Page 7 - 31OCT2018E
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 10/9/2018  15OCT2018E
 Aadhaar use is fine, but    The court has ruled that linking   is understandable, it is also time   anti-nationals and ‘urban naxals’.   the general election. Raising
 data must be protected  Aadhaar with mobile phones is   that the government sheds light   Where are we headed to as the   equity through public issue to
 With reference to the ‘Editor’s Note’ titled   unconstitutional. Some of us had   on the facts and figures to clear   world’s largest democracy?  meet the capital needs of such
 “Supreme Court on Aadhaar: Better to be unique   to run from pillar to post to get   lingering doubts.  VARGHESE GEORGE  merged banks may not elicit the
 than best” by Charanjit Ahuja (October 15)
 It was perhaps inevitable that   our Aadhaar numbers linked to   MANOHAR ALEMBATH  desired response. Middle class
 the Supreme Court would   our mobile phones. According   I attach little credence to   deposit holders who form the
 uphold the constitutionality of   to reports, 85.7 crore mobile   The mystery has only deepened.   Hollande’s remarks. It may make   bulk of contributors to banks
 the Aadhaar project given that   connections have been linked to   One wonders what there is   exciting copy for a hungry media   have a right to know the process
 the government and private   Aadhaar. Will mobile companies   for the government to hide. If   in India but makes no sense for   of ‘due diligence’ that preceded
 entities managed to coerce us to   that are illegally holding vital   the government continues to   those in business. Regardless   the merger proposal.
 get Aadhaar cards and link them   information about us assure us   stonewall efforts to get answers   of who the offset suppliers are,   V SUBRAMANIAN
 to everything.   that our data will be destroyed?  to the crucial point about how   one is certain that Dassault is
 It is surprising that only   CV VENUGOPALAN  the deal was struck, perhaps the   sure to impose rigid quality   Amalgamation is hardly a
 Justice D.Y. Chandrachud pulled   time is right for the Supreme   control standards so that the   remedy. Bank dues should be
 up the various government   While the apex court’s decision   Court to intervene and order a   final product will clear stringent   held on a par with tax liabilities
 agencies which repeatedly and   is welcome, it is still unclear   probe.  benchmarks.   as it is public money that
 blatantly violated the court’s   how loopholes are going to   ISMAIL MULLA  Dassault is unlikely to   banks trade in. There should be
 order that enrolment should   be plugged. I know a 92-year-  sacrifice its reputation to please   separate courts for realisation
 be voluntary. As the editorial   old man who got his Aadhaar   State-owned Hindustan   either India or the Indian   of bank dues, with time-bound
 pointed out, Aadhaar has   card from Mumbai a few years   Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has   industrialist in question. Even   justice dispensation. Bank  1/1  already become too big a project   ago. But that Aadhaar card is   handled almost every technical   if he was recommended to   boards should be apolitical.
 WHY IS THE RSS    to be scrapped.   not accepted in Tamil Nadu   collaboration in the past and   Dassault, I would not hold   Even an exclusive banking
                     built a number of fighter
                                                  it against whosoever might
 for reasons not known to any
                                                                               career channel on the lines of
 The judges who upheld
 CLARIFFYING?  Aadhaar would not have   of us, and his ration shop has   aircrafts. It has every sort of   have suggested his name as it   the IAS and other specialised
 wished to be seen asking for the   denied supplies to him over the   infrastructure necessary that   would enable opportunities for   fields should be chalked out to
 impossible: a reversal of all the   past two years. It would have   has been built up over time   employment in India.   enhance professionalism in
 With reference to the Cover Story “RSS: Changing contours?”    been better if the court had   and after investing thousands   There are a few private   banks.
 by Charanjit Ahuja and Abdul Wasey (October 15)  effort that has already gone in   ordered the setting up of new   of crores of public money.   companies in the defence
 RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat   expanding the project. What is   government agencies in each   In comparison, the private   field and they are sure to have   SIVAMANI VASUDEVAN
 has highlighted the role of   worrying is that all these data   State to redress such grievances;   sector company “that has been   met and be meeting rigid   Sadly, manual scavengers
 have been proven to be insecure
 the Congress in the freedom   and prone to misuse. It is crucial   the existing online service for   selected” by Dassault is a very   international standards. The   remain worst among equals
                     new entity.
                                                  Congress’s new-found concern
 registering complaints is useless.
                                                                               With reference to the column ‘The Last Word’
 struggle and has now explained   now to see how such data are   Mere issue of an Aadhaar card is   Even if Dassault “made its   for HAL is only part of a political   titled “They die cleaning our sewers, do we care?”
                                                                               by Abdul Wasey (October 15)
 ‘Hindutva’. Hindutva, according   THOMAS THARU  not enough; it should be made   own discretionary choice” in   drama which ignores national   It is not the fault of those in the
                                                  interest for party gains.
                     choosing its offset partner, it
 available for use.
 to this, does not exclude Muslims.   J EDEN ALEXANDER  might have been technically   TC NARAYAN  lowest strata of society who
                                                                               are often forced to do manual
 If such clarifications are to be   Using biometric details to prove   prudent for the Defence   scavenging for a livelihood. It
 one’s identity is somewhat
 taken at face value, then why are   dehumanising. Impoverish-  Rafale figures will help    Ministry to highlight HAL’s   Professionalism must    is the fault of the people who
                                                  be enhanced in banks
 clear lingering doubts
                     expertise. Even at this point of
 those from the right wing being   ment validates social welfare   With reference to the online report “Supreme   time, it might not be too late to   With reference to the report “Banking on reforms   engage them, forgetting that
                                                                               this strata of the society also
 schemes. The possession of an
 let loose on the minorities in the   identity proof should be only   Court to hear Plea against Rafale deal” by    reverse the deal and involve   may give sector more strength to deal with   has the equal right to vote
                                                  NPAs” by Suman (October 15)
 Tehelka Web Desk (October 8)
 name of cow protection or love   incidental to the delivery of   Former French president   R. SRIDHAR  It is claimed that consolidation   and send representatives to
                                                  of banks would help meet
                                                                               Municipal Councils, Assemblies,
 benefits. It should not be impos-
 François Hollande’s salvo has
 jihad and their leaders spewing   sible to prove one’s identity by   added a new twist to the intrigue   the capital requirements of   and ultimately to Parliament.
 venom in their public speeches?  means other than biometric   around the Rafale fighter   Perhaps those in the know   infrastructure-based companies.   Representatives of the area
                     at HAL are maintaining a
 Are these new soft approaches   information. It is unfair and   aircraft deal. Instead of clearing   stoic silence lest they be put   But going by the financial stress   concerned should be held
                                                                               responsible. They must ensure
                                                  created by infra companies,
 unjust to make the survival of
 the air, some in the BJP have
 in preparation of the RSS   the country’s poor dependent   adopted the defence that it is   to hardship by the ruling   banks, even after the merger,   that science and technology
                     dispensation. Meanwhile,
 entering election mode?  on Aadhaar. It is unfortunate   best to paint the Congress as   powerful corporate figures seem   may be reluctant to fund them   are utilised so that manual
                                                  fearing escalation in non-
                                                                               scavenging is eliminated.
 the worst political offenders in
 that Justice Chandrachud was in
 AG RAJMOHAN  the minority despite the greater   terms of corruption. It is absurd   to be having a free run. There   performing assets. One wonders   Tall talk of suo moto
 reasonableness of his views. One   for the BJP to take shelter under   is also no Opposition worth its   whether the strategy to bail out   cognizance of this issue by the
 positive about the verdict is that   the plea that a clarification on   name to keep a check on either   weak banks by infusing funds   judiciary is not the solution as
 private firms cannot ask for our   the price and contract would   the ruling party or the corporate   through recapitalisation has   there are adequate provisions in
 Aadhaar data.  compromise the nation’s   world. Enforcement agencies   failed to produce results so that a   the law to address the issue.
                     too are busy going after so-called
 G DAVID MILTON  security. While the political heat   merger is resorted to while near          P PARAMASIVAN
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