Page 37 - English Tehelka Issue 3&4
P. 37

a “broader unity of Left and demo-  to tackle BJP on its own. The citi-  good but a poor, uneducated man   poliTics
 cratic forces including Congress”.   zens in non-CPI(M) ruled states will  who always voted his caste instead
 This claim was also supported by   not waste their vote in voting for a   of casting his vote would be least in-
 Thomas Isaac, the current finance   party which they know cant repre-  terested in understanding Marxist
 minister of  Kerala. All Central Com-  sent their interests in Parliament.   economics. In fact, people in some
 mittee members from West Bengal,  CPI(M)’s commitment to fighting   states don’t even know what CPI(M)   • Alliance proposal Yechury’s proposal for
 Maharashtra, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh,   communal forces is nothing more   is all about.   a tactical understanding with Congress was
 Punjab, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh,   than empty rhetoric. You cannot   After ascent in the BJP’s fortunes   comprehensively rejected
 Uttarakhand, Chhattisgarh, Kar-  fight communal forces by weak-  in the early 1990s, CPI(M) stalwarts
 nataka, and Jammu and Kashmir   ening secular parties. Considering   Jyoti Basu and Harkishen Singh Sur-
 supported the Yechury faction. Also,   the current political scenario, irre-  jeet rightly perceived the Congress   is ten times mightier than it was in
 a few members from Tripura and   spective of whether the Congress is   as “the lesser evil” and left their old   2004 and it is not possible for the
 three of the five members from   genuinely against BJP’s policies or   hostility towards the party. They   CPI (M) to fight the BJP alone in the
 Tamil Nadu sided with the Yechury   whether it only differentiates itself   understood the urgent need of all   whole country without the support
 faction. Yet, members from Kerala,   for electoral gain, Congress is the   secular parties to unite against the   of a party like the Congress which
 Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Bihar   only party which has the backbone   communal forces. It was this new   has roots in all states. Interestingly,
 and Haryana, sided with Karat and   to defeat BJP. If the secular demo-  approach that resulted in the Left   in a major blow to Karat and his fac-
 outweighed the interests of 13 states.  cratic parties do not support Con-  parties’ extension of outside sup-  tion, CPI(M) leaders in West Bengal
 Some leaders like Amra Ram in   gress they will just end up dividing   port to the Congress government   have vowed to split the party this
 Rajasthan, Mohd Yousuf Tarigami in  the votes and giving the benefit to   led by PV Narasimha Rao in 1991.   year if the party would not approve
 Kashmir, and unions like CITU and   communal forces.   Deeply shocked by the 2002 Gujarat   an alliance with the Congress before
 All India Kisan Sabha have retained   Senior leaders in CPI(M) agree   riots, the Left parties realised that   2019. If the broader coalition with
 some grounds. But even members   that  the  BJP-RSS  is  the  “big -  if these communal forces were not   secular parties is not approved, they
 of these organisations don’t find   gest threat the country is facing   stopped, they would pose a serious   will have no other way.
 much purpose voting for CPI(M)   presently”,but this assessment is of   threat to the social fabric of India. It   On one hand, the CPI(M) central
 when compared to any other na-  no use if under the pretext of oppos-  was this concern that made Surjeet   committee’s draft resolution said
 tional party. The world’s largest   ing neo-liberal economic policies   play a key role in the formation of   that the main aim of the party is to
 strike took place in 2016, when 180   the hardliner comrades are paving   the first UPA government in 2004   “defeat the BJP” and it will spare no
 million workers put down their   way for the victory of BJP. Everyone  in order to stop the BJP-led NDA   effort in “mobilising all secular dem-
 tools under the initiative of Left   has had this issue with Indian com-  from returning to power. After Sur-  ocratic forces” in pursuit of this goal.
 parties, but these workers will not   munists that they only indulge in   jeet had no choice but to resign due   ty’s general secretary. He undid in   CPI(M)’s   And on the other, Yechury’s sensible
 vote for CPI(M) because they know   intellectual talk. Their idea of bring-  to his old age and failing health, in   just three years what his predeces-  and practical proposal for a tactical
 that it doesn’t have the capability   ing about social change might be   April 2005, Karat became the par-  sor had painstakingly achieved over   commitment to   understanding with the Congress
                several years, which was nothing but   fighting communal     was comprehensively rejected. If
 photos: tehelka archives  consolidation of secular forces.                  the Karat faction would not let the
 • Tie up         According to a Wikileaks report,   forces is nothing       general secretary work, then they
 criteria Karat   just 10 days before Karat became   more than empty         shouldn’t have taken an initiative to
 and his faction   the general secretary of the party                        bring Yechury as general secretary.
 face  split    on April 11, 2005, then US ambas-  rhetoric. You             It is rumoured that Brinda Karat or S
 in the party   sador to India David Mulford had   cannot fight              Ramachandran Pillai might succeed
 this year if it   sent an extensive cable to Washing-                       Yechury as the next general secre-
 doesn’t        ton evaluating Karat and his party   communal forces         tary. A final decision on the party’s
 approve tie up   which said: “CPM icon Jyoti Basu (is)                      strategy would be taken at the April
 with Congress  concerned that Karat will not be as   by weakening           meeting. For CPI(M), which projects
                adept at handling the Congress or   secular parties          itself as one committed to ideol -
                even the Left Front coalition as well                        ogy, Karat’s line could be seen as the
                as Surjeet.”                                                 politics of principle. But in today’s
                  Somnath  Chatterjee,  former   Jyoti Basu to become the Prime   political context, when the BJP is the
                Speaker of Lok Sabha and parlia-  Minister, followed by his decision of   country’s dominant political force, it
                mentarian who had represented   withdrawing support to the UPA.  might not be a practical position to
                CPI(M) in Parliament for nearly four   The Congress, the Samajwadi   take. The Yechury faction is hoping
                decades, claimed that Yechury had   Party (SP) and the Rashtriya Janata   for a turnaround in Hyderabad. If
                been trying hard to put the pieces   Dal (RJD) are only three other po-  the party does not forge some fortui-
                together, but there was a limit to   litical parties in the country which   tous alliance, it risks further aliena-
                his tolerance. He further stated that   haven’t had any kind of alliance with  tion in Indian politics.
                Karat’s victory was Modi’s victory.   the right wing political outfit. For CPI
                Under the previous general secre-  (M), what remains is the SP and the   The writer studies at Christ University,
                tary, the party was on the course of   RJD. The SP is in its weakest position   Bangalore and has a keen interest
                its extinction. All his decisions and   ever in its history and RJD’s chief   in politics. The views expressed
                policies cost the party a lot. And it   Lalu Prasad, meanwhile, has been        are his own.
                started when he refused to allow   imprisoned in the fodder scam. BJP

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