Page 38 - English Tehelka Issue 3&4
P. 38
rime Minister Narendra China which declared that it would a unifying and harmonious India — ir-
Modi, the first Indian Prime like to work with India to strengthen respective of split reactions to these
Minister to address the globalization for the benefit of all claims, have spurred many dispassion-
World Economic Forum countries. ate critics to evaluate the relevance of
P (WEF) annual summit in Another key issue that PM Modi these claims at the domestic pitch.
Davos in two decades, in his hour-long sought to highlight at Davos was that of PM Modi’s flaunting of his economic
speech at the event tried to showcase terrorism when he said: “As dangerous reforms abroad belies the strong un-
his government’s economic track re- as terrorism is, the artificial distinction dercurrent of discomfort at home, be-
cord. Domestically hailed as a big oc- being made between good terrorist and cause both demonetization and GST
casion speaker capable of sparking a bad terrorist is more dangerous”. Some implementation have been disruptive
response in his audience by dazzling critics opine that this assertion perhaps to say the least, and the promised ben-
them with the audacity of his vision, was pointed at Pakistan’s dilly-dallying efits of both are yet to show up. Drawing
PM Modi was confronted with a tough- with sections of the Taliban and Kash- attention to the fact that domestic play-
er task at Davos, to find common cause mir-focused militant groups. ers have cut back on investments as a
on vital issues, and he picked up three Modi’s allusion to climate change as lack of demand has rendered existing
issues on which most world leaders another major vexing issue coincides excess capacity useless, the RBI survey
share identical views — globalization vs. with the fact that India has played a sig- for the quarter ending September 2017
protectionism, terrorism and climate nificant role under the Modi regime in reveals that domestic industry is cur-
change. Some experts opine that Modi sealing the Paris Agreement on Climate rently operating at only 70 per cent
was expected to have a big act to follow Change (PACC). capacity in the wake of tepid demand,
Modi’s magic in Davos? the country. Attention is also drawn to ously still under-confident, still con- government’s latest move to stall the
scious of the need to push its growth
import of cheap solar modules from
recent imposition of stiff tariffs by the
story on the world.
China and elsewhere won’t do the
government on imports of cellphones,
The government’s claim on cli -
video cameras and televisions.
According to a recently released
In this regard, Mark Wu, a former mate change is also contested by some renewables industry any favours either.
trade negotiator for the USA, has said: experts who point out that steps to pro- report compiled by Yale’s Centre for
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his speech at Davos, tried to hard sell India while “While the prime minister articulated mote renewable energy at home have Environmental Law and Policy, India’s
pleasing the world even as issues that he spoke about remain unattended on the all the right messages on globalization been let down by lack of planning or ranking on pollution and ecosystem
at Davos, his government remains firm-
coordinated effort within the govern-
protection has fallen to 177 out of 180,
domestic front, dr. anil singh writes ly committed to a strategy of leveraging ment. While citing the example of lack down from 156 two years ago.
its market size to drive industrial poli- of regulations for wind power having India’s claim of resistance to ter-
cies to spur greater high-tech manufac- hamstrung the sector and squeezing rorism is conceded by many experts
when he took the stage at Davos, but While speaking of India’s diversity, a monumental pile of bad loans, and turing in India. This is bound to cause of India’s red-hot solar power industry primarily because of alertness of our
little of that was on display along with of how democracy was its strength, of shy investors as well as abysmal credit greater trade frictions ahead.” by a narrowing pipeline of auctions, Armed Forces at the international bor-
split reactions. how it sought consensus and unity in growth of the banks. Growing income inequality in In- experts have pointed out that the ders and intelligence agencies domes-
politics at home and abroad, PM Modi In the absence of credible data, the dia is also a matter of serious concern tically; however, what they bemoan is
Claims at Davos quoted poet Rabindranath Tagore, jury is still out on the amount of jobs or that casts aspersions on India’s growth fractured Indian society, which is no
Perhaps enthused by encouraging saying he had written of “a heaven of employment opportunities created and story. Recently released reports like While strongly stranger to religious or caste-based
predictions by the World Bank and freedom where the world is not divided most of them agree that it is nowhere World Inequality Report and annual strife. Indulgence in violence and toxic
IMF that India’s economy would be the by narrow walls” and called for turn- close to optimal. It is further pointed out Oxfam study report say that the rich- criticising rhetoric against minorities and Dalits,
fastest-growing major one in ensuing ing that into reality, stating that “India that due to dearth of secure livelihoods est 1 per cent of Indians got around 73 especially during elections to garner
years, Modi said India was poised to will always be a unifying and harmo- from farms to factories, the mere open- per cent of the total wealth generated protectionism political and electoral dividends, being
become a USD five-trillion economy nizing force”. ing of bank accounts for the poor has in the country in 2017. Besides, WEF’s at Davos, Modi a recurring phenomenon, belies PM
by 2025. He also tried to showcase his done little for financial inclusion. Inclusive Development Index for 2018 Modi’s motto of sabka saath sabka vikas.
government’s economic track record, Relevance of Claims While strongly criticizing protec- has ranked India at 62 among develop- government Thus, much of his speech was a
emphasizing the “inclusiveness” appar- In the wake of PM Modi’s strong pitch tionism at Davos, Modi government ing countries, behind even Pakistan. is pursuing a public-relations blitz that many in the
ently achieved during his term. for India as the most suitable destina- is pursuing a protectionist agenda at As a sequel to these reports, some audience had heard before. Davos
In his defence of globalization, Modi tion for investment at Davos veering home, which is at odds with the mantra observers contest the government’s protectionist didn’t want India to sell itself to the
lamented that forces of protectionism around five major claims — vibrant and of globalization. Recent moves by the claim of inclusive growth by asserting agenda at home, world; it needed India to lead. Claims
were raising their heads against glo- inclusive economy, support for globali- government to restrict imports into In- that undoubtedly, India’s economy may made at Davos would sound hollow, if
balization and their intention was to zation and opposition to protectionism, dia are part of a broad industrial policy be rebounding — slightly and hesitantly such as restricting not addressed domestically.
change ‘the natural flow of globaliza- resistance to terrorism, steadfast com- meant to force foreign companies to — after a self-inflicted slowdown; nev- imports into India
tion’. Modi’s stand found support from mitment to the objectives of PACC and increase manufacturing operations in ertheless, Modi’s government is obvi-
tehelka / 28 february 2018 38 tehelka / 28 february 2018 39
38-39 Davos Anil Singh.indd 2-3 12/02/18 2:39 PM