Page 57 - English Tehelka Issue 6 - March 31, 2018
P. 57
Five mantras to help system then what would be the condi- role of the lifeline of this loop. become more stressed. This again goes
on in a loop.
And on top of it, parents and chil-
tion of students who are constantly
Here, I present some humble sug-
beat exam stress experiencing the pressure, constant dren are constantly being exposed to gestions for the children and parents
news, social media and suggestion and
sermons, comparisons with other
advices given by peers and relatives.
students, negative influences, sarcasm,
which might help them during stressful
unrest and tiredness. What I mean to say is that in real- times:
There was a time when one wouldn’t ity exams may not be tough but the
It’s so stressful to talk just once in a while about studies and exams. hear words like ‘stress’ and ‘depression’ information and energies surrounding Yashica Jalhotra’s boss has given her
Being You What would be the condition of students who constantly experience until spending 50 years of his or her life the students become so stressful and another ‘stressful’ project and she was just
seen taking out a depression pill from her
but now every other person and child is negative that exams become a demon
the pressure, lengthy sermons, negative influences and tiredness! stressed. The parents are stressed so the for them. drawer. Send her some wisdom, I mean
Yashica child is stressed. The child is stressed And the worst part is that this fear, letters at
Jalhotra so the parents are stressed. This is a stress and anxiety are not helping them
viscous loop and exams are playing the in mastering the syllabus and then they
ah! They are here again. speech against the Indian methodology
The writer, currently Can’t they choose a better of imparting education to children and
Editor (Digital Media), time to come? It’s been a adults. At first I thought he had prepared Understand what makes Listen to the PM: When
is noted for giving witty celebratory and joyous time an essay for his upcoming English you stressed: Sometimes even the Prime Minister
tips on current issues, A for the last three months Board Exam but he just went on and it’s not the exam which is of your country wants
lifestyle, health, love, and now suddenly I have to become on. I just wanted to tell him that he has troubling you but some you to be stress-free
parenting, behaviour, serious, focused and boring. I celebrated already spoken enough to get ten out of other thought or experi- wduring exams don’t
inner-self, spirituality, New Year until Lohri and then I looked ten marks, that if he utilizes his intelli- ence. Find out the original you think you should at
beliefs,relationships forward to Holi in March. Where do gence in studies he will get not good but cause of your pain and least listen to him? PM
and everything else the horrible exams fit in all these happy great marks. But I didn’t dare to utter a instead of putting it on ex- Modi has been stressing
under the sun. moments? single word as it would lead to another ams deal with it directly. on stress-free exams and
“Oh! By the way I forgot tell that Arpit discussion and would take away an- Are you really stressed has even written a book
has stormed into my house. Yes. Yet other one hour of mine, along with two or is it just that everyone ‘Exam Warriors’ in which
again. Do I need to tell you that this time more cups of tea from my kitchen. around you is making you he advises parents and
his latest subject of cribbing is exams?” And finally when he went back to stressed? Ask yourself. students to face exams
Me: But why do you have to be sad his place I was left with just one thing— sans stress.
during exams? Why can’t you be as joy- stress. What do you think his long,
ous as you were during celebration? unstoppable complaints against teach-
Arpit: As if you have never appeared ers, parents, authorities and his own
for any exam in India. Do you think friends would have given me? For the Get educated in the power
what you saying is practical? first time, I realized the true meaning of of the mind: If it’s not exams
Me: Yeah. But.. Listen. May be… the saying- it will be something else. Life
So, he had a point and I was short of ‘You become what you are surround- may be full of challenges.
words. ed with’ You and your child need to
Before I could even engage my mind But that also made me think if I am learn how to handle every
in fabricating a false happy education so stressed with a once in a while talk situation. That’s where edu-
system of India, he was all set with his about studies, exams and the education cation in the power of mind
comes. Your mind has the
capacity to give you stress Accept challenges with a smile: It is what it is. Frowning is not going
or happiness from the same to benefit you in any form now but smiling can. Be more joyful and see
event. Get this power how things start happening for you.
Believe in your success: Adopt ‘NO Matter what comes’
attitude. If you have unconditional belief in your success,
no fear or stress can ever come near you. Develop the
attitude of believing in your strengths and capabilities.
You have all the resources you need to excel in life.
Exams are just a testing phase like other challenges
which may come later in your life. And you know what.
You can clear all!
Tehelka / 31 march 2018 56
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