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                                                  Payment via electronic       their concerns and demands
            beyond politics When crime rules: 54% mlAs Aren’t so cleAn in JhArkhAnd    32  means is not cost free  thanks to their level of education
           issue                                  With reference to the report “Money is a terrible   brings them to a fearless expres-
            2                                     master but an excellent servant” by Tehelka
           Volume 17                              Bureau (November 15)         sion platform.
           Jan 2020
           new Delhi                                                             But pertinent to their work
                                                  Cash is the most convenient and
                                                  anonymous financial instru-  participation, country-wise it is
                                                  ment. The current narratives   on declining trend — a econom-
                                                  against cash in India flows from   ic and social loss. The participa-
                                                  a dubious belief that it lies at the   tion of women in labour process
                                                  root of black money, bribery,   does not respond to a marked
                                                  tax evasion, all of which lead to   mechanism.
                                                  money laundering.              Though social mores, rising
                                                    It is not cash which gives rise   incomes of men, gender-based
                                                  to all these seemingly illegal   segregation in the job market,
                                                  practices, but it is the 24 X 7   lack of quality jobs for women
                                                  election-dominated democratic   and occupational safety and
                                                  system that forces business and   health are the reasons for their
               Drug lords play spoilsport as Mumbai celebrates New Year   12  corporates to generate black   poor absorption in the job mar-
                                                  money to grease the wheels of   ket, the major hurdle is family
                                                  democracy through the political   constraint. The work-life balance
                                                  machinery.                   is a vital factor of augmenting
         HALT CRACKDOWN                           promoting a cashless or “less-  women workforce.  NR NAGARAJAN
                                                    In India, the basic purpose of
         ON STUDENTS                              cash” society is to force citizens   It is unfortunate that our young
                                                  to leave behind trails or foot
                                                  prints that can be used to chase   women are not getting enough
         With reference to the Cover Story “India boils over CAA” by   the tax evaders and enable   employment opportunities to
         Mudit Mathur (December 20)               cherry picking depending upon   prove their mettle. Even if a
         Nowadays, India presents a               the proclivity and whims of the   significant portion of working
         shameful image to the rest of the        political administration.    women is under-reported, 16.5
                                                                               per cent is still too low a number
                                                    It is common knowledge that
         world because of the crackdown           large-scale tax evasion in India   for gender parity.
         on students, the stopping                comes more from large busi-    At a time when women have
         of Internet services and the             nesses and corporates rather   proven their capabilities beyond
                                                                               any doubts and ventured in
                                                  than from private individuals.
         storming of university campuses.         If that be so why should we   many so-called male domains,
           Students are the future of             curtail the liberties of innocent   it is shameful that their is no
                                                                               employment for them. What
         India. When they come out                individuals and force them to go   is really worrying is a State like
                                                  cashless, thereby enriching the
         in protest, the solution is not          fin-tech companies and such   Kerala, which is known for its
                                                                               high literacy rates,gives only 16.4
         storming their libraries. The            other intermediaries? After all,   per cent jobs to women workers.
                                                  payment through electronic
         solution lies in hearing them out        means is by no means cost free   Some of the north-eastern
         and trying to understand their           as it is made out to be. Look at   States also present worrisome
                                                                               data. It is the joint responsibility
                                                  the losses of prominent fin-tech
         feelings.                                companies and e-payment plat-  of the State and the Central gov-
                          MOHAMMAD HUSAIN         forms in India. The solution lies   ernment along with India Inc to
                                                  in educating the society.    ensure that our young women
                                                               GANGA NARAYAN RATH  gets as much opportunity as
                                                  Work-life balance key to                        BAL GOVIND
                                                  boost women workforce
                                                  With reference to the report “Empowering rural   Focus on crop choices
                                                  women, the Plumtales way” by Rajendra Khatry   for more nutrition value
                                                  (December 31)
                                                  Indeed, young women are fear-  With reference to the report “Every second child
                                                                               under five faces malnutrition” by Tehelka Bureau
                                                  less and forthright in expressing   (November 12)

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