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               n October 10,                                                      was the last year’s Srinagar
               Abdul Hamid          WHY ONLY A FEW                                parliamentary by-poll when
               and his wife                                                       not only did people largely
               Zubaida of the     VOTE IN KASHMIR?                                boycotted but the exercise
     O Batamaloo                                                                  was also resisted, leading to
      locality in Srinagar left their                                             killing of eight people. And
      home at 5.45 am when it was                                                 that too in central Kashmir’s
      pitch dark outside. Their face   Boycott of civic polls underlines how alienated   Budgam district which has
      covered with a muffler, they       Kashmir is, reports RIYAZ WANI           largely been peaceful over
      silently made their way to                                                  the past decade.
      a nearby polling station to                                                   Writing about the boycott
      cast their ballot in the second                                             of the polls, a local English
      phase of the Valley’s civic                                                 daily termed it “a profoundly
      polls. By around 6.15 am both                                               telling development”.
      were back home. None of                                                       “If anything it starkly
      their neighbours saw them                                                   shows how the policies of
      and this is what they wanted.                                               the BJP-led government
      It saved them both from the                                                 have completely alienated
      social stigma attached to                                                   Kashmir,” an editorial in
      voting in the polls in Kashmir                                              Kashmir Observer said.
      and also from the possible                                                  “Four and a half years is a
      wrath of the militants who                                                  long time for a policy to bear
      have warned people against                                                  fruit. And if we go by the
      participating in the exercise.                                              current situation, the Doval
        “It was dangerous to vote.                                                Doctrine has only ended up
      But I decided to go for it as I                                             deepening the disaffection
      wanted my candidate to win,”                                                in Kashmir. Never before has
      Hameed said.                                                                the gulf between the govern-
        But despite the risk under-                                               ment and the people wid-
      taken by Hameed, barely one                                                 ened to such an unbridgeable
      per cent of people exercised   just three per cent voter   boycotted in Valley, if not in   level”.
      their franchise in Srinagar.   turnout as parts of  Srinagar   Jammu and Ladakh regions.   The widespread poll boy-
      There was a meagre polling   and  Anantnag  witnessed   And this is something that   cott has now put a question
      in other parts of the Valley   a near-total boycott of the   hasn’t happened in the Valley   mark over the next year’s
      too. Only exception was the   electoral exercise.  since 1996 when Assembly   general election. There is a
      North Kashmir township of   Srinagar Municipal  areas   elections were held first time   fear that if the grassroots
      Sumbal where around 30   of Batamaloo and Habba   after the outbreak of the   exercise like municipal and
      per cent of people cast their   Kadal assembly segments   armed separatist movement   panchayat polls go un-partic-
      ballots. Still the average per   recorded barely 2.3 per cent    in 1989.   ipated, it is unlikely that the
      centage of polling in Kashmir   turnout, according to official   Interestingly, there was   Lok Sabha elections will see
      Valley for the first phase was   figures released by the CEO    overwhelming participa-  any voting.
      a no more than 8 per cent.   evening. In the 2014 assembly   tion in Assembly polls held   “This should be a moment
        The decision to start   elections, these two constitu-  immediately after the mass   of introspection for New
      polling at 6 was taken after a   encies had recorded more   unrests of 2008 and 2010. In   Delhi,” said Naseer Ahmad,
      paltry 10 per cent of people   than 20 per cent turnout.  fact, more than 80 per cent   a columnist. “The boycott of
      voted in the first phase.   The story of southern   of the people cast their ballot   elections in Kashmir is now
      Government expected that   Anantnag town was no   during Panchayat polls held   more a result of the people’s
      the more people will be   different as the polling per   in 2011,  defying Hurriyat   own initiative than a re-
      encouraged to vote under   centage within its municipal   boycott call. This was stun-  sponse to the boycott call by
      the cover of darkness. But it   limits stood at 1.1 per cent,   ning considering only a few   the Hurriyat and militants”.
      still didn’t work - albeit it did   much lower than Srinagar, at   months ago, the Valley had
      help the per centage lift by a   the end of the voting time.  witnessed a five month long   *Names have been changed
      few infinitesimal per centage   One thing that stands   separatist revolt in which 120   to protect the identity.
      points.                  out is that the civic polls   youth lost their lives.
        Kashmir Valley recorded   have been predominantly   Only exception to this rule    LETTERS@TEHELKA.COM

                                       TEHELKA / 31 OCTOBER 2018  9  WWW.TEHELKA.COM

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