Page 23 - English Tehelka Issue 6 - March 31, 2018
P. 23

Tripura results: Left needs   is exception to it. It is opposed to   How Tripura was won  same dangerous path has been cho-

                                               The battle in Tripura was far from
                 the unipolar nature of politics and
                                                                             sen by the BJP. Bizarrely, many of
                                                                             the characters in this dance of death
                                               being fair. The media ignored all
                 is taking clear ideological position
 to brace for change  on economic and political issues.   instances of violations of election-  are the same. As Young men they
                                                                             were part of Congress or TNV/TUJS
                 Unlike Congress and other political
                                               laws and bending of rules. Not a
                 parties, it opposes policies of liber-
                                               single report was published on how  and served as their storm-troopers
                 alization and globalization in an
                                               There were also no news on the use  they have joined the BJP or the
                 unambiguous term. This is the only   much money BJP spent in the polls.   to spread terror in the 1980s. Now,
 Despite converting a troubled state into a well-managed province, the Left could not portray   block which is also fiercely opposed  of religion, caste or other identi-  IPFT (Indigenous People’s Front of
                                                                             Tripura) and are planning to repeat
                                               ties to mobilize the voters. The Su-
                 to communal politics and hardly
 itself in the correct spotlight to counter the BJP’s maligning campaign, anil sinha writes  shows any deviation.   preme Court has prohibited it and   those nightmarish days,” alleges the
                   This is in contrast to what Con-  the Election Commission has been   CPI(M).
                 gress and other parties do. They   reminding political parties to obey   Ironically,  no TV  channel  or
 ith  just  two  Lok   state too gives a glimpse of it. The duo   show ample political opportunism   the verdict. Despite the fact that the  newspaper highlighted the fact that
 Sabha seats, Tripura   roped in dozens of central ministers   and are often soft on Hindutva or   BJP not only worked out a poll alli-  militant nationalists who were ef-
 hardly  matters  in   and leaders to campaign in the state   minority communalism. The recent  ance based on ethnic identities but   fectively marginalized by the CPI(M)
 the parliamentary   and ensured that the RSS should be   example of Congress’ soft Hindutva   also appealed to voters to vote on   government have revived them-
 W arithmetic  of  the   active in the region with all its might.  could be been seen in Rahul Gan-  the basis of it, the Election Commis-  selves by their alliance with the BJP.
 country. Senior Rashtriya Janata Dal   Tripura has done   A close look at the politics of the   dhi’s wandering in Hindu temples   There are enough indications that
 leader and former MP Shivanand   extremely well   country would only reveal that it   of Gujarat and Karnataka. This am-  IPFT will raise its demand of sepa-
 Tiwari questions the hype around   has, by and large, become unipolar in   biguity in its policies explains why   The state   rate state of Tipraland and revive
 the recent victory of the BJP in the   on most Human   more than one way. The consensus   its cadres switch over to BJP so eas-  its secessionist demands. This may
 North-East on this ground, saying   Development   on economic policies among most   ily. It is easy for an ordinary leader   witnessed large-  allow social tension between tribal
 that the results would hardly have   of the mainstream political parties   of the Congress, Samajwadi Party   scale violence in   and non-tribal populations to resur-
 any impact on the poll outcome of   Indices.   testifies it. There is hardly any differ-  or other mainstream political par-  face. The state could witness clash
 2019. But the manner in which the   ence among them on the policies of   ties to switchover to the BJP. They do   the 1980s and   between tribals and the Bengalis as
 outcome of the keenly-contested   Employment for   liberalization and globalization. The   not feel any hesitation in speaking   has been the case in the past.
 assembly election has been hyped   educated youth   direct implication of this situation is   the language of Hindutva. Though,   could only recover   It is clear that the BJP has adopt-
 points to the political significance of   that the corporate sector is guiding   of late, Rahul Gandhi has started   from it in the   ed the same tactics which it has
 the victory for the BJP. The despera-  was the only front   the articulation of political discourse   criticizing economic policies, how   adopted in Jammu and Kashmir
 tion shown by Prime Minister Nar-  where the state   in the country. The Left Front —   much change he is likely to bring   nineties under   where the party chose to join hands
 endra Modi and BJP President Amit   CPI(M), CPI, RSP and Forward Block   in Congress’ economic policies is a   Left rule  with the PDP which has been sup-
 Shah for winning the tiny border   failed  — is the only political block which   matter of speculation. The thinking   porting separatists. Both in J&K and
                 of Congress is still guided by per-                         Tripura, Ram Madhav, the RSS rep-
                 sons like Manmohan Singh and P   sion or the media did not take any   resentative in the BJP, has played an
 • Popularity    Chidambaram. They are unlikely to   notice of it.           important role in formulating these
 grows The       change their stance. What Rahul is   Tripura has a turbulent past.   alliances.
 recent BJP      propagating might be a liberal face   The state was witness to large scale   It is clear that change of guard in
 victories       of these economic policies.    violence in 1980s and could only re-  Tripura will affect the state in many
 point to          Its opposition to the economic   cover from it in the nineties under   ways. What would be its repercus-
 the rising      policies and its unenviable posi-  the Left rule. Nripen Chakraborty   sion on national politics and on
 political       tion as the champion of the cause   and Manik Sarkar as chief ministers  2019 elections is also not difficult to
 significance    of oppressed and marginalized sec-  worked hard to restore the state to   assess. If the poll result has now ex-
 of the party    tions of society — Dalits, minorities,  complete normalcy. They were able  posed the state to accelerated ten-
                 farmers and workers — make the   to marginalize the separatist outfits   sion and breakdown of hard earned
                 Left a relevant political force of the   and insurgent tribal groups.  social harmony, it has opened the
                 country. This is why the Left is the   “All this has happened before in   door of realignment of political
                 main enemy of the Right. So, Tripu-  Tripura. In the mid-1980s, it was the  forces in the national politics.
                 ra had to be “freed” or Kerala has to   Congress which, in a desperate bid   As far as the national politics and
                 be “freed” in order to demolish the   to dislodge the Left Front in 1988   the coming Lok Sabha polls are con-
                 ideology which talks of providing   Assembly Elections, allied with the   cerned, the BJP will certainly try to
                 an alternative to the “Sabka Saath   tribal group, TUJS (Tripura Upjati   imitate its style of campaigning and
                 Sabka Vikas” model of development,  Samiti), a front for the violent and   other aspects of its poll strategy. Ob-
                 which ironically has a clear bias in   separatist TNV (Tripura National   viously, this style is in contrast to the
                 favour of the corporates.     Volunteers). This time round, the   political norms of the country.                        tehelka / 31 march 2018  23

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