Page 7 - 31JAN2020E3
P. 7
While the composite index has government from top to bottom in having too many confusing
improved three positions, the colluded with the manoeuvres variants like Lx, Lxi, Vx, Vxi for
underperformance on hun- to strangle democracy and make same model. India being biggest
ger/nutrition and poverty is a mockery of parliamentary consumer-market amongst
worrying. The dip in the index proprieties. nations with free economy, it
on malnutrition is widespread MN BHARTIYA has certainly power to dictate
across States. its consumer-friendly terms for
Quality food and nutrition are Appreciate Muslim global market-leaders collabo-
the basic need of society, vital teaching Sanskrit rating car-manufacture in India.
for not just proper physical and With reference to the report “Row over BHU’s Union government should
Sanskrit professor fails to die down” by Mudit
mental growth of the indi- Mathur (November 30) induce standardization of
vidual but also to enable future It was nauseating to see students common accessories like tyres
generations to participate in the at BHU sitting on a dharna and batteries so that same parts
economic process for their own because a Muslim professor had may be used in different models
prosperity and contribute in been appointed to teach San- of cars produced by various
nation-building. skrit. When there is no objection car-manufacturers.
Such underperformance on to anyone learning Sanskrit, It will heavily bring down cost
hunger/nutrition could under- then there cannot be and should of consumables through their
mine future economic perfor- not be any objection to anyone bumper production in extra
mance of the country and result teaching it. As the article rightly large numbers in some limited
in a vicious cycle of ill-health, said, a language cannot belong sizes and specifications. It can be
poverty and deprivation. Along- to any particular religion. achieved by merging some near-
side public health, we need to In north India, especially in ing sizes and specifications. Such
focus on crop choices which Uttar Pradesh, many people, guidelines though also men-
provide superior nutrition value Hindus not just Muslims, learn tioned in auto-policy of Union
while at the same time reduce Urdu. In the former nizam area government, are never followed
water dependence and GHG of what is now Telangana and in in actual practice.
emissions, and thus help achieve parts of Karnataka and Maha- MADHU AGRAWAL
several SDG goals. rashtra, many students study
V VIJAYKUMAR in Urdu-medium schools even Curtains down for
though they are Hindus and Leander Paes’s career
Parliamentary proprieties their mother tongues are Telugu, Indian tennis icon Leander
should not be mocked Marathi or Kannada. Indians Paes announced that he will
With reference to the report “Maharashtra should rise above the petty is- bring the curtains down on his
Cabinet expansion: Ajit Pawar takes oath as
Deputy CM, Aaditya Thackeray becomes sues of language and religion to illustrious career in 2020, which
minister” by Tehelka WebDesk (December 30) make the country a pluralisatic will be his farewell season on
The BJP’s midnight manoeuvres and secular society. the Pro-circuit. His cupboard
in Maharashtra exposed its In fact, a Muslim teacher overflowing with hundreds of
unscrupulousness and double teaching Sanskrit and a Hindu trophies, that include 18 Grand
standards. This is a turning point teacher teaching Arabic can Slam doubles titles, the 46-year-
in Indian politics. happen only in India. This old has been enduring a lean
The Maharashtra episode has should be a matter of immense patch for some time.
shown the opposition parties pride for Indians. Leander Paes, who is the
how to handle the BJP’s bullying P NAG SHANKAR RAO most successful doubles player
and blackmailing tactics against in the history of Davis Cup with
small regional parties. Standardise consumables 44 wins, recently dropped out
The BJP claims to be against in automobile industry of top-100 for the first time in
corruption but made Ajit Pawar, Too many variants of any car- 19 years. Paes should develop a
who had several corruption model confuse customers. There good tennis academy in Bengal
cases against him, Deputy Chief may be just two variants apart to nurture future tennis players.
Minister in the Devendra Fad- from the third with automatic Both Leander Paes and
navis government. gears, one basic Lx for economy Mahesh Bhupathi pair were the
It failed to keep its promise customers and the other Vx with excellent in doubles in all grand
to its ally the Shiv Sena vis-a-vis all company-fitted extra acces- slams. It is better to quit when
the pre-election 50:50 power- sories and luxuries for affording people ask why?
sharing deal. Everyone in the customers. There is no sense ANANDAMBAL SUBBU