Page 47 - 31JAN2020E3
P. 47

Ulema-e-Islam Fazal and Jamat-e-Islami                             whether he was circumcised, because
      boycotted the session as they were not                             Bhutto’s mother was a Rajput Hindu
      happy with the new laws.                                           woman.
        The Pakistan Bar Council has ex-                                   Bajwa is expected to obtain maxi-
      pressed concern over the manner Par-                               mum foreign aid i.e. in terms of dollars
      liament is expediting the extension to the                         and military equipment following the
      poresent incumbent army chief. It stat-                            killing of the Iranian general. He claims
      ed,” Giving extensions to incumbents in                            that he has told the Americans that Pa-
      any institution creates perception of in-                          kistani soil cannot be used by any non-
      dispensability and weakens institutions.                           Pakistani force to attack other countries.
      Personality-specific legislative and poli-                         Few will ever accept this statement on
      cy measures go against the spirit of a rep-                        its face value. The enthusiasm among
      resentative democracy. Transitions are                             the politicians also reveals that liker Zia
      important for institution building and                             and Musharraf, Bajwa too would ensure
      creating viable institutions,” Its chair-                          huge financial investment in the country
      man, Amjal Ali Shah in his statement ob-                           in coming months.
      served, “the legislation process failed to                           The US leadership is aware of the Pa-
      address basic issue regarding the neces-                           kistani need and greed. The Sunni Paki-
      sity and desirability of extending service                         stanis do not have any love for the Shi-
      of chiefs’ terms in office. The statement                          asm sect of Islam followed by 95 per cent
      said: “Our history is replete with exam-                           Iranians. They have already subjugated
      ples of the damage done by extending                               or expelled Shias of Pakistan., though in
      terms of powerful office-holders. In the   In recent years, China has   colonial India, Shia Muslims were in the
      third term of a democratic cycle, the mis-                         forefront of the movement for India’s
      takes of the past should not be repeated”.   become the largest military   partition. Also, in killing people, Paki-
      He further asserted that the doctrine of   equipment supplier to   stani army is known for its brutalities. If
      necessity used to justify and legitimize                           they could decimate three-lakh Sunni
      extraordinary measures should have no   Pakistan, relegating US to   Bengali Muslims in 1971 and violate their
      place in a democratic dispensation. In                             four lakh women, they will not hesitate
      this context, Reham Khan’s observation   the second position among   against the Shias of Iran. For them, the
      that the politicians are celebrating the   military hardware suppliers,   Russian occupation of Afghanistan dur-
      mourning procession of the democracy,                              ing 1979-89 had been a huge fund raiser
      because it will ensure power sharing   but during Imran Khan’s     and had boosted political power of Zia-
      with the defense establishment in which   meeting with Trump in July   ul-Haq, the being the front-line state
      people have hardly any role, though ti                             against terrorism, Musharraf too was
      may harm the future of the country.   2019, both sides agreed to   able to obtain huge western financial aid.
                                          'reset' the relationship         In recent years, China has become
      The central position                                               the largest military equipment supplier
      Reham Khan’s observation appears to be                             to Pakistan, relegating US to the second
      more focused when she says that Gener-  the two wings of Pakistan remained to-  position among military hardware sup-
      al Bajwa has proved his political instinct   gether. In 1971, its majority province East   pliers, but following Imran Khan’s meet-
      much better than his predecessor, both   Pakistan revolted against its military rul-  ing US President Donald Trump, on July
      Zia-ul-Haq and Pervez Musharraf. Zia   ers to become Bangladesh. However, the   21, 2019, in the White House. Both sides
      had to send his Prime Minister Bhutto   military remained the pivotal political   agreed to ‘reset’ the relationship between
      to gallows and Musharraf had to exile   force in the truncated remaining west-  the two countries and agreed to the re-
      Nawaz Sharif. In case of Bajwa, he enjoys   ern wing of Pakistan. Another ambitious   sumption of military aid to Pakistan.
      unlimited power and recognition with-  army chief, Zia-ul-Haq, took over power    Both the Pakistani military establish-
      out dethroning a civilian government.   in Pakistan and got its first elected Prime   ment and the politicians are preparing
        The present day, India and Pakistan,   Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, who had   for the “happy days” again with US strike
      were mothered in the white womb i.e.   also appointed him superseding other   near Baghdad’s international airport kill-
      House of Commons, when the British   generals, conspired successfully getting   ing Soleimani, a US-designated terrorist,
      Parliament enacted the India Independ-  his mentor hanged in a cooked-up mur-  along with six others. It is also known
      ence Act 1947, paving the way for the   der case on April 5, 1979. Zia-ul-Haq got   that in his fight against ISIS, US and
      birth of twin states based on the religious   the hanging done under the supervision   Soleimani had been allies for years.
      divide. In spite of hate mongering against   of one of his confidant military officers.
      the secular India, Islam could not keep   Zia also got Bhutto’s genitals checked,    LETTERS@TEHELKA.COM

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