Page 46 - 31JAN2020E3
P. 46
over to the United States. General Bajwa The telephonic conversation order, observing that there is no law to
is expected to play the same role. give extension to the Army chief’s tenure.
with Michael Pompeo hints But the apex court granted a six-month
The funeral cortege of Democracy that Bajwa now occupies the extension to Gen Bajwa after being as-
The telephonic conversation with Mi- sured by the government that Parlia-
chael Pompeo hints that Bajwa now central political position in ment will enact a law on the extension/
occupies the central political position Pakistan. Instead of talking reappointment of an army chief within
in Pakistan. Many journalists and com- six months.
mentators were taken a back with this to the foreign minister The Pakistan watchers have com-
development that instead of talking to or the Prime Minister, US mented that with the parliamentary
the foreign minister or the Prime Minis- endorsement of the prime position of
ter, US Secretary of State chose to discuss Secretary of State chose the army chief, in future, army need not
the sensitive development in the region to discuss the sensitive impose martial law to control power.
with Bajwa. Reham Khan, who was also The government after initial hesita-
one of the political activists, in her obser- development with Bajwa tion secured the support of the main
vation described Bajwa as a better politi- Opposition parties and introduced three
cian than anyone in the country. He does bills in the National Assembly to extend
not need to impose martial law like his 7, Tuesday, passed three crucial bills to the retirement age from 60 to 64 years
predecessor, Musharraf or Zia. give extension to Army chief Gen Qamar for the chiefs of army, navy and air force,
His position is now well established Javed Bajwa for another three years. Ba- and the chairman of the joint chief of
with the seal of the military supremacy jwa, who is known for unleashing the staff committee.
in Parliament. It was endorsed by an military might and its intelligence wing The bills were approved by the Stand-
overwhelming support of the so-called ,ISI, for ensuring victory of Prime Minis- ing Committee on Defense on Monday,
elected representatives. Now, a serving ter Imran Khan in 2018 polls, was given January 6, paving the way for approval
Pakistani army chief may get extension by his protégé extension. Bajwa was to by the Assembly. The Defense Minister,
without enforcing martial law. Democ- retire on retire on November 29, 2019 at Pervaiz Khattak, moved the three bills
racy wins in Pakistan, when with an the end of his three-year original term - The Pakistan Army (Amendment) Bill
overwhelming support the Pakistani but Imran Khan gave him another ex- 2020, the Pakistan Air Force (Amend-
National Assembly amended the Consti- tension of same length citing regional ment) Bill 2020 and the Pakistan Navy
tution to empower its prime minister to security situation through a notification (Amendment) Bill 2020 — for voting
extend tenure of the army chief! on August 19. and were passed easily as Pakistan Mus-
Pakistan’s National Assembly, the However, the Supreme Court on No- lim League-Nawaz and Pakistan People
lower house of Parliament, on January vember 28 suspended the government Party supported them. However, Jamiat