and   tals-studded night clearly established   Oldman called her a liar, won cus-
 Hollywood’s all-pow-  the most obvious fact — the Oscars   tody of their children and never clari-
 erful Academy are yet   remain an elite club, where they award  fied his stand. Fiorentino has lost no
 to  react  to  the  poor   their own without paying much atten-  time is also pointing out that the Oscars   admitted to rape. But none of that inter-  The Academy never discloses which   • Stars shine more  Oscar winners are floating
 W show on TV, despite su-  tion to accusations of abuse, harass-  awarded an abuser. Oldman is known   fered with his stratospheric rise to NBA   members participated in a particular   on a wave of fuzzy glory.
 per host Jimmy Kimmel being in charge,  ment or morally wrong deeds.   to mouth abuse during interviews,   demigod. Now, with two active social   round of voting.
 one can safely guess that the current 18   The most visible win that reflects   abusing Democrat Party leader Nancy   media campaigns waging war against   The presence of diversity was also
 to 40 viewer’s swift changeover in loy-  that Oscars come to some anyway, is   Pelosi during one such session.   sexual abuse and harassment, Bryant’s   evident in key nominations this year   plause and accolades within this power-
 alties to online streamed shows and   Gary Oldman. He won Best Actor for   He has also called Mel Gibson a ‘vic-  Oscar especially rankles. It indicates that  with Rachel Morrison becoming the first  ful film fraternity.
 increased appetite for viewing online   his performance as Winston Churchill   tim’ of ‘a Jewish conspiracy’; clearly an   the Academy will reward it’s own kind,   female cinematographer in the awards’   Add to that the fact that Ryan Seacrest,
 has affected appointment viewing. Ad-  in The Darkest Hour. Oldman’s ex-wife   actor whose immense talent overshad-  despite a changing social climate.  90-year history to be nominated for Best  accused of sexual harassment by his per-
 ditionally, Kimmel’s frequent criticism   Donya Fiorentino has accused Oldman  ows his temperamental problems. Yet   Jimmy Kimmel cracked a joke during   Cinematography; and Vanessa Taylor be-  sonal assistant, hosted the much-viewed
 of President Trump could have turned   of domestic abuse in the past, stating   Oldman received a standing ovation   his speech when he referred to Wein-  ing a rare co-nominee in the Best Origi-  E! Oscar show on the red carpet, and you
 off a section of audiences in America.   that he tried to squeeze her neck, and   when he went onstage to collect his   stein’s expulsion from the Academy.   nal Screenplay category for The Shape of   know that it’s business as usual at the
 And a second major factor could be   hit her on the face, in front of their cry-  trophy.   The only other member to have been   Water. Greta Gerwig became only the   movies.
 the fact that the Oscars didn’t pack any   ing children during a domestic fight.   A British actor who had chosen to   expelled EARLIER was a video editor   fifth woman to get nominated for Best   The late John Heard, also accused of
 punches. It incorporated the poten-  Fiorentino has a history of pain killer   make Hollywood his home, Oldman is   who had shared a screener (special DVD  Director ever.   stalking and harassment, found his spot
 tially volatile #MeToo movement and   addiction and shared past of alcohol   also known to fraternize and socialize   prints of nominated films) with someone   Yet, the Academy chose to award   in the In Memoriam section.
 #TimesUp campaign comfortably in   addiction with the actor.   with those who matter at the studios.   who wasn’t a member. The quantum of   those who were tipped to win, utilizing   In tacit acceptance of ‘boys will be
 its program rundown order with three   As Kobe Bryant won an Oscar for   punishment for both was the same.   these nominations smartly to deflect   boys’ behaviour from some, the Oscar
 victims of Harvey Weinstein, dressed in   best animated short for Dear Basketball,   Ironically, this puts the spotlight on a   criticism and accusations of bias. That   awards give legitimacy to menfolk who
 their best, sharing a diversity video; a   accusations of rape and out of court   continuous relationship that the Acad-  The Shape of Water, accused of plagiarism  might lose work because of accusations
 far cry from straight forward activism.   In tacit acceptance   settlements that the basketball star   emy awards have with men accused of   (by respected playwright Paul Zindel, of   of bad behaviour, violent behaviour and
 It didn’t surprise with a single upset and   of ‘boys will be   has been part of, were put on the back   abuse, rape and harassment. It took the   having been adapted from his play <Let   sexual harassment.
 awarded those that were predicted to   burner. A 19-year-old hotel employee   people-driven, volatile and visible #Me-  Me Hear You Whisper>) won four Oscars   But the awards must know that in
 be winners. (The Shape of Water for Best   boys’ behaviour   accused Bryant of rape in 2003, which   Too Campaign this year to exclude erst-  indicates that fair play isn’t always prior-  incorporation of radical movements
 Film, Guillermo Del Toro for Best Direc-  from some, the   he denied forcefully till authorities   while certified abusers — Roman Polan-  ity for Hollywood’s elite.   within its smooth flow, the Oscar awards
 tor, Allison Janney for Best Supporting   linked DNA evidence to him. He tried   ski and Woody Allen.  The Oscars scored a victory when it   risk being relegated to stuff that the
 Actress, etc), It is entirely possible that   Oscar awards   deflecting these accusations by calling   Regularly accused by people of lack   had the trio of Ashley Judd, Anabella Sci-  young and woke don’t like to watch.
 viewers, having tuned in, might have   it a consensual extramarital encounter,   of representation of Hispanic, Black   orra and Salma Hayek onstage together   Being  in  touch  with  one’s  evolving
 tuned out once predictability and bore-  give legitimacy   and then proceeded to settle a civil case   and Asian talent, the Academy has ex-  to highlight that abuse, harassment and   audience is very important for those who
 dom settled in.   to men accused   out of court.   panded its membership by 774 new   general bad behavior at the workplace   make films. Perhaps this can explain why
 The zingiest bit about the Oscar cer-  He also issued a long, heavily word-  voting members from diverse ethnici-  will not be accepted.   the Oscar awards were such a poor show
 emony came at the end when Frances   of bad behaviour,   ed statement, stating that the woman   ties. From India, Deepika Padukone, Pri-  Yet, in its contradictory approach to-  on TV this year. It simply didn’t get the
 McDormand won Best Actress and sa-  violence and sexual   had not been paid off to buy her silence,   yanka Chopra, Salman Khan, Aishwarya   wards Kobe Bryant and Gary Oldman,   people’s pulse.
 luted women power of female nomi-  and that she had not viewed their sexu-  Rai Bachchan, Amitabh Bachchan, Irrfan  it also reflected that beyond tokenism,
 nees. Otherwise, this Swarvoski crys-  harassment  al encounter as consensual. In brief, he   Khan and Aamir Khan have voting rights.    there is still a lot to change about ap-

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