Page 7 - 31JAN2018E
P. 7

/tehelka      @tehelka

                     Concrete action is only way    might be, the thaw in bilateral   passenger comfort and intro-
                     to deal with financial frauds  relations, that have been mutu-  duce newer trains such as Train
                     With reference to the online report “Vijay Mallya   ally destructive, needs to be   18 but it appears to be a mirage.
                     officially tagged as fugitive economic offender”   welcomed.   I wish to highlight the travails
                     (January 5)
                     The move to declare Vijay Mallya   The relentless efforts of peace   passengers on 12626 Kerala
                     a fugitive economic offender   activists to usher in some peace   Express 3 Tier AC Coach B2 (New
                     should lead to concrete ac-  between the warring neigh-   Delhi to Thiruvananthapuram
                     tion against other such alleged   bours seems to have paid off to   route) underwent on December
                     economic offenders. It is also   some extent.             31. All the 3AC coaches have a
                     hoped that the government will   It cannot be refuted that   new type of bio-toilet installed.
                     make public the names of all   many of the prisoners are in-  But in B2, for example, one
                     major bank defaulters and initi-  nocent fishermen who have   toilet remained locked right
                     ate strict recovery proceedings,   unwittingly strayed into enemy   from departure because, as we
                     including legal action where   territory.                 learnt from coach staff, it had
                     applicable.                              nalini VijayaRaghaVan  developed an air lock, a problem
                                                                               associated with the new version.
                                         a Mohan
                                                  Both countries should consider   A passenger also ended up
                     Trump’s bid to mock library   releasing undertrials if there is   getting herself and her clothes
                     building shows his intellect  no threat. Rather than this being   soiled when she tried to use the
                     It is typical of US President Don-  a one-time move, this should   toilet as the water flow was not
                     ald Trump, an anti-intellectual   happen often. Carrying hatred   as it was meant to be.
                     preoccupied with military might   for years is not going to do any   Long distance trains must
                     as a means of shaping a better   good to both countries.  have all amenities in working
                     world, to mock the building                    t anand Raj  order. It was a different matter
                     of a library. It is in recognition                        that the ticket examiner was
                     of such a mindset that Nobel   India’s long-forgotten “Neigh-  indifferent and that unauthor-
                     Laureate Malala Yousafzai    bourhood first” policy now gets   ised hawkers had a free run of
                     requested world leaders to send   a push when seen together with   the coach.
                     books to war-torn countries like   positive developments in India-        Radha SeShadRi
                     Afghanistan instead of guns. The   Maldives and India-Bangladesh
                     Indian Prime Minister clearly   ties as well. We need to keep   The Indian Railways recently
                     responded to that call. Trump   the spirits high and not just   called for applications for about
                     can’t seem to think outside of the   solely focus on larger and distant   63,000 vacancies and drew a
                     old militaristic paradigm. Hence,   nations.              response of over 1.9 crore people
                     his infantile reaction to Modi’s             anjali BhaVana  for jobs such as “helper, porter,
                     initiative.                                               cleaner, gateman, track main-
                                      Rajend naidu  Now that there is significant   tainer and assistant switchman”.
                                                  development on the exchange of   In India, the paradox is that
                     Release of prisoners from    information on prisoners, India   though it is one of the fastest
                     both sides must be hailed    must make an earnest effort to   growing global economies, it is
                     With reference to the online report “Mumbai   find out the fate, in Pakistan, of   unable to generate enough jobs,
                     man freed by Pakistan meets Sushma Swaraj”   Indian prisoners of war of 1971   let alone good ones.
                     (December 20, 2018)          — nearly 60 personnel. Much    Right now, demonetisation
                     Amid escalating India-Pakistan   has been written about them   has created endless problems,
                     hostilities, it comes as a whiff of   but little is known about their   and it is all the more important
                     fresh air that as a follow-up to   well-being. Their families need   that these are addressed espe-
                     the release of India’s Hamid An-  to know what happened.  cially with more numbers of
                     sari and Pakistan’s Imran Warsi,            daRiuS khaMBata  educated young people entering
                     in December 2018, the estranged                           the workforce.
                     South Asian neighbours have   Long distance trains must     Growth has proved elusive
                     decided to herald in 2019 with a   not have faulty amenities   with unemployment, infla-
                     goodwill gesture of exchanging   With reference to the online report “PM Narendra   tion and lower growth rates,
                     lists of prisoners.          Modi inaugurates India’s longest rail-cum-road   however much we may wish to
                       However small or fragile the   bridge in Assam, flags off first passenger train”   sanitise the facts. Quotas are not
                                                  (December 25, 2018)
                     olive branch extended to each   The Indian Railways claims to be   the answer.
                     other by India and Pakistan   making efforts to ensure greater           hn RaMakRiShna

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